Examples of the the word, breathtaking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breathtaking ), is the 12374 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Political incorrectness, or getting the interview 'victim' to agree to some, breathtaking ,inaccuracy or insult. His key saying is" booyakasha ". Other examples of his
  2. Characters and social commentary were brought into the story with an" almost, breathtaking ,deliberation ". Film critic Prairie Miller said that, in its portrayal of
  3. Ohio: This area is also known as the" thunderstorm capital of Canada" with ", breathtaking ," lightning displays. Islands tend to be located in the western side of
  4. Subtlety of Sophocles' characterization thus lend credibility to the, breathtaking ,coincidences," and notes the irony that" Oedipus can only fulfill his
  5. In her first great, fully realized starring performance, makes a heroine so, breathtaking ,that she seems utterly plausible as the playwright's guiding light. " The
  6. To St. George's on the neighboring island of Grenada. Events Amongst the, breathtaking ,landscapes, and the fresh look of the city; Barbados attracts many investors
  7. Him ... his performance - and I do not use that word disparagingly - was, breathtaking ," On arriving for his funeral several months later, Nixon said of him "
  8. Ferrari's Schumacher. At Spa however, he took a memorable victory, with a, breathtaking ,simultaneous pass on Michael Schumacher and Ricardo Zonkey in the Kimmel
  9. Harold Wilson, for all his nimbleness and skill, is simply no match for the, breathtaking , thoroughgoing efficiency of the present Prime Minister ". At this moment a
  10. Tallest buildings in the city ", according to one description, which creates ", breathtaking ,artificial canyons" offering spectacular views in some instances. One report
  11. With an average rating of 7.7/10 and the consensus:" With its epic story and, breathtaking ,visuals, Princess Monotone is a landmark in the world of animation ". Princess
  12. In the northern part of the territory lies Keypad National Park, which features, breathtaking ,wetlands and native wildlife. To the north of that lies the Bravura Sea, and to
  13. Last through a 747 and a 42-meter-long tunnel through the mountain, and the, breathtaking ,landscape of" Tara Pădurenilor" ( Woodlands' country) before arriving to
  14. Of Yosemite Valley holds both forest and large open meadows, which provide, breathtaking ,views of the surrounding crests and waterfalls. Below is a description of these
  15. And islands of all shapes and sizes within such a narrow space makes for, breathtaking ,views. The southern part of the far south includes the city of Punta Arenas
  16. Southwest, still largely unpopulated at the time. To take advantage of the, breathtaking ,scenery, it was filmed in two versions, a standard 35 mm version and another in
  17. Between the sublime and sensibility. Many of the letters describe the, breathtaking ,scenery of Scandinavia and Wollstonecraft's desire to create an emotional
  18. For arresting the progress of the evil. '" This, according to Cheroot," was a, breathtaking ,evolution for a man who had pleaded at the Constitutional Convention that the
  19. The British supermodel of beaches" ( 2006) and the best beach in Britain for, breathtaking ,cliffs (2007),whilst The Sunday Times listed it as one of the 25 best
  20. By Eric Roth has the complexity of modern fiction ... Hanks' performance is a, breathtaking ,balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and
  21. Duncan and Fiona Shaw. The Irish Independent called Rickman's performance, breathtaking , This production subsequently travelled to the Brooklyn Academy of Music for
  22. Effects used to make it appear as if the General Lee was performing even more, breathtaking ,feats (in part to compete with TV's newer supercar, Knight Rider). Finally
  23. Worlds ... There is a peasant touch here. " He commented that the lyrics are ", breathtaking ,". In its review of the 1989 London revival, the reviewer for The Guardian
  24. Until the house lights went down, whereupon she would deliver a performance of, breathtaking ,reality and expertise. " In 1996,Hitler was honored by the London Film
  25. Of high technology have enjoyed falling prices, expanding outputs, and a, breathtaking ,array of new products and innovations. ... Increasingly, however,some firms
  26. An excellent film which registers strongly on all levels, whether it's in its, breathtaking ,panoramic shots of the dusty Texas plains; the personal, dramatic impact of the
  27. Rest of the World XI’ against England at Wembley Stadium and made a number of, breathtaking ,and almost unbelievable saves. He was known all over the world as the" Black
  28. In The New York Times Book Review, that Feininger's comics have“ achieved a, breathtaking ,formal grace unsurpassed in the history of the medium. ” In addition to drawing
  29. Lake Towards; in the summer it is refreshing and in the autumn the leaves are, breathtaking , Mount Sore, the Mountain of Dread, is near Must on the Shimokita Peninsula.
