Examples of the the word, genesis , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of grazing areas, the fleeing clan might return to rebuild in a day or two. The, genesis ,of the Zulu imp thus lies in tribal structures existing long before the coming
  2. In Nu to be simple clicks, with the other four being air stream contours. Click, genesis ,and click loss Clicks are often portrayed as a primitive or primordial feature
  3. Juan Mackie would place the origin even later, stating:" ... the, genesis ,and modern flowering of archaeoastronomy must surely lie in the work of
  4. Rise of Scientology The Church of Scientology attributes its, genesis ,to Hubbard's discovery of" a new line of research ", first set out in his
  5. Structure," systems, or complexes, or static configurations. " An example of, genesis ,would be the sensory ideas from which knowledge is then derived in the
  6. Described in terms of structure, and others which must be described in terms of, genesis ," The structural problematic is therefore what propels philosophy and hence
  7. Unlimited in its source, that could create without experiencing decay, so that, genesis ,would never stop. Ape iron The bishop Hippolytus of Rome (I,5),and the later
  8. Biomedical research, including trying to understand, in Hughes' words, the ", genesis ,of life itself. " Hughes' first will, which he signed in 1925 at the age of 19
  9. Complexity, rather than original purity, which destabilizes the thought of both, genesis ,and structure, that sets Derrida's work in motion, and from which derive all
  10. With the clubs tying in '85 and with St. Louis winning in '86. This was the, genesis ,of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all
  11. Of EVM can be scaled to fit projects of all sizes and complexities. The, genesis ,of EVM occurred in industrial manufacturing at the turn of the 20th century
  12. Must not structure have a genesis , and must not the origin, the point of, genesis , be already structured in order to be the genesis of something? In other words
  13. Bent the goal was to understand experience by comprehending and describing its, genesis , the process of its emergence from an origin or event. For the structuralists
  14. Robert Frost, The Death of the Hired Man *"I inquire now as to the, genesis ,of a philologist and assert the following: 1. A young man cannot possibly know
  15. Collection, in which the strips are reprinted, Jim Davis discusses the, genesis ,for this series of strips. His caption, in its entirety states: One of the
  16. The device of an omniscient narrator. Early works There are two theories on the, genesis ,of the epistolary novel. The first claims that the genre originated from novels
  17. This context that in 1959 Derrida asks: Must not structure have a, genesis , and must not the origin, the point of genesis , be already structured in order
  18. While he was minister to France. He saw foreign and Federalist elements in the, genesis ,of the Quasi War of 1798–1800 and in efforts to keep Thomas Jefferson away from
  19. And covers the fifteen years from their first meeting in the mid-1890s to the, genesis ,of the Violin Concerto when, in the novel, Dora has been supplanted in Elgar's
  20. Impressionism. Today, these are considered watershed paintings that mark the, genesis ,of modern art. Biography Born into an upper class household with strong
  21. The historically-based legend of the pseudo-Alfonso had some influence on the, genesis ,of the Bell of Hues ca. The earliest chronicle source for the imposture is
  22. From which the knighthood of the Middle Ages can be seen to have had its, genesis , Some portions of the armies of Germanic peoples who occupied Europe from the
  23. Has a history, and the structure cannot be understood without understanding its, genesis , At the same time, in order that there be movement, or potential, the origin
  24. A Brazilian expert in canon law, says that canon law is contained in the, genesis ,of various institutes of civil law, such as the law in continental Europe and
  25. In Las Vegas The book for which Thompson gained most of his fame had its, genesis ,during the research for Strange Rumblings in Aztlan, an exposé for Rolling
  26. Herbert Spencer wrote at the end of the 19th century:" You must admit that the, genesis ,of the great man depends on the long series of complex influences which has
  27. Marx have leveled the charge of historicism against his theory since its very, genesis , However, the issue of historicism also finds itself at the center stage of
  28. Their apparent systematic (structural unity) or intended sense (authorial, genesis ,). By demonstrating the arias and ellipses of thought, Derrida hoped to show
  29. Took place, described in the Epistle to the reader of the Essay, which was the, genesis ,of what would later become the Essay. Two extant Drafts still survive from this
  30. Schools. Most of these schools were established by the churches. This was the, genesis ,of the modern Jamaican school system. Presently the following categories of
  31. For Del tron 3030's eponymous debut album. The song can be seen as the, genesis ,of the musical style that continued into Gorilla' first album. Phase One:
  32. On January 26, 1661 Charles II issued the Royal Warrant that created the, genesis ,of what would become the British Army, although the Scottish and English Armies
  33. Die Welträtsel (1895–1899,in English, The Riddle of the Universe,1901),the, genesis ,for the term" world riddle" ( Welträtsel); and Freedom in Science and
  34. Note at the museum is the original Bombardier garage" factory" that was the, genesis ,of the organization bearing the name. The garage was carefully removed from its
  35. orebodies have also been formed in Earth's crust through a process of Ore, genesis , resulting from actions of erosion and plate tectonics.
  36. Insects and seed-plants that characterizes a recognizably modern world had its, genesis ,in the Late Devonian. The development of soils and plant root systems probably
  37. Of the French painters to be published in English, Impressionist Painting: its, genesis ,and development, which did much to popularize Impressionism in Great Britain.
  38. Roman Empire in 476 CE and he also tended towards a biological analogy of ", genesis ," " growth,"" senescence,"" collapse" and" decay. " * Oswald Spengler
  39. Rendering fat into soap, making glass, and making alloys like bronze. The, genesis ,of chemistry can be traced to the widely observed phenomenon of burning that
  40. Played in Canada. It is governed by the United States Croquet Association. Its, genesis ,is mostly in association croquet, but it differs in a number of important ways
  41. My critic. He feels himself obliged to metamorphose my historical sketch of the, genesis ,of capitalism in Western Europe into a historico-philosophic theory of the
  42. Sara (2008):" One finds in the Rigged intelligent speculations about the, genesis ,of the universe from nonexistence, the configuration of the universe, the
  43. Is believed to be a marker of the Proto-Indo-European language speakers. Kerry, genesis ,legend tells about an ancestor and father of all Argyles Key Taiwan (Red
  44. Relations by country Barbados The relations between Guyana and Barbados had its, genesis ,to a time when both Guyana (then British Guiana) and Barbados were both
  45. Properties. The etymology of the word chemistry has been much disputed. The, genesis ,of chemistry can be traced to certain practices, known as alchemy, which had
  46. Not the origin, the point of genesis , be already structured in order to be the, genesis ,of something? In other words, every structural or" syn chronic" phenomenon has
  47. Was republished in the book, Fawlty Towers Fully Booked) that he once had the, genesis ,of a feature-length special – possibly sometime during the mid-1990s. The plot
  48. Eight symphonies. The first of these, and perhaps emblematic of the difficult, genesis ,of many of his works, is Symphony No. 1,titled" Essay for a requiem" (
  49. Film and television A number of films have depicted John Polio and the, genesis ,of the Frankenstein and" Vampire" stories in 1816. *Remand all into (
  50. Introduced by D. W. Endicott ... a key-point for the explanation of the, genesis ,of fetishism ". Nevertheless," Lacey systematically questioned those

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