Examples of the the word, pencil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pencil ), is the 5933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Small entrance pupil. It is seen (ignoring exceptional cases) that the, pencil ,does not meet the refracting or reflecting surface at right angles; therefore
  2. Passage with members of that calling. As soon as Canova's hand could hold a, pencil , he was initiated into the principles of drawing by his grandfather Casino. The
  3. The pen to write even upside down or in zero gravity environments. A graphite, pencil ,can also be used in this way but produces graphite dust, requir sharpening, and
  4. Discouraged its use in aluminium-containing automatic weapons. Even graphite, pencil ,marks on aluminum parts may facilitate corrosion. Another high-temperature
  5. An ellipse can be drawn using two drawing pins, a length of string, and a, pencil ,:: Push the pins into the paper at two points, which will become the ellipse's
  6. Pattern for Barks' career in that (with rare exceptions) he provided art (, pencil , inking, solid blacks and lettering) and scripting for his stories. The
  7. Pupil the axis of the pencil or principal ray, it can be said: the rays of the, pencil ,intersect, not in one point, but in two focal lines, which can be assumed to be
  8. S technique started with minimalist pencil sketches drawn with a light, pencil ,(though the larger Sunday strips often required more elaborate work); he then
  9. A pencil in a person's hair to determine if the hair was kinky enough for the, pencil ,to get stuck. During the apartheid era, those classed as 'Colored' were
  10. Device that implements this principle. The ruler is replaced by a rod with a, pencil ,holder (point C) at one end, and two adjustable side pins (points A and B)
  11. Town! " Artwork Geisel's earlier artwork often employed the shaded texture of, pencil ,drawings or watercolors, but in children's books of the postwar period he
  12. Naming the central ray passing through the entrance pupil the axis of the, pencil ,or principal ray, it can be said: the rays of the pencil intersect, not in one
  13. Of Leo, I and Attila into a pious" fable which has been represented by the, pencil ,of Raphael and the chisel of). Some histories and chronicles describe him as a
  14. Of" Howl" he disliked the fact that Ginsberg had made editorial changes in, pencil ,(transposing" negro" and" angry" in the first line, for example). Kerouac
  15. And bats and a lair for other, larger,animals, Captain Smith wrote his name in, pencil ,on one of the walls. Still faintly visible, it records his name and the date
  16. Angle at the system) is, in general, even then not sharply reproduced, if the, pencil ,of rays issuing from it and traversing the system is made infinitely narrow by
  17. The apocryphal story credits Betsy Ross for sewing the first flag from a, pencil ,sketch handed to her by George Washington. No evidence for this exists; indeed
  18. Minus for lack of literary flair:" The coarse and distinguishing, pencil ,of Minus has delineated his bloody figures with tedious and disgusting
  19. Used are circle compass, ruler,and set square. Fixative is used to prevent, pencil ,and crayon marks from smudging. Drafting tape is used to secure paper to
  20. Unfortunately strings tend to be elastic so if you push harder on the, pencil ,stretching the string more you will get a bigger ellipse, pushing less it will
  21. Colored or Black, the " pencil test" was employed. This involved inserting a, pencil ,in a person's hair to determine if the hair was kinky enough for the pencil to
  22. To establish the setting (such as, for the lecture hall scene, a shot of a, pencil ,writing notes). Establishing shots were more common during the classical era
  23. And become brittle much sooner. The basic tools are a drawing board or table, pencil ,sharpener and eraser, and for ink drawing, blotting paper. Other tools used are
  24. In the meridional section is no longer symmetrical to the principal ray of the, pencil ,; and on an intercepting plane there appears, instead of a luminous point, a
  25. Urinating on a Ford logo. " Watterson's technique started with minimalist, pencil ,sketches drawn with a light pencil (though the larger Sunday strips often
  26. Lear, On His Travels in Greece: Tomorrow, Athos, all things fair. With such a, pencil , such a pen. You shadow forth to distant men, I read and felt that I was there.
  27. Back in Chicago. By 1911,after seven years of low wages, he was working as a, pencil ,sharpener wholesaler and began to write fiction. By this time Burroughs and
  28. Frank eroticism—nowhere is this more apparent than in his numerous drawings in, pencil ,(see Muller Santana, below ). Life and work Early life and education Gustav
  29. Disegni DI Fellini (Fellini’s Designs),he published 350 drawings executed in, pencil , watercolors, and felt pens. On September 6,1985, Fellini was awarded the
  30. Logbook and online. Geocaches are free to take objects (except the logbook, pencil , or stamp) from the cache in exchange for leaving something of similar or
  31. Into a variable current that controlled the mechanical movement of a pen or, pencil ,to reproduce the image on a blank sheet of paper on an identical drum rotating
  32. As he thinks he is, if he would learn the art of sitting still and using a blue, pencil , he might become twice as good as he thinks he is–which would about rank him
  33. Photographs of WS members were typically censored by means of a rudimentary, pencil ,drawing over the person's face. It was not uncommon in TFI-produced art for
  34. Ink on Executive Mansion stationery, and that he had written the second page in, pencil ,on lined paper before the dedication on November 19. Others believe that the
  35. The instructions (the man),and a means to write symbols in memory (the, pencil ,and eraser). A machine with this design is known in theoretical computer
  36. 2008,p. 251),alembic (distiller) from ambits (cup),Adam (pen, pencil , feather) from Kawabata (cane),almanac (climate),from almenichiakon (
  37. The speed and mathematical knowledge required by their sighted peers using, pencil ,and paper. Many blind people find this number machine a very useful tool
  38. Other methods An ellipse can also be drawn using a ruler, a set square, and a, pencil ,:: Draw two perpendicular lines M, N on the paper; these will be the major and
  39. Forms began to be used for the design of mundane and static objects such as, pencil ,sharpeners, refrigerators,Art Deco explicitly uses man-made materials (
  40. Keep point A always on line N, and B on line M. With the other hand, keep the, pencil ,'s tip on the paper, following point C of the ruler. The tip will trace out an
  41. The system is made infinitely narrow by reducing the aperture stop; such a, pencil ,consists of the rays which can pass from the object point through the now
  42. And O'1R the lateral aberration of the pencil s with aperture u2. If the, pencil ,with the angle u2 is that of the maximum aberration of all the pencil s
  43. A game is generally played to 100 points, the tally being kept with paper and, pencil , In more common games, mainly urban rules, games are played to 150,200,or 250
  44. Soon thereafter, Cheryl stabs Linda (Betsy Baker) in the ankle with a, pencil , Scotty (Hal Del rich) fights with the possessed Cheryl and locks her in the
  45. Here is Anton" ).: Genitive:" Вот карандаш Антона" (" Here is Anton's, pencil ,"). Possessives can also be formed by the construction" У subject есть object
  46. Dots and Dashes, Dots,Smart Dots, Dot Boxing, or,simply, the Dot Game) is a, pencil ,and paper game for two players (or sometimes, more than two) first published
  47. Appearance whether a person was to be considered Colored or Black, the ", pencil ,test" was employed. This involved inserting a pencil in a person's hair to
  48. Geocacher will place a waterproof container containing a log book (with pen or, pencil ,) and trade items then record the cache's coordinates. These coordinates
  49. Check mark because it can be clearer, easier to create with an ordinary pen or, pencil , and less obscuring of any text or image that is already present than a large
  50. Of a few early pieces, such as. He executed his studies almost exclusively in, pencil , even providing topographical information, yet the subtle atmospheric effects

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