Examples of the the word, engineers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( engineers ), is the 7835 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Included the console and home computer departments) in July. As executives and, engineers ,left Commodore to join Tramiel's new Atari Corporation, Commodore responded by
  2. Between on-ramps (for entering) and off-ramps (for leaving). When American, engineers ,speak of slip roads, they are referring to a street that runs alongside the
  3. Reaching its pinnacle of development with the battleship. It was also naval, engineers ,that constructed the first tanks during World War I, giving rise to armored
  4. John Aaron, with the support of grounded astronaut Mat tingly and many, engineers ,and designers, had to invent a new protocol to do this with the ship's limited
  5. Visited Xerox PARC in December 1979 to see the Xerox Alto. Xerox granted Apple, engineers ,three days of access to the PARC facilities in return for the option to buy
  6. Atari Corporation, Commodore responded by filing lawsuits against four former, engineers ,for theft of trade secrets. This was intended to, in effect, bar Trammel from
  7. Varied expertise like mechanical, plumbing,electrical, civil,structural, etc., engineers ,for the building services and that are filed for obtaining permits (
  8. ARIF system was extremely complex and required a team of hardware and software, engineers , designers, and writers. ARIF is an ancestor of the PDA systems used in museums
  9. Architect co-ordinates a design team. Structural, mechanical,and electrical, engineers ,and other specialists, are hired by the client or the architect, who must
  10. In electronics. Life cycles and system failures are broken down and studied by, engineers , It is also looking at different factors incorporated within the design.
  11. In art and literature. Below the nobility were the priests, physicians,and, engineers ,with specialized training in their field. Slavery was known in Ancient Egypt
  12. Applications. However, Apple decided not to finish this project, and the, engineers ,and writers working on the project bought the right to market Selector III to
  13. Chase hunting, and sound conservation practices. From the 1920s,professional, engineers ,took an interest in archery, previously the exclusive field of traditional
  14. Basements from flooding. Even though the artesian well was designed by the city, engineers ,to prevent flooding and develop a water system, this was not how things
  15. Disrupting the flow of traffic are known as slip roads in the UK but US civil, engineers ,call them ramps and further distinguish between on-ramps (for entering) and
  16. Operations at airports. Ground crew members include: ** Aerospace and avionics, engineers ,responsible for certifying the aircraft for flight and management of aircraft
  17. Is used in the design of large components such as hard drive heads. Structural, engineers ,also use aerodynamics, and particularly neuroplasticity, to calculate wind loads
  18. Usually streamlined from nose to tail to reduce drag.; Flight control Aerospace, engineers ,develop control systems for a vehicle's orientation (attitude) about its
  19. The aircraft for flight and management of aircraft maintenance *** Aerospace, engineers , responsible for airframe, powerplant and electrical systems' maintenance ***
  20. A second manned Earth orbit LM flight. Launch vehicles When the team of, engineers ,led by Werner von Braun began planning for the Apollo program, it was not yet
  21. Hill speed hill climb near Aston Clinton in Buckingham shire. It also designs and, engineers ,cars which are manufactured by Magna Steyr in Austria. From 1994 until 2007
  22. Had been working on a prototype known as" Stella" ( named after one of the, engineers ,' bicycles) for some time. Unlike prior generations of machines that used
  23. Frisson was so frustrated with the inability of the training simulator, engineers ,to keep up with the actual spacecraft changes, that he took a lemon from a tree
  24. Not have been produced using the manufacturing technology of his time. Swedish, engineers ,Georg and Edvard Schultz had made a working version of the difference engine in
  25. And by 1886,over 150,000 people in the U. S. owned telephones. Bell company, engineers ,made numerous other improvements to the telephone, which emerged as one of the
  26. S Tulip System-1 which appeared about the same time Aster folded. Most of the, engineers ,who designed the hardware and software of the Aster went on to design hardware
  27. Polish family whose members had worked as mathematicians, scientists,and, engineers ,for generations. He learned the Polish language at home and the Russian
  28. Of complex function theory as it is taught today to physicists and electrical, engineers , For quite some time, contemporaries of Cauchy ignored his theory, believing it
  29. Science Foundation (NSF). A team of European and Indian scientists and, engineers ,have set up six arsenic treatment plants in West Bengal based on in-situ
  30. At requirements, structures,mechanisms, systems and dimensions. Electrical, engineers ,analyze systems in electronics. Life cycles and system failures are broken down
  31. Eventually occurs, under even very small cyclic loading. This implies that, engineers ,must assess these loads and design for a fixed life rather than an infinite
  32. Early 1961,direct ascent was generally the mission mode in favor at NASA. Many, engineers ,feared that a rendezvous — let alone a docking — neither of which had been
  33. Soon had the entire Main Street under, in some cases, four feet of water. The, engineers ,realized the previous flaws of the artesian well plan and soon added a gate
  34. Crossing with wild populations of tomatoes. Costs and benefits of GMOs Genetic, engineers ,may someday develop transgenic plants which would allow for irrigation
  35. Population and triggering the Montreal Riots. *1859 – British and French, engineers ,break ground for the Suez Canal. *1861 – American Civil War: The Union Army
  36. Humanitarian help including doctors, hospitals,inns, wells,medical herbs and, engineers ,to his neighboring countries. In neighboring countries, Ashoka helped humans as
  37. For airframe, powerplant and electrical systems' maintenance *** Avionics, engineers ,responsible for avionics and instruments maintenance ** Electric System
  38. For Iraq. The shift included 3 staff commanders,2 medical officers,10 combat, engineers ,and 31 drivers. Throughout the length of the deployment, there was one Armenian
  39. Were more concerned with the former, the prizes went to scientists and not to, engineers , technicians or other inventors. In 2001,Alfred Nobel's great-grandnephew
  40. Chipset in July 1985,the delay gave Atari, with its many former Commodore, engineers , time to deliver the first Atari ST units in June 1985. In March 1987,the two
  41. Scale in decibels. Wave propagation: frequency Physicists and acoustic, engineers ,tend to discuss sound pressure levels in terms of frequencies, partly because
  42. Architects. Prior to modern times, there was no distinction between architects, engineers ,and often artists, and the title used varied depending on geographical location
  43. Belonging to victims were also found, and taken to Fort Mayer. Remains Army, engineers ,determined by 5:30 p. m. on the first day that no one remained alive in the
  44. In United States Army and Marine Corps training. Current training instructs, engineers ,or other constructors of such obstacles to fell trees, leaving a 1 or 2 yards
  45. The first practical through the wall air conditioning unit was invented by, engineers ,at Chrysler Motors and offered for sale starting in 1935. Basic parts The
  46. 2009,The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple was building its own team of, engineers ,to design microchips. Apple also introduced Boot Camp to help users install
  47. Spacecraft Center in Houston),began to come around to support for FOR. The, engineers ,at Marshall Space Flight Center took longer to become convinced of its merits
  48. The Apple II was targeted for the masses rather than just hobbyists and, engineers ,; it also influenced most of the microcomputers that followed it. Unlike
  49. One of the main purposes of this school was to give future civil and military, engineers ,a high-level scientific and mathematical education. The school functioned under
  50. Test of the Apollo system; therefore, Armstrong snapped photos of the LM so, engineers ,would be able to judge its post-landing condition. He then collected a

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