Examples of the the word, brothers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brothers ), is the 5942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Inscription, marking it as Alexander Graham Bell's birthplace. He had two, brothers ,: Melville James Bell (1845–70) and Edward Charles Bell (1848–67). Both of
  2. On his interest in foreign literature. Moved in with him, and the two, brothers ,became inseparable. Through Halo, Akira devoured not only films but also
  3. Care and water intoxication. Warhol's body was taken back to Pittsburgh by his, brothers ,for burial. The wake was at Thomas P. Kansas Funeral Home and was an
  4. Wrote of the experience in Transcendental Wild Oats (1873):" The band of, brothers ,began by spading garden and field; but a few days of it lessened their ardor
  5. To power but some verses by Antaeus (frag. 129) indicate that the poet, his, brothers , and Pittances made plans to overthrow him and that Pittances subsequently
  6. Brothers Vila, Vé, and Odin, are the creators of the first man and woman. The, brothers ,were once walking along a beach and found two trees there. They took the wood
  7. Was a member of the extended imperial family. Together with his father and, brothers , Alexios had conspired against Emperor Androids I Comments (c. 1183),and
  8. To overthrow him and that Pittances subsequently betrayed them; Antaeus and his, brothers ,fled into exile where the poet later wrote a drinking song in celebration of
  9. And his younger brother Vladimir Andreevich Markov (1871–1897) proved Markov, brothers ,' inequality. His son, another Andrey Andreevich Markov (1903–1979),was also
  10. Otto III, the Archbishop of Utrecht. *1258 – Regent George Mouflon and his, brothers ,are killed during a coup headed by the aristocratic faction under, paving the
  11. The" Golden Age of the Accordion. " Three players: Pietro Rossini, and the two, brothers ,Count Guido Dark and Pietro Dark were major influences at this time. Most
  12. Vary. According to chapter 9 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, the three, brothers ,Vila, Vé, and Odin, are the creators of the first man and woman. The brothers
  13. Of Red wall are led by an Abbot or Abbess. These" abbots" are appointed by the, brothers ,and sisters of Red wall to serve as a superior and provide paternal care, much
  14. Alcmena refused to marry Amphitryon until he had avenged the death of her, brothers , However, during Amphitryon's expedition against the Mafias and Telecons
  15. Fourth living child of Agrippina the Elder and Germanic us. She had three elder, brothers , Nero Caesar, Drusus Caesar and the future Emperor Caligula, and two younger
  16. Their early to mid 20s – vows may be temporary, and it is generally assumed that, brothers , at least, will leave and marry in due course – making the average age 40 to 50
  17. And Bled (Bud),in control of the united Hun tribes. At the time of two, brothers ,' accession, the Hun tribes were bargaining with Eastern Roman Emperor
  18. Family. Later in 1051,when he was sent to intercept Harold Robinson and his, brothers ,as they fled England after their father's outlawing, Ealdred" could not, or
  19. Which impressed them with a belief in the reality of the divine mission of the, brothers ,(Exodus 4:15–16). At the command of Moses he stretched out his rod in order
  20. Singh NASA in the 1813 Battle of Attack. Fate Khan had installed 21 of his, brothers ,in positions of power throughout the Afghan Empire. After his death, they
  21. An architect. According to Speer's daughter Hide," One by one my sister and, brothers ,gave up. There was no communication. " Following the publication of his
  22. Defeat. Hasan Ali Shah decided to escape to Afghanistan, accompanied by his, brothers ,and many soldiers and servants. Afghanistan
  23. But this imposed numerous military limitations. Early in the war, the Howe, brothers ,served as peace commissioners while simultaneously conducting the war effort, a
  24. Schweitzer was quoted as saying:" The time for speaking of older and younger, brothers ,has passed. " It is also more likely that Schweitzer was speaking in terms of
  25. St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church. Andy Warhol had two older, brothers ,– Pa vol (Paul),the oldest, was born in Slovakia; Jan was born in Pittsburgh.
