Examples of the the word, aunt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aunt ), is the 5937 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then in a 1950 cable: *" Inform friends that Ruhr, his mother, with Ruhr, his, aunt , and their families, not content with years of disobedience and unworthy
  2. Accounts to the contrary, as in his writings he tells more that once of an, aunt ,who taught him some principles of the Christian faith, and a father who did the
  3. Presented the show Ann Widdecombe to the Rescue in which she acted as an agony, aunt , dispensing no-nonsense advice to disputing families, couples,and others
  4. And the future of her son, one of her victims being Nero's second paternal, aunt ,and Messalina's mother Domitian Lipid the Younger. In 49,Agrippina presided
  5. The age of sixteen, he left school and went to live with his widowed childless, aunt , Marie-Jeanne Le cadre. Paris When Monet traveled to Paris to visit the Louvre
  6. Company controlled by James C. Kennedy, his sister Blair Parry-Okeden and their, aunt ,Anne Cox Chambers, has substantial media holdings in and beyond Atlanta; it is
  7. In 2005 BBC Two showed six episodes of The Widdecombe Project, an agony, aunt ,television program. Also in 2005,she presented the show Ann Widdecombe to
  8. Both newly arrived in the UK from South Africa were staying with Frances ', aunt , Elsie Wright's mother, in the village of Cottingley in West Yorkshire; Elsie
  9. The Cohen Adolf (and consequently a sister of Matthias the Tasmanian and an, aunt ,of Judah the Maccabees). In the Rema's gloss on the Shulchan Arch he writes
  10. 2003. Bonds purchased a home in Scottsdale, Arizona for Kimberly. His paternal, aunt , Rosie Bonds, is a former American record holder in the 80-meter hurdles, and
  11. GED discovers by accident that he has an extraordinary talent for magic. His, aunt , the village witch, teaches him the little she herself knows, but his power far
  12. Their time at the boarding school was cut short when Elizabeth Bran well, their, aunt , who joined the family after the death of their mother to look after the
  13. Allegiance. In March 2004 she briefly became The Guardian newspaper's agony, aunt , introduced with an Emma Brookes interview. In 2005 BBC Two showed six episodes
  14. Pursued her studies and especially her sewing, under the surveillance of her, aunt , " Anne also took lessons from Charlotte, after she came back from the boarding
  15. Dutch painter Johan Bartholdi Ongoing, whom Monet knew, may have prompted his, aunt ,on this matter. Disillusioned with the traditional art taught at art schools
  16. 1906 – William Joyce, Irish fascist (d. 1946) * 1906 – Mimi Smith, maternal, aunt , and guardian of John Lennon (d. 1991) *1907 – William Sargent, British
  17. Of edema (dropsy) at PRI. Nero had gone to live with his second paternal, aunt ,Domitian Lipid the Younger after Caligula had taken his inheritance away from
  18. Borgia, who,after Cesare's death, was moved to Ferrara to the court of her, aunt , Lucretia Borgia. Popular culture Movies * http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0482473/
  19. To the Forth in the north. In Ireland, Flann Senna, married to Constantine's, aunt ,Male Moore, was dominant. The years around 900 represented a period of weakness
  20. An elderly Italian violinist named Peretti; his lessons were paid for by his, aunt , In 1871, he drew the attention of Marie Mate de Fleurville, who claimed to
  21. Settlement and agreed to share joint custody of their children. Spears's, aunt ,Sandra Bridges Covington, with whom she had been very close, died of ovarian
  22. Well during her pilgrimage and training in France. In Philadelphia,Beaux's, aunt ,Emily married mining engineer William Foster Biddle, whom Beau would later
  23. And magic tricks, his crazy mother invents her own vocabulary, and his, aunt ,writes her own version of the Bible, Five Oaks Assistant City Manager Wyatt
  24. He forced Ramiro to retreat to Burgos, and forced the Navarrete queen Today, his, aunt , to submit to him as a vassal and withdraw from direct rule as regent for her
  25. To be adopted in the history of mankind. Family Joyce Young, Bob Young's, aunt , purchased stock in Red Hat Inc. shortly after its founding. When Red Hat's
  26. Suddenly a month later. With the proceeds from the books and a legacy from an, aunt , Potter bought Hill Top Farm in Near Sacra, a tiny village in the English Lake
  27. Was born into a family of writers, the most well known of whom was his paternal, aunt , Anna Letitia Barnaul, a woman of letters who wrote poetry and essays as well
  28. Act by his father, he was adopted and raised in Vienna by his childless, aunt ,Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria and her husband Albert of Saxe-Teschen.
