Examples of the the word, stripe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stripe ), is the 7344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Changes to the uniform design throughout the years, such as changing the silver, stripe ,patterns on the jersey sleeves, and changing the colors of the jersey numbers.
  2. Included a white helmet adorned with a simple blue star and a blue-white-blue, stripe ,down the center crown. The team donned blue jerseys with white sleeves and a
  3. With a blue-white-blue pin stripe down the center (the middle white, stripe ,was thicker). The blue" lone star" logo was retained, but with a white
  4. Of the backlight power of LCD and rear-projection displays are lost to the RGB, stripe ,filter. Most LCD's also have poorer color rendition and can change color with
  5. A new look (a reversed color scheme with white with black numerals and a black, stripe ,on the bottom) for the following races at Rockingham and Las Vegas. For
  6. And brown numerals on the sides (1957–1959); orange with a brown-white-brown, stripe ,sequence and brown numerals on the sides (1960); orange with a
  7. And white stripe s on the shoulders. The helmets were white with a red center, stripe , By 1965,red and blue center stripe s were put on the helmets. The Bills
  8. Logo was also put on the jersey sleeves, but it was replaced by a red and white, stripe ,pattern four years later. They switched from black to red jerseys in 1971,and
  9. Orange with a single white stripe (1952–1956); orange with a single white, stripe ,and brown numerals on the sides (1957–1959); orange with a brown-white-brown
  10. Running down the length of the fuselage, which was replaced by a simpler orange, stripe ,with the introduction of jets. In the late 1960s,American commissioned Massimo
  11. Brown and white, and their helmets were solid orange with a white dorsal, stripe ,over the crest. The Bengals' team colors were orange, black,and white, and
  12. White with five red horizontal stripe s on the body, the broadest middle, stripe ,bearing" DETROIT" in bold letters, and three red stripe s on the sleeves. The
  13. Stripes continued to be the team's primary trademark. In 2004,a new tiger, stripe ,pattern and more accents were added to the uniforms. The black jerseys now
  14. Being the word" Bengals" in block letters on either side of the helmet and no, stripe ,on the helmet. The Cincinnati Bengals were unique in the NFL as they did not
  15. Brown – solid brown (no stripe s). Orange pants with a wider brown-white-brown, stripe ,sequence were worn from 1975 to 1983 and become symbolic of the" Cardiac Kids "
  16. Worn again occasionally in 2003 and 2004. Socks: Brown or white with matching, stripe ,pattern to jerseys (1946–1983; 1985–1995; 1999–2002 mid-season); solid brown
  17. Developed into the Sensitronic which could store balances on a magnetic, stripe ,which was part of the ledger card. This balance was read into the accumulator
  18. As" Metallic Silver Blue" ( PMS 8240 C) and have a blue/white/blue vertical, stripe ,placed upon the center of the crown. The Cowboys also include a unique, if
  19. To develop a new livery. The original design called for a red, white,and blue, stripe ,on the fuselage, and a simple" AA" logo, without an eagle, on the tail.
