Examples of the the word, invasive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invasive ), is the 7834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. May need the aid of a cart to get around if paralysis occurs. A new minimally, invasive ,procedure called" percutaneous laser disk ablation" has been developed at the
  2. It preys upon Zebra mussels. Like the mussels and common carp it has become, invasive ,when introduced to other environments, like the Great Lakes. The effect of
  3. Follow these guidelines. However, some insurance plans will only reimburse, invasive ,testing if a woman is >34 years old or if she has received a high-risk score
  4. Resistance in the form of strikes, protests,and" direct action against the, invasive , meddlesome authority of our moral code ". She maintained an anti-voting
  5. Of 100,000 individuals within just 50 years. They are now considered a serious, invasive ,species in the region, due to their massive destruction of forest trees, and
  6. In Island Life, Wallace again talked about deforestation and also the impact of, invasive ,species. He wrote the following about the impact of European colonization on
  7. With amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Amniocentesis is an, invasive ,procedure and involves taking amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac and
  8. Growing regional city there are issues including pollution, waterway health and, invasive ,species. Air quality is generally good, however wood smoke from fireplaces is a
  9. With the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. Like the Zebra mussel the Common Carp is an, invasive ,species when introduced to other habitats. *Round Toby: Is another native fish
  10. Species are eliminated, and the system is typically replaced by non-native, invasive , weedy grassland. The idea that older chaparral is responsible for causing
  11. Now been abandoned, especially as a result of emigration. Consequently, some, invasive , plants have filled these deserted and disturbed lands. The two most common of
  12. Other than from agricultural runoff. Zebra mussels as well as the other, invasive ,species found in the great lakes are present. The Quite area played a vital
  13. Score from a non- invasive screening test. Amniocentesis and CVS are considered, invasive ,procedures, in that they involve inserting instruments into the uterus, and
  14. Are varying degrees of system customization, with the first being the most, invasive ,and costly to maintain. Alternatively, there are non-technical options such as
  15. Symbiosis — pollination — mutualism — commensalism — parasitism — predation —, invasive ,species — environmental heterogeneity — edge effect Organismal biology (also
  16. Malabarica is a synonym of Acanthus trips. This genus is considered, invasive ,in North America and Britain. It sends out suckers that can damage pavements
  17. Plants to restore habitats that have been damaged or destroyed by humans or, invasive ,pests and weeds. There are great restoration projects underway around New
  18. Its easy spreading and resilience, some varieties of acacia, are potentially an, invasive ,species. One of the most globally significant invasive Acacias is Black Wattle
  19. Important of these, for example in Florida. In some cases, these have become, invasive ,species that compete with native fishes or disrupt the environment. Carp in
  20. Removed incidental to another abdominal procedure. *Laparoscopy -- A minimally, invasive ,approach to abdominal surgery where rigid tubes are inserted through small
  21. Libertarian political parties, would retain the state in some smaller and less, invasive ,form, retaining at the very least public police, courts and military; others
  22. Rates of seed production The following 9 species of Amaranths are considered, invasive ,and noxious weeds in the U. S and Canada: A. Albus, A. Blitoides, A. Hybridus
  23. Trade, dams and infrastructure, water contamination, climate change, fire,and, invasive ,species. Construction of highways has opened up previously remote areas for
  24. Macrophytes are further compounded by overfishing during the 1970s,while the, invasive ,ctenophore Meiosis reduced the biomass of cope pods and other zooplankton in
  25. Technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and, invasive , modification of the human body. " – Lawrence Person Style and ethos Primary
  26. Are perennial plants. After European contact, these were generally replaced by, invasive ,species of European annual grasses; and, in modern times,California's hills
  27. Alternative when the patient is reluctant to proceed with any required, invasive ,monitoring, when appropriate presurgical evaluation fails to uncover the
  28. That require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); these procedures may be, invasive , and carry a risk of further injury to the patient and the provider. As with
  29. Species have been wiped out by an introduced species of snail. A fast-growing, invasive ,Bryozoa off the northeast and northwest coasts of the USA has reduced kelp
  30. Dermolepida albohirtum). The cane toad is now considered a pest and an, invasive ,species in many of its introduced regions; of particular concern is that its
  31. In the United States, ACOG guidelines recommend that non- invasive screening and, invasive ,testing be offered to all women, regardless of their age, and most likely all
  32. And clinicians. Clinical assessment of acupuncture treatments, due to its, invasive ,and easily detected nature, makes it difficult to use proper scientific
  33. Forests include logging, urban sprawl, human-caused forest fires, acid rain, invasive ,species, and the slash and burn practices of swidden agriculture or shifting
  34. The mussel has been accidentally introduced around the world and become an, invasive ,species where it has been introduced. *Common Carp: The Common Carp's native
  35. Are potentially an invasive species. One of the most globally significant, invasive ,Acacias is Black Wattle Acacia means, which is taking over grasslands and
  36. Has recently been losing ground to the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus Serbia),an, invasive ,species from Africa, introduced for hunting in the 1970s. Among the small
  37. To claim a new resource that someone does not use would have to be considered, invasive ,of the property right of whoever the first user will turn out to be. " Rothbard
  38. Extinction, soil degradation, soil depletion, erosion,and introduction of, invasive ,species. According to the United Nations, a scientific consensus exists linking
  39. To adopt recommendations on inland waters biodiversity, marine biodiversity, invasive ,alien species and biodiversity and climate change. The current chairperson of
  40. Oil spills and pesticide use),competition and predation from nonnative, invasive ,species, and climate change. Governments and conservation groups work to
  41. Species will only show growth along the now-empty path introduced by the, invasive ,initial sample deposition. Another setup commonly used for measuring chemotaxis
  42. Because acupuncture needles penetrate the skin, many forms of acupuncture are, invasive ,procedures, and therefore not without risk. Injuries are rare among patients
  43. CAD has always been a tough disease to diagnose without the use of, invasive ,or stressful activities. The development of the Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG
  44. many antibiotics. Early treatment may reduce the risk of death from, invasive ,group A streptococcal disease. However, even the best medical care does not
  45. Their wild counterparts, diluting wild genetic stocks. Escaped fish can become, invasive , out competing native species. Coastal ecosystems Aquaculture is becoming a
  46. Least 6 servings daily resulted in: *no statistically significant reduction in, invasive ,breast cancer Additional recent randomized controlled trials have found that:
  47. Stimulation or Electrocardiography are other procedures used in the process of, invasive ,testing in some patients. The most common surgeries are the resection of
  48. Risk, score of 15" rating, and it is considered one of the world's 100 most, invasive ,species. Extensive ecological studies should be performed before further
  49. And processes. For example, the range and distribution of biodiversity and, invasive ,species responding to climate change is a serious concern and active area of
  50. Considered them a pest, although many farmers valued them for controlling, invasive ,cockle burs. It has also been hypothesized that the introduced honeybee helped

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