Examples of the the word, dip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dip ), is the 5940 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Spiccato, the bow is literally bouncing off the string. Cello players simply ", dip ," the bow into the string, and touch it very fast, and then lift the bow off
  2. And swell and soften when wet. On the English side of the channel, the strata, dip ,less than 5°,however, on the French side, this increases to 20°. Jointing and
  3. Immersion, based on the Kline Greek verb baptize which is understood to mean to, dip , immerse, submerge or plunge. Submersion is seen as more closely conforming to
  4. Immersionem, a noun derived from the verb merger (in –" into" + merger ", dip ,"). In relation to baptism, some use it to refer to any form of dip ping
  5. Layer, exposing its broken edge. This is a cues ta, in geological terms. The, dip ,slope is to the south-east. On the eastern boundary lies the city of Oxford and
  6. Body radiator like the sun or an incandescent light. The spike at 460 nm and, dip ,at 500 nm can cause the color of objects to be perceived differently under
  7. In 1977. It replaced the $35 MC6870 hybrid IC. The MC6875 came in a 16-pin, dip , package and could use quartz crystal or a resistor capacitor network. Another
  8. And the aerodynamic effects of the spinning ball to cause the ball to, dip ,and drift before bouncing and spinning (usually called" turning" ) sharply.
  9. The basin in the Free State and Gluten provinces are extensive in strike and, dip ,requiring some of the world's the deepest mines, with the Sauna and Teuton mines
  10. End of their flight path. This can be used to create drop shots and smashes that, dip ,more steeply after they pass the net. * When playing a net shot, slicing
  11. The year, averaging in the lowlands and at higher elevations. Temperatures may, dip ,to below at the peaks of the Blue Mountains. The island receives, in addition
  12. A spray to non-edible plant parts such as seedlings, or as a soil-drench (root, dip ,), or as a surface spray to reduce incidence of harmful phytopathogenic fungi
  13. Although the summer is slightly wetter than the rest of the year. There is a, dip ,in precipitation in October. Southern Louisiana receives far more copious
  14. Its waters. Thousands of Hindu pilgrims arrive at these three towns to take a, dip ,in the Ganges, which is believed to cleanse oneself of sins and help attain
  15. Reversal of trends took place in the ongoing 2009–10 season, as the club saw a, dip ,in their Serie A form, yet proved itself to be a surprise dark horse in Europe.
  16. E-W (dawn-dusk) in the equatorial day side of the ionosphere. At the magnetic, dip ,equator, where the geomagnetic field is horizontal, this electric field results
  17. A zinc coating on iron or copper based materials partially similar to hot, dip ,galvanizing. The final surface is different from hot- dip Galvanizing; all of
  18. Water. They understand the meaning of βαπτίζω to be the same as βάπτω, to, dip , or immerse, a verb used of the partial dip ping of a morsel held in the hand
  19. Belong to the great shallow syncline known as the London Basin. The beds, dip ,in a south-easterly direction towards the syncline's lowest point roughly
  20. Products, the alternative to electroplating bolts and nuts is not hot, dip ,zinc coating but making the bolts and nuts from stainless steel (known by the
  21. Gnocchi DI semolina alley Roman - semolina dumpling * Barney caudal - A hot, dip ,based on anchovies, olive oil and garlic blanched in milk, to accompany
  22. Between where the loop is drawn through the fabric and where it is knitted, dip ,stitches can produce a subtle stippling or long lines across the surface of the
  23. Is used on its own for many outdoor applications because it is cheaper than hot, dip ,zinc coating and looks good when new. Another reason not to use hot dip zinc
  24. While Bianca felt that it was symptomatic of a show that had begun to, dip ,in quality after so much time on the air. Kelsey Grammar acknowledged the
  25. Hot dip zinc coating and looks good when new. Another reason not to use hot, dip ,zinc coating is that for bolts and nuts size M10 or smaller, the thick
  26. Gazpacho cream. Some people add enough bread until it has the consistency of a, dip , Gopher may refer to: Animal kingdom ** Pocket gophers (family Geomyidae)
  27. Ablutions ", as in. Although the Greek verb baptize in does not exclusively mean, dip , plunge or immerse (it is used with literal and figurative meanings such as "
  28. A more percussive, crisp sound. It may be performed by using the wrist to ", dip ," the bow into the strings. Staccato is usually associated with lively playing.
  29. Of dip -slip, where the displacement along the fault is in the direction of, dip ,and movement on them involves a vertical component. Normal faults occur mainly
  30. Land. It is used as a flavoring agent (for e.g. in soup),rather than a, dip , As an ingredient, peanuts are a relatively prominent feature in this cuisine;
  31. Hills with steep slopes where they border the clays to the south. The hills, dip ,steeply forming a scarp onto the Thames valley to the north, and dip gently to
  32. The zinc powder, the zinc/iron makes an alloy at a lower temperature than hot, dip ,galvanizing. This process requires generally fewer preparatory cleanings than
  33. Tense suffix -‹ed ›, which may be pronounced variously as, or (for example, dip , dip ped, boom,boomed, loot,looted). Because these different pronunciations
  34. Secured stitch lower down on the fabric, or even between secured stitches (a, dip ,stitch). Depending on the distance between where the loop is drawn through the
  35. deep-fried fish/cod (bakaliaro me sword,i.e. fried battered cod with garlic, dip , a very popular dish). *, egg and seasoning wrapped in fall pastry in a form
  36. Comes from the late Latin (sub-" under, below " + merger" plunge, dip ,") and is also sometimes called" complete immersion ". It is the form of
  37. In the coolest months of June and July, the daily minimum temperature may, dip ,as low as, but very rarely lower, and frost has never been recorded. The wet
  38. The latter varies by a factor of 20. Along converging plate margins,the, dip ,angle of the rupture plane is very shallow, typically about 10 degrees. Thus
  39. Gnocchi DI semolina alley Roman - semolina dumpling * Barney caudal - A hot, dip ,based on anchovies, olive oil and garlic blanched in milk, to accompany
  40. Became nearly as widely available as the C64 itself. The 1541 did not have, dip ,switches to change the drive number. If a user added more than one drive to a
  41. Βαπτίζω baptize),from which the English verb" baptize" is derived, as ", dip , plunge ", and indicates that the dip ping or plunging need not be complete, as
  42. A city of one million people that many pilgrims visit to take a" holy, dip ," in the Ganges, releases around 200 million liters of untreated human sewage
  43. Month of Martin (Oct. /Nov.),devotes throng in large numbers here to take a, dip ,in the sacred lake. Ajmer, also known as Ajmer, was the city once ruled by
  44. The square the maximum of current has to flow, so it may make sense to have a, dip ,in the square or in other words to allow some overawing of the voltage square
  45. May come from the 1908 Summer Olympics in London, where countries were asked to, dip ,their flag to King Edward VII: the American flag bearer did not. Team captain
  46. To Pate or terrine. Others remain in a semi-liquid state and are served as a, dip , See also mousse line. External links * http://www.mousserecipes.com/ Mousse
  47. With an average temperature of. Winters are cold, and lows occasionally, dip ,into the single digits and below during this season. The surrounding areas of
  48. Of limited width, filled with calcite, pyrite and remolded clay. The increased, dip ,and faulting restricted the selection of route on the French side. To avoid
  49. The hills dip steeply forming a scarp onto the Thames valley to the north, and, dip , gently to the south. The highest point in the county is Pilot Hill, which
  50. Many pilgrims attend the colorful celebrations and take a holy, dip ,in the Krishna River. Other temples and pilgrimage sites in Andhra Pradesh

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