  20. Gray. Markings: Biomorphic species. Males have a white throat and brow, stripe ,bordered by black. The overall rufous plumage has gray mottling on the wings
  21. Demo tape with the player's name embossed, placed on the white portion of the, stripe ,at the back of the helmet. Image: Dallas Cowboys helmet Front. JPG|Front of
  22. Very similar in color, are usually slightly different and may produce a visible, stripe ,when added onto existing work. If insufficient yarn of a single dye lot is
  23. As a consequence, α-helical dihedral angles, in general, fall on a diagonal, stripe ,on the Ramachandran diagram (of slope -1),ranging from (-90°,-15°) to (
  24. Remains on the blue jersey. During the 1976 season, the blue-white-blue, stripe ,on the crown of the helmets were temporarily changed to red-white-blue to
  25. Team owner Al Lerner who died in 2002. Orange pants with a brown-white-brown, stripe ,sequence were worn from 1975 to 1983 and become symbolic of the" Cardiac Kids "
  26. From aurochs. The Heck brothers' aurochs also have a pale yellow dorsal, stripe , instead of white. Nomenclature The words" aurochs "," URLs ", and " wisent "
  27. Pattern on the brown jersey sleeves (The white jersey has had that sleeve, stripe ,pattern on a consistent basis since the 1985 season. ) and the older, darker
  28. 67101; 9/16 inch (14 mm) scarlet 67111; 1/32 inch (1 mm) white; center, stripe ,1/8 inch (3 mm) ultramarine blue 67118; 1/32 inch (1 mm) white; 9/16 inch (
  29. Points, you will see bridling on the tan points only. Even one single, lone, stripe , of brindle is brindle. If a dachshund has one single spot of dapple, it is a
  30. Green respectively; the Andalusian coat of arms is superimposed on the central, stripe , Its design was overseen by Bias Infant and approved in the Assembly of Ronda
  31. Seal brown" ) with white numerals and a white-orange-white-orange-white, stripe ,sequence on the sleeves. 2. Away Uniforms: white with brown numerals and a
  32. And solid orange for night games (1950–1951); orange with a single white, stripe ,(1952–1956); orange with a single white stripe and brown numerals on the
  33. With a black falcon crest logo. In the center of the helmet was a center black, stripe ,surrounded by 2 gold stripe s and 2 white stripe s, These colors represented the
  34. Ajax opted for white shorts and white shirt with a broad, vertical red, stripe ,over chest and back, which still is Ajax's outfit. Ajax's shirts have been
  35. Afterwards, rebels raised the Bear Flag (featuring a bear, a star, a red, stripe ,and the words" California Republic" ) at Sonoma. The Republic's first and
  36. Have white lettering and numbers with navy pin stripe s. A white/gray/white, stripe ,are on each sleeve as well as the collared V-neck, and a Cowboys star logo is
  37. Can often be a learned or cultural issue too; as Darwin pointed out, seeing a, stripe ,of soup in a man's beard is disgusting even though neither soup nor beards are
  38. Seen in modern cattle, such as lyre-shaped horns set at a forward angle, a pale, stripe ,down the spine, and sexual dimorphism of coat color. Males were black with a
  39. Stars for collar insignia or sleeve braid of one wide and one narrow gold, stripe , even though they were actually only equivalent to one-star officers. To
  40. The standing bison logo was replaced by a blue charging one with a red slanting, stripe ,streaming from its horn. In 1984,the helmet's background color was changed
  41. To create a third jersey. Pants: 1. White – white with an orange-brown-orange, stripe ,sequence on the sides (the stripe s are of equal width). 2. Brown – solid
  42. Chemicals type Agent Orange' or 'Province of Vietnam, Compound Orange' with, stripe ,around the barrel dated 1967 for the Republic of Vietnam. The South Korean
  43. Scheme with blue markings. The current paint scheme, including yellow, stripe ,markings along the top of the fuselage, and " U. S. Navy" on the bottom of the
  44. And brown numerals on the sides (1960); orange with a brown-white-brown, stripe ,sequence (1961–1995 and 1999–present). Over the years, the Browns have had
  45. Reverted to an older uniform style, featuring gray face masks; the original, stripe ,pattern on the brown jersey sleeves (The white jersey has had that sleeve
  46. Away Uniforms: white with brown numerals and a brown-orange-brown-orange-brown, stripe ,sequence on the sleeves. The three white or brown stripe s are approximately
  47. On the road. In 1996 the team wore black pants with a single large white, stripe ,for all games. At home games the combination of black pants with purple jersey
  48. Spine, and sexual dimorphism of coat color. Males were black with a pale eel, stripe ,or pinching down the spine, while females and calves were reddish (these
  49. Underfur and long, black-tipped guard hairs that form a black dorsal, stripe ,and a dark cross on the shoulder area. The black-tipped tail has a scent gland
  50. Suit was the first to utilize red bands on the arms and legs and a red, stripe ,on the top of the lunar EVA sunshade" hood ",to allow easy

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