Examples of the the word, ages , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ages ), is the 7339 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Artifacts typical of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic,Neolithic, Bronze,and Iron, ages ,have been found in Afghanistan. Urban civilization may have begun as early as
- To her father Zeus and a vital, cohesive piece of her character throughout the, ages , This role is expressed in a number of stories about Athena. Marines reports
- Rate is about 8 per 1,000,000 people per year. Although it occurs in all, ages , most reported cases are in children and adolescents, with the average age
- Origin It seems that an oracular cult existed in Delphi from the Mycenaean, ages , However, the Greek tradition is referring to the existence of vapors and
- Of a Buddhist monk. Because of these reasons he is known as the emperor of all, ages ,and thus became a milestone in the History of the world. Ashoka Chakra The
- In the 1930s. According to Soviet data,100 percent of males and females (, ages ,nine to forty-nine) were literate in 1970. Since independence, one of the
- Are gender-age differentials, usually,the ages for males are higher than the, ages ,for females. For example, in Indonesia, males must be 19 years old and females
- Excrement),etc. Children were called by these" temporary" names until the, ages ,of two to three. They were not given permanent names when they were born. Their
- Suggested. Signs and symptoms usually present themselves between the, ages ,of 50-70,and include progressive weakness, muscle wasting, and muscle
- At age three, lower scores on IQ tests and increased behavioral problems at, ages ,six and eight. Chemistry The simplest Pass, as defined by the International
- 17–18 years old for men and 15–16 years for women, who were tattooed. At these, ages , both sexes were regarded as adults. When a man proposed to a woman, he visited
- Paleo biology Life history The wealth of Allosaurus fossils, from nearly all, ages ,of individuals, allows scientists to study how the animal grew and how long its
- Text is obscure. Alhazen's writings were more widely available in the middle, ages ,than those of these earlier authors, and that probably explains why Alien
- Joke from a comic dramatist like Phrynichus (one of Aristophanes' rivals) he, ages ,by more than a year. In The Knights we are told that the mask makers were too
- 2,678,185 males and 2,625,933 females. 53.5 % of the population is between the, ages ,of 15 and 64 years old, with 3,291,954 males and 3,195,688 females. 2.8 % are
- Skeletal remains from the quarry pertain to individuals of almost all, ages ,and sizes, from less than 1 meter (3.3 ft) to 12 meters (39 ft) long, and
- Of some higher plants, though this last discovery was lost in later, ages , Influence on Hellenistic medicine After Theophrastus, the Lyceum failed to
- Person. In countries, where there are gender-age differentials, usually,the, ages ,for males are higher than the ages for females. For example, in Indonesia
- It should be noted that Judges honored marri ages based on mutual consent at, ages ,younger than seven, in spite of what Gratin had said; there are recorded
- Interacted and often fought. It has been home to various peoples through the, ages , among them the ancient Iranian peoples who established the dominant role of
- From 1997 to 2005 turned up the remains of 13 more individuals of various, ages , including a diminutive two-year-old and a very old individual estimated at
- To discharge impurities. Children were raised almost naked until about the, ages ,of four to five. Even when they wore clothes, they did not wear belts and left
- Settlements, from Ships, where they emerged from the underworld. For unknown, ages ,they were led by war chiefs guided by the Spirits across North America. They
- After which Secretary of War Stanton saluted and said," Now he belongs to the, ages , " Lincoln's flag-enfolded body was then escorted in the rain to the White
- Arbor Day (植树节) and stipulated that every able-bodied citizen between the, ages ,of 11 and 60 should plant three to five trees per year or do the equivalent
- Are over the age of 65. Arthritis is more common in women than men at all, ages ,and affects all races, ethnic groups and cultures. In the United States a CDC
- Evidence that the ecstatic prophetic-art existed during the Minoan and Mycenaean, ages , It is more possible that this art was introduced later from Anatolia and
- And objects from Bell's life and career: users of the telephone over the, ages ,; an audio wave signal; a diagram of a telephone receiver; geometric shapes from
- The ages of consent or more severe penalties or both. * Either decreases in the, ages ,of consent or less severe penalties or both. * Abolition of the age-of-consent
- By many, and as a result rebetadika are often crammed with people of all, ages ,who will sing, dance and drink till dawn. The Nazi () area, one of the latest
- And the Indian subcontinent, which has been home to various peoples through the, ages , The land has witnessed many military conquests since antiquity, notably by
- Way that age-of-consent laws are examined in court. * Either increases in the, ages ,of consent or more severe penalties or both. * Either decreases in the ages of
- Out of illiteracy. Strict regulations were introduced, anyone between the, ages ,of 12 and 40 who could not read or write was mandated to attend classes to
- Whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor. However, as it, ages , it acquires a sweet, earthy scent commonly likened to the fragrance of rubbing
- For him to feel affection for his mother's worst persecutor. From the, ages ,of 6 to 9,Alexei was educated by his tutor Vyazemsky, but after the removal of
- d. 1968) *1892 – Kinsman Gins an, Japanese identical twins who lived to, ages ,107 and 108,respectively. *1894 – Octavio Bottecchia, Italian cyclist (d.
- The greatest risk factor is age, with symptoms typically presenting between the, ages ,of 50-70. Cases under the age of 50 years are called" young onset MND "
- The population is predominately quite young, with 43.7 % between the, ages ,of less than one and 14 years old,2,678,185 males and 2,625,933 females. 53.5
- Algeria Education is officially compulsory for children between the, ages ,of six and 15. Approximately 5 % of the adult population of the country is
- And the first portion of the book discusses possible causes of these great ice, ages , Island Life was considered a very important work at the time of its
- The immortality of the human race proposed by pagans, and contemporary ideas of, ages ,(such as those of certain Greeks and Egyptians) that differed from the Church
- Roughly 100 Jews (see: Andorran Jews). Education Schools Children between the, ages ,of 6 and 16 are required by law to have full-time education. Education up to
- Be seen there to this day. The cathedral was extended several times in later, ages , turning it into a curious and unique mixture of building styles. For 600 years
- Years ago, during the Jurassic Period (Kimmeridgian and early Lithuanian, ages ,). Description Apatosaurus was a large, long-necked quadrupedal animal with a
- As with many ancient cities, Ankara has gone by several names over the, ages , It has been identified with the Hittite cult center Annual, although this
- The reign of Ashoka Maurya could easily have disappeared into history as the, ages ,passed by, and would have had he not left behind a record of his trials. The
- That only the Son was directly created and begotten by God the Father, before, ages , but was of a distinct, though similar, essence or substance from the Creator;
- In some jurisdictions (such as Indonesia),there are different, ages ,of consent for heterosexual sexual activity that are based on the gender of
- And artistic refinement, but lacks the life and character of that in earlier, ages , The sculptures had been published mostly in hand copy, not facsimile, by
- Age of consent have drifted upwards in modern times. For example, while, ages , from 10 to 13 were typically acceptable in Western countries during the
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