Examples of the the word, theater , in a Sentence Context

The word ( theater ), is the 7092 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interception. During the late 1990s SM-2 block IVA missiles were tested in a, theater ,ballistic missile defense function. Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) systems have
  2. Palace, St Petersburg. * 1902 –" Electric Theatre ", the first full-time movie, theater ,in the United States, opens in Los Angeles, California. *1911 – The Australian
  3. She lived for a few months with relatives in Chicago, one of whom owned a movie, theater ,and allowed her to watch dozens of films for free. She then set out for
  4. Comments on the McCarthy Era, and pieces arguing for a publicly supported, theater , Reviewing this collection in the Chicago Tribune, Studs Terkel remarked," in
  5. Became a stalemate, as the focus of attention shifted to the smaller southern, theater , The British move South,1778–1783 The British strategy in America now
  6. After the battle, Burnside was replaced by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker. Western, theater ,1861–1863 While the Confederate forces had numerous successes in the Eastern
  7. Clockwork Orange was performed by the comedy group BOOK CLUB at the I. O. West, theater ,in Hollywood, California. In 2011 a new adaptation with words by Ed Durante and
  8. Humor and monstrous absurdity, unlike anything thus far performed in French, theater , seemed unlikely to ever actually be performed on stage. However, impetuous
  9. En≷=us Ross Ramsey. Theater Austin has a strong, theater ,culture, with dozens of itinerant and resident companies producing a variety of
  10. Requiring it to slip through a combined blockade of the Atlantic. The American, theater ,thus became only one front in Britain's war. The British were forced to
  11. Company),The Ark, and Performance Network Theatre, which operates a downtown, theater ,and frequently offers new or nontraditional plays. Another unique piece of
  12. The" alienation effect ". Brecht and Weill wished to replace the old dramatic, theater ,and its emphasis on emotions with epic theater and its emphasis on reason. In
  13. Became inseparable. Through Halo, Akira devoured not only films but also, theater ,and circus performances, while exhibiting his paintings and working for the
  14. Open source movement. Amateur dramatics is the performance of plays or musical, theater , often to high standards, but lacking the budgets of professional West End or
  15. To continue their surveillance and track the group after they left the movie, theater , This incident ended up led to the Cinema Rex Fire, where over 350 people
  16. Seemed unlikely to ever actually be performed on stage. However, impetuous, theater , director Aurélien-Marie Lugné-Poe took the risk, producing the play at his
  17. The great American novel. Shaping Edwin’s ambitious journey in the world of the, theater ,is his love of three women: the beautiful, strong-minded Julia Scarlet, whom he
  18. Opening a route to Atlanta and the heart of the Confederacy. Trans-Mississippi, theater ,1861–1865 Guerrilla activity turned much of Missouri into a battleground.
  19. Physical exercise, Isamu Kurosawa was open to western traditions and saw, theater ,and motion pictures as educationally valuable. He encouraged his children to
  20. Companies producing a variety of work. The city also has live performance, theater ,venues such as the Zachary Scott Theatre Center, Vortex Repertory Company
  21. State William H. Seward that night. Grant survived when he failed to attend the, theater ,with Lincoln as planned, Seward narrowly survived his wounds, while Johnson
  22. Publication in a literary journal rather than a newspaper. In autumn 1887,a, theater ,manager named North commissioned Chekhov to write a play, the result being
  23. Over 60 events each year, bringing international artists in music, dance,and, theater , Regional and local performing arts groups not associated with the university
  24. Tennessee. Shiloh Johnston concentrated many of his forces from around the, theater ,and launched a massive surprise attack against Grant at the Battle of Shiloh on
  25. Particularly Yamaha, draws heavily on the stylized techniques of the Not, theater , It was filmed in 1956 and released in January 1957 to a slightly less negative
  26. The majority of US Marine Corps Hawk systems were modified to support basic, theater ,anti-ballistic missile capabilities. MIM-23 Hawk missile is not operational in
  27. Of America,2006) ISBN 978-1-93108291-4. *Martin, Robert A. (ed.)," The, theater ,essays of Arthur Miller ", foreword by Arthur Miller. NY: Viking Press,1978
  28. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics,poetry, theater , music, logic,rhetoric, linguistics,politics, government,ethics, biology
  29. Forms. The Stadsschouwburg is currently being renovated and expanded. The third, theater ,space, to be operated jointly with next door Mosque, will open in late 2009 or
  30. Is developing as an annual autumn event in his native town of Legato where a, theater ,has been re-named in his honor. Biography Antonio Salary began his musical
  31. Jacques Duroc, French singer and actor *1944 – Elizabeth Recompute, American, theater , director * 1944 – Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe, Belgian politician *1946 –
  32. Uncle. His new job gave him many benefits including free admission to the local, theater , This made him appreciate Shakespeare's work. He was a very hard worker and
  33. Successful. (It earned $35,000 in its first three weeks at a single New York, theater , an almost unheard-of sum at the time. ) This success in turn led to a vogue in
  34. Opera tune arrangements, dance music, or hundreds of the latest popular comic, theater ,songs The firm soon established a reputation in more serious music circles by
  35. Geographer (d. 1993) *1915 – Mateusz Cantor, Polish painter, set designer and, theater ,director (d. 1990) * 1916 – Vincent Ellis McKelvy, American geologist (d.
  36. Worked on a novel that he hoped would" expose" the strictures the commercial, theater ,machine imposed on playwrights, but the manuscript was never published. This
  37. Earlier. * In canto V of G. B Marino's poem" Alone" the protagonist goes to, theater ,to see a tragedy representing Actaeon's myth. This episode is relevant because
  38. The score for A Little Night Music has elements not often found in musical, theater , presenting challenges for performers, with complex meters, pitch changes
  39. In Sid Meier's Civilization IV include Desert War, set in the Mediterranean, theater ,of World War II and featuring scripted events tied to possible outcomes of
  40. Events, education and resources for the vocal music community. Musical, theater ,A Cappella has been used as the sole orchestration for original works of
  41. Hosts the Fuse Box Festival each April featuring international, leading-edge, theater , artists. The Paramount Theatre, opened in downtown Austin in 1915,contributes
  42. Country (after France) to formally recognize the United States. Southern, theater ,During the first three years of the American Revolutionary War, the primary
  43. Died around 401 BC. Marathon introduced certain innovations into the Greek, theater ,: Aristotle tells us that the characters and plot of his Anthems were original
  44. Outdoor musical. The Long Center for the Performing Arts is a 2,300 seat, theater ,built partly with recycled materials from the old Lester E. Palmer Auditorium.
  45. Paramount Theatre, opened in downtown Austin in 1915,contributes to Austin's, theater ,and film culture, showing classic films throughout the summer and hosting
  46. Of his work. * Theater: Andy Warhol's PORK opened on May 5,1971, at LaMama, theater ,in New York for a two-week run and was brought to the Roundhouse in London for
  47. The wealthy citizens of the Greek Polish financed the chorus of ancient Greek, theater , - Jareena (like in the articulated well-known form Al Jazeera),means island
  48. Examples occurred when first, Meidias punched Demosthenes in the face in the, theater ,(Against Madras),and second when (in Against Non) a defendant allegedly
  49. A second bonus; 141 were caught and executed. Eastern, theater ,1861–1863 Because of the fierce resistance of a few initial Confederate forces
  50. America. Many Loyalists fought in partisan units, especially in the Southern, theater , The British military met with many difficulties in maximizing the use of

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