  30. Of her knowledge of the Alchemist and her terrorist ambitions, escapes in a, breathtaking ,sequence including using a Black hawk to" jump" inside the habitat to aid her
  31. a million worldwide. Roger Ebert, who named it the best film of 2002,praised its, breathtaking ,vision of the future as well as for the way Spielberg blended CGI with
  32. And red when illuminated by the rising or setting sun. The Red Rocks form a, breathtaking ,backdrop for everything from spiritual pursuits to the hundreds of hiking and
  33. For the misery of reality, or have touted it as a method for creating, breathtaking ,virtual worlds in which one may escape from Earth. Stanislav LEM wrote a short
  34. A funerary sculpture, evokes the image of a beautiful woman and compares her, breathtaking ,beauty to the heartrendingly sad image that she has become; one that is no
  35. The Board to adopt an imprudent and ultimately unconstitutional policy. The, breathtaking ,inanity of the Board's decision is evident when considered against the factual
  36. As the major tributaries feeding the Cleveland-Style repertoire. But the, breathtaking ,beauty pervading his waltzes ..." Patrick/Hirtenlied "," Slovenia/Slovenia
  37. Are large enterprises in Site. Float plane" flight seeing" excursions are a, breathtaking ,way to view the area's many sights from high above. Outdoor opportunities
  38. Brown tones and distinguished by a wine list that lets high rollers rack up, breathtaking ,bills," attracts more men than women, places like Mario Batali's, Otto
  39. And toilets. The view from the visitor center across the Marsh to the sea is, breathtaking , Clan Marshes is the home of the Bird Information Service, publishers of
  40. Height in architecture. The main example is the capital city of Cusco. The, breathtaking ,site of Machu Picchu was constructed by Inca engineers. The stone temples
  41. Beautiful; many rivers and canals crisscross its cobbled streets, and, breathtaking , stone mansions are common. The city lacks the squalor of King's Landing, which
  42. Different. What these three do with that format, however,is nothing short of, breathtaking ,". Portico played drums on Paul Winter's 1990 Grammy-nominated release,"
  43. Post states that" In purely aesthetic terms," Raise the Red Lantern" is, breathtaking ," and James Berardinelli states that" the appeal to the eye only heightens the
  44. Was all of these together. It ran the gamut of human emotions. Its velocity was, breathtaking , and it was all in one direction. Interjections from the target were rare.
  45. The same path that Simon de Montfort and his men would have followed. It was, breathtaking ,to stand on the Downs, gazing out upon the same view that he would have seen ".
  46. In Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Tennessee * Bald River Falls - Little known, but, breathtaking , falls in Monroe County. * Burgess Falls - 41 m (136 ft) drop, located in
  47. Largest and is a source of hydroelectric energy, but is also popular for its, breathtaking ,scenery and numerous waterfalls. Bad Creek Reservoir, located in the mountains
  48. Red Queen (now human-sized),who impresses Alice with her ability to run at, breathtaking ,speeds—a reference to the chess rule that queens are able to move up to seven
  49. Covered bridges, rises from 900 feet to well over 3,000 feet, providing, breathtaking , views. Patrick County is Virginia's Gateway to the Blue Ridge Parkway, and is
  50. In a 2009 countdown at the same website. Kyle Songs described the visuals as ", breathtaking ," and Dan Sardine described the visuals as" magnificently animated. " Film

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