Examples of the the word, latitude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( latitude ), is the 7343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bogs). The drop from Markov to the sea is less than. It rises at about 67°N, latitude , and 173°E longitude near the headwaters of the Many Any River, flows
  2. Ranges from 33 to 37 parts per thousand (3.3 - 3.7 %) by mass and varies with, latitude ,and season. Evaporation, precipitation,river inflow and sea ice melting
  3. At the confluence of the Yenisei and Balkan Rivers, at approximately the same, latitude ,as Hamburg and Minsk. Population: History Balkan stockaded town () was built
  4. And its maximum depth is, in the Arabian Basin approximately at the same, latitude ,as the southernmost tip of India. The largest river flowing into the Arabian
  5. Pole. The concentric circles the stars trace out are lines of celestial, latitude , known as declination. The arc connecting the points on the horizon due East
  6. Estate is bathed in the golden glow of perpetual summer sunset at this high, latitude ,(" Night Waltz One and Two" ). Everyone arrives, each carrying their own
  7. Inland temperatures are affected more by differences in elevation than by, latitude ,or any other factor. Low winter temperatures in the mountains are caused by the
  8. Convergence line by means of a line joining specified points along parallels of, latitude ,and meridians of longitude. The implementation of the Convention is managed
  9. Is currently drifting northwards at a speed of about per year, see Circle of, latitude ,for more information. __TOC__ Geography Relatively few people
  10. Of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. For Epoch 2011,it is the parallel of, latitude ,that runs north of the Equator. The region north of this circle is known as the
  11. Traveling east and north they eventually crossed the equator and reached the, latitude ,at which Arcturus would appear directly overhead in the summer night sky.
  12. It is therefore dependent not only on the time of the observation, but also the, latitude ,and longitude of the observer. Its effect is much smaller than that of annual
  13. Direction as a hypothetical magnetizing current loop around the local line of, latitude ,which would induce a magnetic dipole field oriented like the Earth's. This
  14. The Strait of Gibraltar separate it from Africa. Climate Andalusia sits at a, latitude ,between 36º and 38º44' N, in the warm-temperate region. In general, it
  15. Long, about to wide (widest between 18 degrees South and 20 degrees South, latitude ,), and of an average height of about. Along its length, the Andes is split into
  16. Of γ Dragons, a star of magnitude 2 m which passes practically overhead at the, latitude ,of London, and whose observations are therefore free from the complex
  17. Low rainfall and high evaporation. Surface water temperatures, which vary with, latitude , current systems, and season and reflect the latitudinal distribution of solar
  18. To the legal manners and parties involved. Arbitrators have wide, latitude ,in crafting remedies in the arbitral decision, with the only real limitation
  19. The extent of the impact that abiotic stress will have. The higher the, latitude ,of the area affected, the greater the impact of abiotic stress will be on that
  20. Noted the Heel Stone azimuth is one-seventh of circumference, matching the, latitude ,of Ave bury, while summer solstice sunrise azimuth is no longer equal to the
  21. Partnerships The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of, latitude ,that mark maps of the Earth. For Epoch 2011,it is the parallel of latitude
  22. According to the 2001 census. Andhra Pradesh lies between 12°41' and 22°N, latitude , and 77° and 84°40'E longitude, and is bordered by Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and
  23. Satellite surveillance. Most of the Antarctic region is situated south of 60°S, latitude , parallel,and is governed in accordance with the international legal regime of
  24. Portion of the administration of the state, but was granted relatively little, latitude ,for initiative; the boule's control over policy was executed in its
  25. Desired that students competing for prizes shall be allowed the widest possible, latitude , and that the new, the unusual, and the radical shall be especially encouraged.
  26. Is called the Mullein law. This is easiest to describe in terms of lines of, latitude ,and longitude - the spines lie on the intersections between five of the former
  27. Moisture that is obtained through evaporation. Climatic zones vary with, latitude ,; the warmest zones stretch across the Atlantic north of the equator. The
  28. Capital city. It is located about 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) west of the Nile at, latitude ,26° 10' N, near the modern Egyptian towns of elf'Arab el Madonna and
  29. Of The Pointers or The Southern Pointers some 4.5° west, South of about −29° S, latitude , Alpha Centauri is circumpolar and never sets below the horizon. Both stars
  30. Known Sea). The Lunar coordinates of the landing site were 3.01239° S, latitude , 23.42157° W longitude. The landing site would thereafter be listed as Station
  31. On an ancient Jurassic Bavaria strikingly different from the present day. The, latitude ,was similar to Florida, though the climate was likely to have been drier, as
  32. I Island, Scott Island and Valley Islands. The islands situated between 60°S, latitude , parallel to the south and the Antarctic Convergence to the north, and their
  33. Of determining position on sea - mainly the longitudinal coordinate, since, latitude , is easily determined from the position of the sun. Since it was thought that
  34. Required adjustments from a place to another because of the difference in, latitude , In his time, the noon was simply a vertical pillar or rod mounted on a
  35. Mathematician Pierre Louis Maupertuis (1698–1759) to measure a degree of, latitude , The aim of the expedition was to measure the length of a degree along a
  36. Is arid and similar to Baghdad's, but slightly hotter due to Abadan's lower, latitude , Summers are dry and hot, with temperatures above 45 degrees almost daily with
  37. On his way to the Cape of Good Hope and India in 1500,had discovered Brazil at, latitude ,16°52'S. Portugal claimed this land by the Treaty of Tordesillas, and the King
  38. Far south to be visible for mid- latitude northern observers. Below about +29° N, latitude ,to the equator (roughly Hermosillo and Chihuahua in Mexico, Galveston,Texas
  39. Be identified using a geographic coordinate system. This system specifies the, latitude ,and longitude of any location in terms of angles subtended at the center of the
  40. Along which much of the ACC transport is carried, which is defined as the, latitude ,at which a subsurface salinity minimum or a thick layer of unstratified
  41. Using degrees, minutes,and seconds of angles in two measurements: one for, latitude , the angle north or south of the equator; and one for longitude, the angle east
  42. Has been carried over into marine GPS receivers, which normally display, latitude ,and longitude in the latter format by default. Uses Firearms The arc minute is
  43. Ridge. It extends from Iceland in the north to approximately 58° South, latitude , reaching a maximum width of about. A great rift valley also extends along the
  44. The star transit at the zenith (this observer would have to be positioned at, latitude ,66.6 degrees north – i.e. on the arctic circle). At the time of the March
  45. North Andaman. Climate The climate is typical of tropical islands of similar, latitude , It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. Rainfall is irregular, but usually
  46. Backed upon the elevated Balkan landmass, and the entire country lying at a, latitude ,subject to a variety of weather patterns during the winter and summer seasons
  47. The relatively low level of 2,000 meters – almost unique for such a southerly, latitude , Flora and fauna Although a small country, Albania is distinguished for its
  48. To Rio de Janeiro's bay. If his own account is to be believed, he reached the, latitude ,of Patagonia before turning back, although this also seems doubtful, since his
  49. It also is mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Isaiah. The, latitude ,of the city that would become Aswan – located at 24° 5′ 23″ – was an object of
  50. Consistent in the continental United States; winters are mild for Astoria's, latitude , generally above freezing, even at night, and wet. Summers are cool, although

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