  29. An honorific, similar to madame, for older, revered women, literally meaning ", aunt , " She is also often referred to as DAW Sub by the Burmese (or May Sub, lit.
  30. Commitment, but,two years later, after he had contracted typhoid fever, his, aunt , intervened to get him out of the army if he agreed to complete an art course at
  31. Were sisters. Despite her father's nationality as a" New Yorker" and her, aunt ,'s relation to the Pierpont Morgans, Agatha never claimed United States
  32. Favourite according to tradition, she did relate. Anne shared a room with her, aunt , they were particularly close, and this may have strongly influenced Anne's
  33. Gentle Anne was quite different in appearance from the others, and she was her, aunt ,'s favorite. Her hair was a very pretty light brown, and fell on her neck in
  34. Low Countries since 1506,though (as he was only 6 years old) governed by his, aunt ,Margaret of Austria until 1515,was declared King of Spain, in 1516,in the
  35. Biologic relative in this setting means mother, father,sibling, grandparent, aunt , uncle or children. (For complete listing, please go to
  36. Buddy was keen to learn finger-style flamenco guitar, and would often visit her, aunt ,home to play the piano there. He wanted to develop collaborations between soul
  37. He was born in Oviedo in 759 or 760. He was put under the guardianship of his, aunt ,Dorinda after his father's death, but one tradition relates his being put in
  38. Your father's brother),Vichy (your mother's brother),sake (your, aunt ,'s husband); an even larger amount of synonyms for these three exist in the
  39. In a hunting accident. Aleksandr was then raised by his widowed mother and, aunt ,in lowly circumstances. His earliest years coincided with the Russian Civil War
  40. Chose repeatedly to return to Thor Green. She came home at the death of her, aunt ,in early November 1842,while her sisters were away in Brussels. Elizabeth
  41. Crispus Passions and Domitian Lipid the Elder (Lucius' first paternal, aunt ,) to divorce so that Crispus could marry Agrippina. When Agrippina returned
  42. The death of both parents within a year of each other, Maria went to help her, aunt ,with the teaching at the school. A tiny, neat woman, aged thirty, she was well
  43. To Natalia Konstantinos, the granddaughter of Princess Anna Obrenovic,an, aunt ,of King Milan, would be proclaimed Crown Prince of Serbia in the event that the
  44. From John Bradley of Kafka and all of them drew with some skill. Their, aunt ,tried to make sure the girls knew how to run a household, but their minds were
  45. Cousin Donald may have passed Giric's reign in exile in Ireland where their, aunt ,Male Moore was wife of two successive High Kings of Ireland, Áed Finalist and
  46. The second daughter of Julia Mesa and Syrian noble Julius Vitus and maternal, aunt ,of Emperor Elagabalus. He had an elder sister called Thelma and little is
  47. Of the Electrons Amalia, except for one daughter, ended in a stillbirth. His, aunt , the Dauphine of France, had wanted to engage her daughter Marie Define of
  48. 15 September 1821,leaving five daughters and a son to be taken care of by her, aunt ,Elizabeth Bran well. In August 1824,Charlotte was sent with three of her
  49. S pregnant mother sought refuge from the Franco-Prussian war with a paternal, aunt ,of Claude's in Cannes. Debussy began piano lessons there at the age of seven
  50. Of Lucius Apuleius in his own work The Golden Ass,2.2.8–9. When Lucius ', aunt ,Barren meets him in Zapata, she comments on his physical appearance

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