  26. Two younger sisters, Julia Drill and Julia Li villa. Agrippina's two elder, brothers ,and her mother were victims of the intrigues of the Praetorian Prefect Lucius
  27. With his later statement that" the time for speaking of older and younger, brothers ,is over ", and his discussion of the modernization of" primeval" societies.
  28. Most distinguished soldiers available to carry the urns of his mother and two, brothers ,in two biers at noon in Rome, when the streets were at their busiest, to the
  29. Their father's outlawing, Ealdred" could not, or would not" capture the, brothers , The banishment of Ealdred's patron came shortly after the death of Ælfric
  30. S marriage, became still more so at the rumors that one of the two unpopular, brothers ,of Queen Drama, Lieutenant Iodine, was to be proclaimed heir-presumptive to
  31. Factions contended with each other for supreme power. Antaeus and his older, brothers ,were passionately involved in the struggle but experienced little success.
  32. The Greeks thought of the two qualities as complementary: the two gods are, brothers , and when Apollo at winter left for Hyperbola, he would leave the Delphic
  33. Marry in due course – making the average age 40 to 50 years younger than their, brothers ,and sisters in other countries. Growth of religious orders, especially for
  34. Perhaps until his death some time after 1157. Alexander was, like his, brothers ,Edgar and David, a notably pious king. He was responsible for foundations at
  35. In the United States. He describes the treatment of" our innocent black, brothers ,whom force and injustice have delivered into the slave-master's devilish
  36. Agrippina had four full-blood siblings: a sister Julia the Younger and three, brothers ,: Gaius Caesar, Lucius Caesar and Agrippa Costumes. Agrippina was born in Athens
  37. With letters appointing him to the governorship of German. Accompanied by his, brothers , nephews and other relatives, as well as many followers, he left for Yard
  38. INI Opera, is now the largest Anglican Community in the world with over 450, brothers , in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and the
  39. Sometime between 612BC and 609 BC by a faction that, in addition to the, brothers ,of Antaeus, included Pittances (later renowned as one of the Seven Sages of
  40. Brother also died, leaving Akira, at age 23,the only one of the Kurosawa, brothers ,still living, together with his three surviving sisters. During his five years
  41. At age 10,he made a plea to his father to have a middle name like his two, brothers , For his 11th birthday, his father acquiesced and allowed him to adopt the
  42. Picnic by the brothers Already and Boris Strugatsky. Tchaikovsky had met the, brothers ,first in 1971 and was in contact with them until his death in 1986. Initially
  43. 1811 – First ascent of Jungfrau,third-highest summit in the Bernese Alps by, brothers ,Johann Rudolf and Hieronymus Meyer. *1852 – Harvard wins the first Boat Race
  44. Ali Shah withdrew with his forces to the citadel at Bam. Along with his two, brothers , he made preparations to resist the government forces that were sent against
  45. The small town of Medzilaborce, Slovakia. Warhol's parents and his two eldest, brothers ,were born 15 kilometers away in the village of Mikoyan. The museum houses
  46. James Bell (1845–70) and Edward Charles Bell (1848–67). Both of his, brothers ,died of Tuesday, August 8,1905. | group=N} } Although he was born" Alexander
  47. Permitted to enter Canaan with the others. The reason alleged is that the two, brothers ,showed impatience at Mariah (Keynes) in the last year of the desert
  48. Century. The most famous corsairs were the Ottoman Barbarossa (" Redbird" ), brothers ,– Hardin (Hazer) and his older brother RUC Was – who took control of
  49. In the Soviet Union was Stalker, inspired by the novel Roadside Picnic by the, brothers ,Already and Boris Strugatsky. Tchaikovsky had met the brothers first in 1971 and
  50. Continuing the resistance was of little use, Hasan Ali Shah sent one of his, brothers ,to Shiraz in order to speak to the governor of Far's to intervene on his behalf

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