Examples of the the word, trek , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trek ), is the 5945 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A total of 12 long-distance charity walks. His first, in 1985,was a 900-mile, trek , from John o' Groats to Land's End. His efforts were inspired after a visit to
  2. Workers board freight cars in Vancouver, British Columbia, beginning a protest, trek ,to Ottawa, Ontario. *1937 – The Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Simpson. *1940 –
  3. Intensive and expensive because of the loading and unloading and laden-down, trek ,required to get from the one coast to the other. The Panama route was also
  4. Their positions. Armed with this vital information, Scott ordered his troops to, trek ,through the rough terrain to the north, setting up his artillery on the high
  5. Later served as a 1780 staging area for the Over mountain Men in preparation to, trek ,over the Appalachian Mountains, to engage, and to later defeat the British Army
  6. Located right in front of the huge southeast face of Kangchenjunga. Another, trek ,to Green Lake Basin has recently been opened for trek king. This goes to the
  7. Still in print. The main posthumous editions of Peirce's works in their long, trek ,to light, often multi-volume, and some still in print, have included: ID
  8. Cognate Indo-European roots. Following the Way, then,is like going on a cosmic, trek , Even more unexpected than the panoply of Indo-European cognates for Day (dog
  9. And/or human error, have to cope with vicious sand storms, and a long, trek ,undertaken in vehicles to their original intended area of exploration. The
  10. For more information on history before the Great Trek, see Afrikaner. Great, trek ,Those Trekkers who trek ked into and occupied the Eastern Cape were
  11. Began in 1913. *2007 – A three-man team, using only skis and kites, completes a, trek ,to reach the southern pole of inaccessibility for the first time since 1958 and
  12. This provided a much-needed export route for goods from the west, since the, trek ,east over the Appalachian Mountains was long and arduous. The need for access
  13. Still found time for a four-hour documentary in 1995 offering a thorough, trek ,through American cinema. It covered the silent era to 1969,a year after which
  14. A mummy-bundle (perhaps an effigy) carried by four priests directed the, trek ,away from the cave of origins by giving oracles. An oracle led to the
  15. Of the German Empire. * 1871 – Journalist Henry Morton Stanley begins his, trek ,to find the missionary and explorer David Livingstone. *1913 – Over 360 are
  16. Cape and Kleinfontein near Pretoria. Notable Boers; Voor trek ker leaders; Great, trek ,; Participants in the Second Anglo-Boer War * Zoos de la Rey, general and
  17. The Daily Mail" Abominable Snowman" or Yeti Expedition, when the first, trek ,from Everest to Kangchenjunga was accomplished *
  18. And ways to improve river navigation in the region, and it was during this, trek ,that Burnham discovered major copper deposits along the Value River.
  19. Is also worth pointing out that, once they reached January Fjord, they had to, trek ,150 miles via Lake Haven to Alert before setting up their winter base camp. In
  20. As City life has drawn much of the youth in surrounding areas have made the, trek ,into a more urban lifestyle in search of a new better beginning. In the 1970s
  21. Addicts ground shared with Palace, the exiled Charlton fans did not like the, trek ,to Elmhurst Park and felt the club weren't treated well during their time
  22. Rifles as a private, leaving Warner's Ranch May 27. He participated in their, trek ,across the southwestern deserts to Texas, crossing the Colorado River into the
  23. Of marshes, floating reed islands, and sandbanks, where the Danube ends its, trek ,of almost 3,000 kilometers and divides into three frayed branches before
  24. I was only one of several surviving Umayyad family members to make a perilous, trek ,to Ifriqiya at this time. Rahman I and Bear reached modern day Morocco near
  25. Nansen proposed to travel from east to west, ending rather than beginning his, trek ,at Disk Bay. A party setting out from the inhabited west coast would, he
  26. Composed for the pianist Paul Barnes. The concerto celebrates the pioneers ', trek ,across North America, and the second movement features a duet for piano and
  27. Have entered world English: aardvark; apartheid; commando; veld; impala; mamba;, trek ,and spoor. Recent films such as District 9 have also brought South African and
  28. J. Michael Fay did not reveal any trace of the Mokèlé-mbèmbé. However,the, trek ,did not pass through the Lingual and Lake Tell regions. 2000: Extreme
  29. Forces were in danger, as his men were reduced in number and exhausted from the, trek ,from New Mexico. They had to come out of the Gila River trail and confront the
  30. And Gawain's make this area a likely candidate for the journey. Gawain's, trek ,leads him directly into the center of the Pearl Poet's dialect region, where
  31. Certain historical fact concerning Roseland is in the early 19th century the, trek ,of the Apollo, a clan of the South-African Lesotho or Tswana people. Utterly
  32. Succeeding in gathering together a large coalition of peoples, Alboin began his, trek ,in 568. After crossing the Julian Alps he entered an almost undefended Italy
  33. To him existed by the time of the Peloponnesian War. After Alexander made a, trek ,into the desert to consult the oracle at Siva, the figure arose in the
  34. Dylan's last visit, Guthrie didn't recognize him. Dylan said that he made his, trek ,to New York City primarily to seek out his idol. At the end of his life
  35. He and a team of indigenous personnel then escaped China in a months-long horse, trek ,across the Himalaya mountains; he was killed within miles of Lhasa. His team
  36. The Prime Minister and his Minister of Justice, Hugh Guthrie, treated the, trek ,as an attempted insurrection, and ordered it to be stopped. The Royal Canadian
  37. It takes a sidereal month to complete its cycle rather than the year long, trek ,of the Sun. This is further complicated as the lunatics marking the limits of
  38. Voor trek kers arrived, some of whom obtained hospitality during their difficult, trek ,north. Early Voor trek ker accounts describe how the lands surrounding the
  39. Mountains in the region. Because Himalayan base camps can take days or weeks to, trek ,to, and Himalayan mountains can take weeks or perhaps even months to climb, a
  40. Other than the Lombards, were the Saxons, of whom 20,000 participated in the, trek , These Saxons were tributaries to the Frankish King Sievert, and their
  41. Sets off from Antarctica on the 1st leg of a 70 day,1287 kilometer ski, trek , *1993 – Rachel Whitehead wins both the £20,000 Turner Prize award for best
  42. Dhraj (course). The most closely related English words are" track" and ", trek ,", while " trail" and" tract" are derived from other cognate Indo-European
  43. Intensive and expensive because of the loading and unloading and laden-down, trek ,required to get from the one coast to the other. During the last half of the
  44. Females; but it is child's play compared, for example, with the long, trek ,from the pavilion at Lord's to the far end of the pitch, with five wickets
  45. Were performed during this period, which remain unreleased. Following this, trek , the group decided to take another break. In July 1999 the single" Tour de
  46. Trekking into the Kangchenjunga region has just been permitted. The Gotcha La, trek ,is gaining popularity amongst tourists. It goes to the Gotcha La Pass, located
  47. Train than to take advantage of the encounter with Kirkpatrick. After a 20 mile, trek ,in the dark, his exhausted men reached Dover on the morning of July 1,as the
  48. Gil González Pereira with a small force reached its western portion after a, trek ,through Costa Rica. He proceeded to explore the fertile western valleys and was
  49. The Voor trek kers (Afrikaans and Dutch for pioneers, literally " those who, trek ,ahead "," fore- trek kers" ) were emigrants during the 1830s and 1840s who left
  50. A vast change from the days when the Ho Chi Minh Trail was a dangerous mountain, trek , Gap, the North Vietnamese defense minister, was reluctant to approve Trà's

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