Examples of the the word, dale , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dale ), is the 7342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Now called Bella) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The old river name is derived from aura which means" gravel ". The name was
  2. Is the river name Folly and the last element is DAL which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The meaning of the river name is unknown (perhaps" the broad one" ).
  3. Wood head and Lady's Cross to Sheffield, to be woven on hand-looms in the, dale , From 1782 to 1820,water-powered cotton mills were built along many brooks
  4. Old Roman road to the west. The Lancastrians deployed on the north side of the, dale , using the valley as a" protective ditch "; the disadvantage of this position
  5. From Whitfield; the Sheilas, Shaws, Lees,Garlicky and Plants had farmed the, dale , The Side bottoms were from Hadfield, the Thornless were carpenters, and John
  6. Old Norse: Etc) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The meaning of the river name is unknown, but it is possibly derived from
  7. Here the Gamma river). The last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The first element is Word- meaning" northern ". So the meaning of the name
  8. Was Cary Lofting. The Team, Ray Austin, Neil Castes Sr., Robert How and, dale ,Van Nickel. The movie's theme song," The Ballad of Thunder Road ", was later
  9. The sacred river.: Five miles meandering with a many motion: Through wood and, dale ,the sacred river ran, : Then reached the caverns measureless to man, : And sank
  10. Or hillsides. Name A valley in its broadest geographic sense is also known as a, dale , A valley through which a river runs may also be referred to as a vale. A small
  11. The Hawks creamery with the loss of 59 jobs. This was the last creamery in the, dale , Dairy Crest transferred production of Wensley dale cheese to Yorkshire's
  12. The Gamma river) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The first element Story- (meaning" big" ) was later added to distinguish
  13. 1869. It might have received its name from the original name of Lyndon and, dale ," a gently undulating space between hills, a small valley," which described
  14. Living in groups of up to 30 animals; such a group is called a pod, herd, dale , or bloat. Taxonomy and origins Classification The hippopotamus is the type
  15. Deployment. Line after line of soldiers crested the southern ridge of the, dale ,and formed up in ranks opposite their enemies as snow began to fall. Edward's
  16. Over. Cities and towns Unincorporated Communities A dale is a valley. The word, dale ,comes from Old English deal and is related to Old Norse Dale. Dale or dale s may
  17. Suggestion was made for the term Dalian, derived from the Anglo-Saxon word, dale ,which means a valley between hills. Green up takes credit in the conversation
  18. Ironstone was mined in Rose dale . A railway was built around the top of the, dale ,to serve the mines, and kilns were built to process the ore. In two decades the
  19. High tree sprinkled::: with snow-white clay;::: Thence come the news::: in the, dale ,that fall--::: It stands evergreen::: above Urdr's Well.: :That dew which
  20. The river name Gauss and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The river name is derived from the verb ghost which means" stream
  21. Had taken and reared up for himself a monument, which is in the king's, dale ,: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the
  22. Son (now Son) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The river name is derived from the verb ska which means" seek" and so
  23. Called Jondalselvi) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The meaning of the river name is unknown. Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is
  24. Pass Suldalsporten) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". Before 1891,the name was written" Soledad ". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms
  25. An addition of a false /h/. ) The last element is Dale meaning" valley" or ", dale ,". Prior to 1918,the name was spelled" Hurdles ". Coat-of-arms The
  26. And the Caspian tern with hardly a dozen specimens. In geology, a valley or, dale ,is a depression with predominant extent in one direction. A very deep river
  27. And the East Midlands that is, Selby, Whitby,Derby and Grimsby. The word, dale ,in Yorkshire and Derbyshire is commonly used in place of valley. The first
  28. Some purposes, then became routine. Some disks were recorded using a" hill and, dale ," vertically modulated groove, rather than the" lateral" side-to-side
  29. 290 a. 8 p. a common. The surface displays a continued succession of hill and, dale , tideland and mountain top, and is rather woody... The seat, Edwinsford, stands
  30. Ring out, dear word, oh sound!: No rising hill, or mountain grand, : No sloping, dale , no northern strand, : There is, more loved, to be found, : Than this — our
  31. And the last element is the plural form of Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". Before 1889,the name was written Gjæsdal, which is the Danish spelling.
  32. Now Fedafjorden) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The name of the fjord is derived from the river name VIN (now Dvina),and
  33. The Gamma river) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". Prior to 1918,the municipality was called Lille-Elv dale n (" the small
  34. One of his inherited estates. Financial prosperity The abbey lies in a wooded, dale ,by the River Rye, sheltered by hills. To have enough flat land to build on, a
  35. Seattle's area. When he emerged from the trees he said," This is truly a sunny, dale , " Today, a few long-time residents still refer to the Buried area as Sunnyvale
  36. Of this position was that they could not see beyond the southern ridge of the, dale , The Lancastrian flanks were protected by marshes; their right was further
  37. The last element -Dale (the finite form of DAL which means" valley" or ", dale ,") was added later. Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times. They
  38. Upper" or" high" and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The name originally belonged to the vicarage and old church site. Prior to
  39. 17.80 % of those age 65 or over. Cities and towns Unincorporated Communities A, dale ,is a valley. The word dale comes from Old English deal and is related to Old
  40. Ninja (now Nutella) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The meaning of the river name is unknown. Prior to 1918,the name was
  41. Now called Bella) and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The old river name is derived from aura meaning" gravel ". The name
  42. The river name Eng era and the last element is DAL, the word for" valley" or ", dale ,". The river name is derived from the name of the lake Entered, and this is
  43. Where the silver was mined. (In German, thal or tail refers to a valley or, dale , )" Joachimsthaler" was later shortened in common usage to tale or Theiler (
  44. Which means" bay" and the last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". Coat-of-arms The coat-of-arms is from modern times. They were granted in
  45. Here the Lama river). The last element is Dale which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The first element Sir- (meaning" southern" ) was added after 1819 when
  46. Of Dussin dale has never been established. The most popular theory is that the, dale ,began in the vicinity of the Plum stead Road East allotments that swept into
  47. Letters of Ainulindalë represent two syllables, rather than the English word, dale , and the first three letters of Earned represent two syllables rather than
  48. But the most common is that Lindsey's name was combined with the suffix ", dale ," to form" Lindsey dale . " The name was shortened to Lin dale in 1874 when the
  49. Working farms. Sheep and cattle provide the prime source of farm income. The, dale ,farms have rights to graze sheep on the open moor. The rights to moorland
  50. Old Norse for reindeer and the last element is DAL which means" valley" or ", dale ,". The meaning of the river name is from the valley or vice versa. Renafjellet

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