Examples of the the word, deforestation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deforestation ), is the 12373 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Brazil. In recent years there has been much concern about the rapid rate of, deforestation , Rainforests are being destroyed at a rate sometimes cited as the highest in
  2. Of government intimidation with the intent to limit media criticism. The, deforestation ,rate is 0.4 % per annum, and lumber poaching is commonplace. In the November
  3. And national attention. Satellite images have helped document and quantify, deforestation ,as well as fires, but their use also has generated considerable controversy
  4. Exist. The German feather trees were one response by Germans to continued, deforestation ,in Germany. Often, the tree branches were tipped with artificial red berries
  5. Population distribution, and the economy; overgrazing; soil degradation;, deforestation ,Environment - international agreements: party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change
  6. http://www.servir.net/servir_bz_forest_cover_1980-2010.pdf study on Belize's, deforestation ,was also recognized by the http://www.earthobservations.org intergovernmental
  7. In Tropical Nature and Other Essays (1878),he warned about the dangers of, deforestation ,and soil erosion, especially in tropical climates prone to heavy rainfall.
  8. And erosion results from crop cultivation on slopes without proper terracing;, deforestation ,Environment - international agreements: party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change
  9. To oil palm plantations. However, compared to neighboring countries rates of, deforestation ,in Colombia are still relatively low. In urban areas, contamination of the
  10. Abandon has had a dramatic increase in population and along with it, severe, deforestation , The population of municipalities in this area, Altamirano, Las Margaritas
  11. 1980 and 2010. As a country with a relatively high forest cover and a low, deforestation ,rate, Belize has significant potential for participation in initiatives such as
  12. Protocol (2008–2012). Forest conservation activities or activities avoiding, deforestation , which would result in emission reduction through the conservation of existing
  13. And includes commercially important species of Bayous, Sapelli and IPO. The, deforestation ,rate is 0.4 % per annum, and lumber poaching is commonplace. Climate The
  14. With the common belief that funding was influenced unduly by alarmist views on, deforestation ,in the Amazon. Among the specific environmental projects with international
  15. Area is now occupied by pastures and the remainder used for feed crops. Through, deforestation ,and land degradation, livestock is also driving reductions in biodiversity.
  16. And globally, fluctuates due to human and climatic factors such as irrigation, deforestation , desertification, terracing,landfill, and urban sprawl. Researchers study the
  17. Environmental issues The main environmental issues affecting Colombia are, deforestation ,; soil and water quality damage from overuse of pesticides; air pollution
  18. Its reputation as one of the last great wildlife refuges; desertification;, deforestation ,Environment - international agreements: party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change
  19. Aerosols are attributed include: * biomass burning such as slash and burn, deforestation , Aerosols produced are primarily black carbon. * industrial air pollution
  20. Energy plan to harvest the virgin hinterlands of Northern Borneo. Further, deforestation ,and destruction of the biodiversity are anticipated in the wake of logging
  21. That 1.5 billion people rely upon the degrading land. Degradation can be, deforestation , desertification, soil erosion, mineral depletion, or chemical degradation (
  22. Perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery, hunting,fishing and, deforestation , Ashoka also banned the death sentence and asked the same for the neighboring
  23. Issues, such as HIV/AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation and, deforestation , Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool
  24. Emissions; rivers polluted from raw sewage, heavy metals, detergents;, deforestation ,; forest damage from air pollution and resulting acid rain; soil contamination
  25. Reasons for the collapse of 41 studied cultures: environmental damage, such as, deforestation ,and soil erosion; climate change; dependence upon long-distance trade for
  26. Reef in the world, second only to Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Forests and, deforestation ,A remote sensing study conducted by the http://www.cathalac.org Water Center
  27. Burning fossil fuels,33 % have resulted from changes in land use, primarily, deforestation , Deforestation both reduces the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by deforested
  28. And tidal bores occur almost every year, combined with the effects of, deforestation , soil degradation and erosion. The cyclones of 1970 and 1991 were particularly
  29. Concentrations of greenhouse gases * global changes to land surface, such as, deforestation ,* increasing atmospheric concentrations of aerosols. There are also natural
  30. Pollution from outdated factories and metallurgy works, as well as severe, deforestation ,(mostly caused by illegal logging),continue to be major problems. Urban
  31. Cycles, at times causing especially severe flooding. Human induced, deforestation ,has started to creep into the rainforests of Amazonia and the Pacific coast and
  32. Such as mountain peaks and steep slopes. The demand for wood has resulted in, deforestation ,and desertification. Of particular note is the endemic type of humid
  33. Emissions are attributed to livestock and livestock-related activities such as, deforestation ,and increasingly fuel-intensive farming practices. Key sources to which
  34. Disease. Name "/JJ"> IUCN"/> Chimpanzee habitats have been severely reduced by, deforestation ,across West and Central Africa. More than 80 % of the region’s original forest
  35. Developed world average 8 %). Costa Rica has successfully managed to diminish, deforestation ,from some of the worst rates in the world from 1973 to 1989,to almost zero by
  36. Attracted most international attention in Brazil in the 1980s was undoubtedly, deforestation ,in the Amazon. Of all Latin American countries, Brazil still has the largest
  37. economical use of more than 100 tree species. Starting in the late 1980s,rapid, deforestation ,and extensive burning in Brazil received considerable international and
  38. Barren (about ten percent of the country),as a result of slash-and-burn, deforestation , an element of shifting cultivation practiced by many natives. * Each year
  39. As that at Chico Canyon over stressed their environment, resulting in widespread, deforestation ,and eventually the fall of their civilization through warfare over depleted
  40. Agriculture to increasing productivity also accounted for decreasing rates of, deforestation , Desertification, another important environmental problem in Brazil, only
  41. Many as 1800 Environment - current issues: water-borne diseases are prevalent;, deforestation ,; overgrazing; desertification; poaching; overfishing Environment -
  42. As DDT; energy blockade, the result of conflict with Azerbaijan, has led to, deforestation ,when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Radar (Radar) and Arabs
  43. Of the ammonia emission. Livestock expansion is cited as a key factor driving, deforestation , in the Amazon basin 70 % of previously forested area is now occupied by
  44. An environmental crime bill which for the first time defines pollution and, deforestation ,as crimes punishable by stiff fines and jail sentences Environment -
  45. A year-round supply of water is difficult. This is traditionally attributed to, deforestation ,which damaged the island's drainage system through erosion, but Grove and
  46. A tendency that subsequently gained momentum. Environment - current issues:, deforestation ,in Amazon Basin destroys the habitat and endangers the existence of a multitude
  47. Impoverishment due to soil erosion. In Island Life, Wallace again talked about, deforestation ,and also the impact of invasive species. He wrote the following about the
  48. Dioxide. Forest fires release absorbed carbon back into the atmosphere, as does, deforestation ,due to rapidly increased oxidation of soil organic matter. Organic matter in
  49. a million years ago. Human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels and, deforestation ,have caused the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide to increase by
  50. And the expansion of agriculture into marginal lands. Other issues include:, deforestation , due to the uncontrolled cutting-down of trees for fuel; and habitat loss

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