Examples of the the word, thirdly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thirdly ), is the 12508 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Secondly, when rejection of transubstantiation was made a capital crime, thirdly , the sudden and unexpected death of a friend during an evening meal. From this
  2. Dolmabahçe Palace,12 December 1875),and had one child. He married, thirdly ,in 1872 to Circadian HH Severin Negate Baden Effendi (Caucasus,8 July 1856 -
  3. I Voter (303 BC-285 BC) married first (probably) Thais, secondly Atacama, thirdly ,Eurydice and finally Berenice I * Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285 BC-246 BC)
  4. That P is equidistant from both F and Q:: \ | PF \ | \Cong \ | PQ \ |, and, thirdly , line GP is equal to itself, therefore:: \Delta FGP \Cong \Delta QGP It follows
  5. With Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethel bald of Wessex (her stepson) and, thirdly ,with Baldwin I of Flanders * Other (848–865),monk in 861,became Abbot of
  6. Supernatural; secondly, that he does not act, but is continually acted upon;, thirdly , that the events having no necessary connection do not produce each other; and
  7. Secondly, a firm comprehension of my opponent's strength and weakness;, thirdly , a higher aim – ... artistic and scientific accomplishments which accord our
  8. On an important highway leading from the interior to the Aegean coast, and, thirdly , to its commanding the wide and fertile plain of the Hermes. Geography Saris
  9. Its example of palace architecture of the best Hindu period (1486–1516); and, thirdly ,as an historic fortress. Many historical places are found near the
  10. The eldest sons of baronets, this was to be revoked by George IV in 1827,and, thirdly ,baronets were allowed to add the Arms of Ulster as an in escutcheon to their
  11. Jaguar, less aquatic in his habits and marked with spots, not rings; and, thirdly , the black variety. They scout the notion that their terrible" black tiger "
  12. And as a science, an integral part of the science of man and of nature;, thirdly , the high moral ideals, expressed in that most" memorable of human documents "
  13. April 1272). Married firstly Isabel Marshal, secondly Sanchez of Provence, and, thirdly , Beatrice of Oldenburg. Had issue. # Joan (22 July 1210 – 1238),the wife of
  14. Trunk where the moth is in shadow; secondly, on the underside of branches and, thirdly ,on foliate twigs. The above data would appear to support this. Further support
  15. Produced" the wolf" with Angola, produced Leaner with Svaðilfari, and, thirdly ," one monster that was thought the most baleful, who was descended from
  16. Svaðilfari, and that Loki (referred to as the" brother of Bleat" ), thirdly ,gave birth to" the worst of all marvels ". This stanza is followed by:: Loki
  17. Secondly: as if you were reading aloud to another person.: :* And only, thirdly ,: try and fathom the gist of my writings.: :Only then will you be able to count
  18. Use the quarter note/crotchet as a beat unit in or than the eight/quaver in or;, thirdly ,the time signatures are and have traditionally been associated with different
  19. First, was mathematics complete ... Second, was mathematics consistent ... And, thirdly , was mathematics decidable? By this he meant, did there exist a definite method
  20. Was disinherited, being created Duke of Thrace afterwards. Theodore married, thirdly ,in 1219 Marie de Courtenay (1204-September,1222),a daughter of Emperor
  21. First, was mathematics complete ... Second, was mathematics consistent ... And, thirdly , was mathematics decidable? " (Hodges p. 91,Hawking p. 1121). The first two
  22. Kennedy (d. London,28 December 1993) on 1 December 1932,divorced in 1946;, thirdly ,to Jessie Smother, aka Denise Orem (d. 1960,the former wife of the 3rd Baron
  23. Second to the gods North and Fear" for good harvests and for peace ", and, thirdly , a beaker was to be drunk to the king himself. In addition, toasts were drunk to
  24. As a school, and the second floor was made to be used for local meetings, and, thirdly , the building would serve as a place to hold church services. German and Polish
  25. Ordinal numerals,e.g. първо (firstly),второ (secondly),трето (, thirdly ,), and in some cases from (adjective-like) cardinal numerals,e.g. двойно (
