Examples of the the word, recreational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recreational ), is the 5946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Usually for food. A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for, recreational ,fishing or to supplement a species' natural numbers is generally referred to
  2. He continued to promote Thelma until his death. Crowley was also bisexual,a, recreational ,drug experimenter and a social critic. In many of these roles he" was in
  3. Wooden boats in many industrial uses, even the fishing fleets. Private, recreational ,boats in steel are uncommon. In the mid 20th century aluminum gained
  4. By trees, served as a recreational area one mile north of the base. Other, recreational ,facilities included a gymnasium, movie theater, and a baseball diamond. The CIA
  5. By Puritan colonies in the 17th century that prohibited various activities, recreational ,as well as commercial, on Sunday Sabbath (Saturday evening through Sunday
  6. With many youth subcultures in Britain (and other parts of the world) as a, recreational ,drug. It has been commonly used by mods, skinheads,punks, goths,gangsters
  7. Ataturk Forest Farm and Zoo (Ataturk Organ Nightlife) is an expansive, recreational ,farming area which houses a zoo, several small agricultural farms, greenhouses
  8. Boats: bolivares in RIA for hire to tourists, for fishing purposes and, recreational ,ones like regattas. Routes/Primary expressways: A 1 (Porto <> Lisbon); A 25 (
  9. As an inhalant, it also has a psychoactive effect, which has led to its, recreational ,use. Nomenclature The term" Amy nitrite" encompasses several isomers. For
  10. And number of game fish in 1965–66 shortly after its completion date. The, recreational ,facilities include a large area cleared and zoned for swimming with complete
  11. Many species of birds are also hunted for meat. Bird hunting is primarily a, recreational ,activity except in extremely undeveloped areas. The most important birds hunted
  12. Out and touch someone's finger or touch their own nose. And various other, recreational ,drugs (e.g. ketamine, PCP or dextromethorphan, all of which are MDA receptor
  13. Other casino games inspired by blackjack include Spanish 21 and pontoon. The, recreational ,British card game of black jack is a shedding-type game and unrelated to the
  14. Plastic, more commonly known as fiberglass, became popular, especially for, recreational ,boats. The United States Coast Guard refers to such boats as 'FRP' ( for Fiber
  15. S Bay in the north of the state where the minimum size is 132 mm. With a, recreational ,abalone license, there is a bag limit of 10 per day, and a total possession
  16. Two-thirds of the country’s coastline. Perlemoen-diving has been a, recreational ,activity for many years, but stocks are currently being threatened by illegal
  17. S unpredictable weather generally has precluded a commercially successful, recreational ,diving industry. Population In 2006,the population was 2,701. The island's
  18. Museums, restaurants,and Lady Bird Lake, considered one of the city's best, recreational ,spots. The 2nd Street District consists of several new residential projects
  19. Combined with its dissociative effects, makes it an attractive but risky, recreational ,drug (see poppers). Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks
  20. 11.2 mi) north of the CBD, is used for small aircraft, pilot training and, recreational ,aviation purposes. Utilities Adelaide's energy requirements are met by a
  21. Permits to harvest are abused, it is frequently difficult to police. The legal, recreational ,daily limit is 10 Paul per diver with a minimum shell length of 125 mm. The
  22. From a cliff Fatalities BASE jumping is one of the world's most dangerous, recreational ,activities, with overall fatalities in 2002 estimated at about one fatality per
  23. Whist and 24 card game are also popular on Chill. The island's primary, recreational ,outdoor center is http://www.achilloutdoor.com/ Chill Outdoor Education Center
  24. For hunting and combat; in modern times, however,its main use is that of a, recreational ,activity. One who practices archery is typically known as an" archer" or "
  25. Do not fit the city of today, and travelogues intended for mountain or coastal, recreational ,areas do not generally apply to Corsica's few big cities. The arrondissement
  26. Gesture, conscious or unconscious, is an indirect reference! " Spiritual and, recreational ,use of drugs Crowley was a habitual drug user and also maintained a meticulous
  27. By throwing their exhaust backwards extremely fast. Rockets for military and, recreational ,uses date back to at least 13th century China. Significant scientific
  28. Plant located in Austria. BRP's Can-Am product is among the high-tech, recreational ,vehicles which specifically include the Can-Am Spider, a three-wheel roadster
  29. Of Buffalo's waterfront is being transformed into a focal point for social and, recreational ,activity. Recently excavated and dewatered is the Erie Canal Commercial Slip
  30. Into the tea in the mid-1980s,which concluded that ayahuasca is not a, recreational ,drug and has valid spiritual uses. In France, Santo Dame won a court case
  31. Prehistoric times for a variety of hygienic, dietary,medicinal, religious,and, recreational ,reasons. The consumption of large doses of ethanol causes drunkenness (
  32. Badminton is played indoors. Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual, recreational ,activity, often as a garden or beach game. Since 1992,badminton has been an
  33. Mostly around the harbor, which is predominantly industrial, although a large, recreational ,marina is situated south of it as an extension. While some of the highest
  34. Is made to geometric designs, quite colorful, and is an art form as much as a, recreational ,tool. Despite this, Bermudian kites are very airworthy, holding world records
  35. Constructed as necessary. A reservoir pond, surrounded by trees, served as a, recreational ,area one mile north of the base. Other recreational facilities included a
  36. Trained to compete in dressage and can be good jumpers. They are also used for, recreational ,trail riding and in mounted police units. With the internationalization of the
  37. Instruments, battle clubs, fire-starters,decoys for hunting waterfowl, and as, recreational ,play toys. The smallest boomerang may be less than from tip to tip, and the
  38. They often have pharmacological effects and are used as medications, as, recreational , drugs,or in pathogenic rituals. Examples are the local anesthetic and
  39. Were repeated, not as a publicity exercise or as a movie stunt, but as a true, recreational ,activity. It was this that popularized BASE jumping more widely among
  40. Of fundamental biological processes. Medicine and materials Many medicinal and, recreational ,drugs, like tetrahydrocannabinol, caffeine,and nicotine come directly from the
  41. The inventory of drugs Thompson consumed for what could broadly be defined as, recreational ,purposes, but also receives frequent, explicit mention as an essential
  42. Casinos under the name" Pontoon" ( presumably borrowed from the British, recreational ,blackjack-like game" Pontoon" which has substantially different rules).
  43. Plants were used by humans since ancient times for therapeutic and, recreational ,purposes. For example, medicinal plants have been known in the Mesopotamia at
  44. Tetrahydrocannabinol, in that cannabidiol lacks the typical intoxicating and, recreational ,effects. One study has suggested that cannabidiol may be as effective as
  45. Numbers of expatriates due to Royal Dutch Shell and British Army housing and, recreational ,facilities. Most of Brunei is within the Borneo lowland rain forests ecoregion
  46. Of how many places are bet. Examples of the many local traditional and, recreational ,blackjack-like games include French/German Blackjack, called " Vingt-et-un" (
  47. Group to an event or site, such as a group meeting, racing event, or organized, recreational ,activity such as a summer camp. Entertainment or event companies may also hire
  48. Of regional aircraft, business jets, mass transportation equipment, recreational ,equipment and a financial services provider. Bombardier was a Fortune Global
  49. Is St. Joseph's church, Cwmaman. St. Joseph's has recently undergone much, recreational ,work, almost converting the church into a community center. However, regular
  50. Ankara, contains many fine examples of traditional architecture. There are also, recreational ,areas to relax. Many restored traditional Turkish houses inside the citadel

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