Examples of the the word, foul , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foul ), is the 7093 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lands in foul territory or initially lands within the diamond but moves into, foul ,territory before passing first or third base. If there are already two strikes
  2. Games and in NBA games. A one-point shot can be earned when shooting from the, foul ,line after a foul is made. Playing regulations Games are played in four
  3. Is baseball's field of play, though significant events can take place in, foul ,territory, as well. There are three basic tools of baseball: the ball, the bat
  4. A ball in the air that is caught by a fielder, whether in fair territory or, foul ,territory, before it lands,whether the batter has run. *The ground out:
  5. Are no regulations at all concerning the dimensions of foul territory. Thus, a, foul ,fly ball may be entirely out of play in a park with little space between the
  6. Protrudes up from the set anchor, there is a great tendency of the rode to, foul ,the anchor as the vessel swings due to wind or current shifts. When this
  7. Clay, or mud. It is not unknown for the anchor to foul on its own rode, or to, foul ,the tines with refuse from the bottom, preventing it from digging in. On the
  8. Area out-of-bounds on a football or soccer field does not affect play the way, foul ,territory in baseball does, so variations in that regard are largely
  9. Misses, or foul tips it directly into the catcher's hands. *The batter hits a, foul ,ball—one that either initially lands in foul territory or initially lands
  10. Forward from home plate at 45-degree angles. The 90-degree area within the, foul ,lines is referred to as fair territory; the 270-degree area outside them is
  11. And third base coach, occupying designated coaches' boxes just outside the, foul ,lines, assist in the direction of base runners when the ball is in play, and
  12. The modern baseball rules were in place by 1893; the last major change—counting, foul ,balls as strikes—was instituted in 1901. The two leagues, each with eight teams
  13. To an offensive player if he is foul ed while shooting the ball. A technical, foul ,may also be issued when certain infractions occur, most commonly for
  14. The stands, but a flout in a park with more expansive foul ground. A fence in, foul ,territory that is close to the outfield line will tend to direct balls that
  15. Six umpires are used: one at each base and two in the outfield along the, foul ,lines. Strategy and tactics Many of the pre-game and in-game strategic
  16. Ball are called intentional foul s (or flagrant foul s in the NBA). In FIFA,a, foul ,resulting in ejection is called a disqualifying foul , while in leagues other
  17. Games. A one-point shot can be earned when shooting from the foul line after a, foul ,is made. Playing regulations Games are played in four quarters of 10 (FIFA)
  18. Then nine innings. The game is played on a field whose primary boundaries,the, foul ,lines, extend forward from home plate at 45-degree angles. The 90-degree area
  19. Closely guarded (5 seconds),and remaining in the restricted area below the, foul ,line (the lane, or " key" ) (3 seconds). These rules are designed to
  20. Of the batter. (There is an exception to this exception: a two-strike, foul ,bunt is recorded as a third strike. ) A ball is called when the pitcher throws
  21. Disadvantage an opponent through physical contact is illegal and is called a, foul , These are most commonly committed by defensive players; however, they can be
  22. Died shortly afterwards, his death variously attributed to fright, sorrow,or, foul ,play. Alexios V Donkeys was crowned in early February 1204. After his coronation
  23. Is called a disqualifying foul , while in leagues other than the NBA, such a, foul ,is referred to as flagrant. If a team exceeds a certain limit of team foul s in
  24. A technical foul . The penalty involves free throws (where, unlike a personal, foul , the other team can choose any player to shoot) and varies among leagues.
  25. Lines is referred to as fair territory; the 270-degree area outside them is, foul ,territory. The part of the field enclosed by the bases and several yards beyond
  26. I have a healthy sense of right and wrong, but sometimes, for example, using, foul , exclamation-point words among friends can be good for a laugh. " Within the
  27. In the NBA). In FIFA, a foul resulting in ejection is called a disqualifying, foul , while in leagues other than the NBA, such a foul is referred to as flagrant.
  28. To a daughter, Astarte Lulu Panther. Hiring suspected Shumway's Black Magic, foul ,play and what Crowley found when reading Shumway's magical diary (everybody
  29. To develop much hold in sand, clay,or mud. It is not unknown for the anchor to, foul ,on its own rode, or to foul the tines with refuse from the bottom, preventing
  30. We have not eaten at this point. At this point, I have a cold. I refuse to, foul ,up our timelines this way. A further source of tension between Mission Control
  31. But not already hit. If the ball is dead on the pitch run on, such as from a, foul ,ball (except caught fly-out),the steal is not allowed and the runner returns
  32. For unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of a player or coach. A technical, foul ,gives the opposing team a free throw. Basketball has evolved many commonly used
  33. Tall. Similarly, there are no regulations at all concerning the dimensions of, foul ,territory. Thus, a foul fly ball may be entirely out of play in a park with
  34. Two free throws on all subsequent foul s for the half. When a team shoots, foul ,shots, the opponents may not interfere with the shooter, nor may they try to
  35. Penalties and foul s are similar to one pocket in that the player committing the, foul ,must spot a ball for each foul . This must be done before the incoming player
  36. Passing first or third base. If there are already two strikes on the batter,a, foul ,ball is not counted as a third strike; thus, a foul ball cannot result in the
  37. To one pocket in that the player committing the foul must spot a ball for each, foul , This must be done before the incoming player shoots. Speed pool is
  38. With another player, can be charged with a more serious foul called a technical, foul , The penalty involves free throws (where, unlike a personal foul , the other
  39. Strikes on the batter, a foul ball is not counted as a third strike; thus,a, foul ,ball cannot result in the immediate strikeout of the batter. (There is an
  40. Or swinging third strike),but should have been out earlier in his at bat on a, foul ,fly ball which was dropped by a fielder for an error. This also includes any
  41. Batter swings at any ball (even one outside the strike zone) and misses, or, foul , tips it directly into the catcher's hands. *The batter hits a foul ball—one
  42. I think he feels it. The mantras, the images of Krishna have in this culture no, foul ,association. ... When somebody comes in from the Orient with a new religion
  43. The Reds having a chance. When the Reds triumphed 5–3,many pundits cried, foul , At the time of the scandal, the White Sox were arguably the most successful
  44. Are generally called" foul s ". Disruptive physical contact (a personal, foul ,) is penalized, and a free throw is usually awarded to an offensive player if
  45. People are confronted with unpleasant and potentially harmful stimuli such as, foul ,odors or tastes, PET-scans show increased blood flow in the amygdala. In these
  46. The foul lines and the stands, but a flout in a park with more expansive, foul ,ground. A fence in foul territory that is close to the outfield line will tend
  47. Colloquially, an " and one" ) because of the basket made at the time of the, foul ,(2 or 3 points) and the additional free throw (1 point). Common techniques
  48. Fly ball may be entirely out of play in a park with little space between the, foul ,lines and the stands, but a flout in a park with more expansive foul ground. A
  49. Referee or by fighting with another player, can be charged with a more serious, foul ,called a technical foul . The penalty involves free throws (where, unlike a
  50. S hands. *The batter hits a foul ball—one that either initially lands in, foul ,territory or initially lands within the diamond but moves into foul territory

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