  26. Sescent seek Kevin (675): trial (third as in first, second,third): train (, thirdly ,): dude (a score 20): double (double): Aaron (one fourth, a quarter):
  27. But who have used the instrument as a notable feature of their work; and, thirdly , people who are famous for some other reason but are known to be recreational
  28. 1933. This marriage was also childless and ended in divorce in 1952. He married, thirdly ,Hazel, daughter of George Eric Mass Walker and widow of Captain W. E. R. Walker
  29. The imagination cannot alone produce art to bear comparison with reality; and, thirdly , no great painter was ever self-taught. He also later spoke against the new
  30. 15, 1967 and H. R. H. Prince Robert born August 14, 1968. Widowed, she married, thirdly ,in Asheboro, Maine,on 3 August 1978,Philippe-François-Armand-Marie,7th due
  31. Property is legitimate when it emerges in such a way as not to harm anyone; and, thirdly , that historically some, but by no means all, property which has evolved has
  32. Or Lords; secondly, they were the leader of a great political party; and, thirdly , they either inherited a majority in the Commons, or won more seats than the
  33. Of Toledo (1250–1279) #Eleanor (born 1251,died young) James married, thirdly ,Teresa Gil de Vidaure, but only by a private document, and left her when she
  34. Capital to pay homage; secondly, the change should send a hostage prince; and, thirdly , the change should present tribute to the Han emperor. The political status of
  35. By the state; introduced new gods, a thing prohibited by the Romans. And, thirdly , that he attempted to profane the temple, a crime which the Jews were permitted
  36. Grey, by whom he had two sons; he married secondly in 1582,Frances Howard; and, thirdly ,in 1601,Frances Parnell. * Lady Anne Seymour (1540–1588),married firstly
  37. In 1845 Louisa Refined Schultz (1815–1884),without issue, and married, thirdly ,in 1884 Wilhelmina Lauren (1840–1886),without issue * Waldemar, Count of
  38. Ignored in the negotiations over the Ackerman Convention throughout 1826 and, thirdly ,it was clear that France too was drifting away from Metternich's
  39. Be the first real world war. Secondly, it will center around Jerusalem .... And, thirdly , this war will END with the Second Coming of Christ! From his new contacts in
  40. Secondly, their activation into reactive forms using energy from ATP, and, thirdly , the assembly of these precursors into complex molecules such as proteins
  41. Law of nature: secondly, that the law of nature is part of the law of England:, thirdly , that the law of nature was before any judicial or municipal law: fourthly
  42. Prayer should exclude the option of an extempore alternative from the Minister;, thirdly , that the Minister should have the option to omit part of the set liturgy at
  43. Mortally, Ortaköy Palace,3 March 1936),and had one child. He married, thirdly ,at Istanbul, Beşiktaş, Beşiktaş Palace, on 5 February 1869 to Caucasian HH
  44. Is a mature technology, but is even at this time ethically controversial. And, thirdly , technological advances in spacecraft drive systems — specifically the
  45. At age 37,secondly to the daughter of Pompeii Celina, at an unknown date and, thirdly ,to Calpurnia, daughter of Calpurnia and granddaughter of Calpurnia Abacus of
  46. Be one of primary social importance; next, it must be proved to be practicable;, thirdly , the State interference must not diminish self-reliance. Even if the chance
  47. Religious fatalism which refers all moral distinctions to the will of God, and, thirdly , the fatalism of the ancient Stoics, who recognized God and yet identified Him
  48. The parson of common right unless by special exemption; let us therefore see, thirdly , who may be exempted or discharged from the payment of tithes, either in part
  49. Aga Khan and committed suicide in 1965. Third marriage and issue He married, thirdly ,at Lugano-Castagnola on 17 September 1956 New Zealand-born British photographic
  50. They also engaged together in a work which was the duty only of one. And, thirdly , they presumed to light the fire on the offering themselves. In this respect,"

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