Examples of the the word, rewarding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rewarding ), is the 7340 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nightclub gigs, some with a new version of The Blackouts. Financially more, rewarding ,were Zappa's earliest professional recordings, two soundtracks for the
  2. From his style at Fair child Semiconductor. He treated employees as family, rewarding ,and encouraging team work. His follow-your-bliss management style set the tone
  3. For his protection, early suggested to the emperors and kings the expedient of, rewarding ,their warriors with rich abbeys held in commend am. During the Carolingian epoch
  4. Of karma in turn contribute to determine our future circumstances that are both, rewarding ,and punishing. Jain scholars have explained in depth methods and techniques
  5. Society created the Software Process Achievement Award program. In addition to, rewarding ,excellence, the purpose of this award is to foster continuous advancement in
  6. Sparser population than France's making improved coverage less economically, rewarding , However, France has a number of Minos which increases competition. A fourth
  7. The Iliad In the Iliad, Homer represented Ares as having no fixed allegiances, rewarding ,courage on both sides: he promised Athena and Hera that he would fight on the
  8. Bid is worth the 10-point threshold plus the square of the bid, thereby, rewarding , a person bidding and making four tricks with 26 (10 plus 16) points. This has
  9. Creating valued products at a reasonable cost (for customers) and providing, rewarding ,employment opportunities (for employees). In nonprofit management, add the
  10. The more one investigates religion, the more he will be rewarded or find it, rewarding , In the beginning, Job was an examining, pious man, not a philosopher, and he
  11. Talk, the Zulu king is supposed to have called off the destructive edicts, rewarding ,the blunt teller-of-truths with a gift of cattle. The figure of Shaka thus
  12. And making four tricks with 26 (10 plus 16) points. This has the advantage of, rewarding ,riskier bids, and making it possible for someone to catch up from behind more
  13. However, the tradition of hierarchical organizational structures and generous, rewarding ,of political favors prevails. Pre-Columbian era to independence Pre-Columbian
  14. As dopamine that are released by the brain under certain conditions and produce, rewarding ,sensations. Crick's suggestion that there might someday be a new science of "
  15. Croatia's inhabitants who found working in foreign countries more financially, rewarding , Upon retirement, a popular plan was to return to live in Croatia (then
  16. For Christianity was equally important. The pope promised them the same, rewarding ,indulgence that awaited the first crusaders. Later military orders like the
  17. Seeking unspoiled destinations. The islands were described as“ beautiful and, rewarding ," and the Shetlands as" a fiercely independent and self-reliant bunch ".
  18. In favor of his own conclusions. These approaches can be very effective and, rewarding , but it can also make Wittgenstein's philosophy difficult to grasp. Language
  19. Using the game's graphics. In describing what he considered" the most, rewarding ,moment" of his career, Grossman stated that the game's writing and use of
  20. 135–71 BC) The extensive campaigning abroad by Roman generals, and the, rewarding ,of soldiers with plunder on these campaigns, led to a general trend of soldiers
  21. Performed play, with the title role regarded as one of the most challenging and, rewarding ,for an actress even in the present day. Edda Gable and A Doll's House center
  22. Game can be completed with a single group, but some of the most challenging and, rewarding ,encounters (especially in terms of loot) require players to raid. Any number
  23. On discoveries has moved the Nobel Prize away from its original intention of, rewarding ,the greatest contribution to society. Specially distinguished laureates
  24. And properties. Portals brought the military under civilian control by, rewarding ,loyal generals, cashiering troublemakers, and promoting a victorious war
  25. Hosted a first of its kind, nationally participated in" online tournament ", rewarding ,the champions with cash and prizes sparking an immediate surge in online gaming
  26. Is widely considered to be at least partially responsible for cocaine's, rewarding ,effects. This hypothesis is largely based on laboratory data involving rats
  27. Dedication than writing because wrestling represents the most difficult and, rewarding ,objective that I have ever dedicated myself to; because wrestling and wrestling
  28. Give the player an advantage of up to 2 % over the house. Card counting is most, rewarding ,near the end of a complete shoe when as few as possible cards remain. Single
  29. Completely) thereby indicating that cocaine is no longer reinforcing (i.e., rewarding ,) the drug-seeking behavior. Cocaine's effects on serotonin (
  30. Berlin when they bought euro bonds from weaker Athens – as Dynastic politics, rewarding ,social groupings increased the economy’s corruption and dysfunction. Historic
  31. Mountains, telling jokes and doing movie-star impressions. He found more, rewarding ,work behind the scenes, becoming a comedy writer for television. He joined the
  32. In the striatum--the same anatomical areas that underpin the anticipatory and, rewarding ,aspects of drug addiction. Sociology Music is experienced by individuals in a
  33. Settings. For example, teachers can alter student behavior by systematically, rewarding ,students who follow classroom rules with praise, stars,or tokens exchangeable
  34. Former glory and scope. Nonetheless, it continues to be a somewhat competitive, rewarding ,and demanding specialty in its own right. Until recently, all surgeons in the
  35. Allowing them to monopolize the production of the first steam engines, thereby, rewarding , inventors and increasing the pace of technological development. However
  36. Want from museums, what motivates them to visit them and what makes for a, rewarding ,visit. * A review of survey results and prioritization of the various intrinsic
  37. At Execution Dock. Kidd's Whig backers were embarrassed by his trial. Far from, rewarding ,his loyalty, they participated in the effort to convict him by depriving him of
  38. Beneficiary of development aid offered by the United States in a plan aimed at, rewarding ,countries determined by Washington to be putting forth market reforms and
  39. Punishment or punishment by contingent withdrawal),or the absence of a, rewarding ,stimulus, which causes the behavior to stop (extinction). Skinner also sought
  40. From Beth Fast'El near Palmyra pays tribute to the" Jinn aye ", the " good and, rewarding ,gods ". In the following verse, the Qur'an rejects the worship of jinn and
  41. Should" present at least one child to socialism" and also by financially, rewarding ,its more educated citizen to become parents. The government especially tried to
  42. 1,1871. While this new career took him away from the practice of law, it was, rewarding ,in other ways: the fees were said to yield up to $40,000 (US$ in present terms
  43. For the sort of expression that is not at all technical. " The experience was, rewarding ,for Pei, and he agreed immediately to work with the group again. The new
  44. Or even overbalance, the beneficial effects of publicizing ingenuity and, rewarding ,inventors. Name "/NP"> industrialization"/> Watt's monopoly may have prevented
  45. The utmost goodness, courage and wisdom" even though she" thwarted some while, rewarding ,others ". But the inadequacy of Ibrahim I (1640–1648) and the minority
  46. Their clocks by his daily walks. He never married, but did not seem to lack a, rewarding ,social life - he was a popular teacher and a modestly successful author even
  47. A hospital as a nurse; she liked the profession, calling it" one of the most, rewarding ,professions that anyone can follow ". She later worked at a hospital pharmacy
  48. The investigation revealed that the company had an elaborate scheme for, rewarding ,employees who purported to retain or" save" subscribers who had called to
  49. S alter ego from a Mariners TV Commercial, or show up in wacky costumes, rewarding ,the best with a ceremonial turkey leg. It's both an odd and hilarious gimmick
  50. Tassel of Bavaria – yet he tolerated their extramarital relationships, even, rewarding , their common-law husbands, and treasured the illegitimate grandchildren they

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