Examples of the the word, strife , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strife ), is the 12375 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Neighboring peoples (especially the Thai, or Siamese),chronic interdynastic, strife , and the gradual deterioration of the complex irrigation system that had
  2. Minimal compared to other cities, Atlanta was not completely free of racial, strife , After forced-housing patterns were outlawed, violence,intimidation and
  3. And others. This rich blend of religions has however rarely caused religious, strife , People of different religions freely intermarry. For part of its history
  4. Thy liberty in law.: O beautiful for heroes prov'd: In liberating, strife ,: Who more than self their country lov'd, : And mercy more than life.: America!
  5. Or" secession crisis ", of 1828 – 1832,which merged issues of sectional, strife ,with disagreements over tariffs. Critics alleged that high tariffs (the "
  6. The subsequent struggles for political power have brought ethnic and religious, strife ,to this area. In Indonesia, especially the island of Java, Javanese and
  7. Unstable period for Assyria followed, it was riven by periods of internal, strife ,and the new king only made token and unsuccessful attempts to recapture Babylon
  8. A lifestyle that does not support war or foster competition and social, strife , It encourages a lifestyle of minimal consumption, rich social relationships
  9. One, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding, strife , and hatred and the violent fiends of death. "; Orphic Hymn 65 to Ares (trans.
  10. Where she falls upon Aeneas' sword. As she lay dying, she predicted eternal, strife ,between Aeneas' people and her own:" rise up from my bones, avenging spirit "
  11. Use the theme of angst in post-World War II compositions depicting Russian, strife ,during the war. However, it is the Jewish artists, Gustav Mahler and Franz
  12. On the worship of Eris (also known as Discord),the Greco-Roman goddess of, strife , It was founded circa 1958–1959 after the publication of its (first) holy
  13. Or Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. The post independence history of Bangladesh was, strife ,with conflict, with a long history of political assassinations and coups before
  14. Dominican War of Independence in 1844,Dominicans experienced mostly internal, strife , and also a brief return to Spanish rule, over the next 72 years. The United
  15. Turkish Cypriots. Efforts to amends the constitution sparked the intercommunal, strife ,in 1963. This constitution is still in force, though there is no Turkish
  16. Domus. In 687,Pippin of Herstal, mayor of the palace of Australia, ended the, strife ,between various kings and their mayors with his victory at Terry and became
  17. An indexand an appendix. Religion and world view Witnessing sectarianism and, strife ,in 19th century Scotland regarding religion and philosophy, Carnegie kept his
  18. Would one day inherit the rule of landaus, but that it was a land torn by, strife , In order to successfully rule in such a situation, Abd Brahman needed to
  19. War of Independence) cost up to 500 lives in Belfast, the bloodiest sectarian, strife ,in the city until the" Troubles" of the late 1960s onwards. Belfast was
  20. He won plaudits for defeating royalists and founding schools, but civil, strife ,continued. O'Higgins alienated liberals and provincials with his
  21. Who led them to independence was Hubert MAGA. For the next twelve years, ethnic, strife , contributed to a period of turbulence. There were several coups and regime
  22. Of León, in 956. Until 961,the caliphate played an active role in the dynastic, strife ,which characterized the Christian kingdom during the period. Gordon III's
  23. 2150 BC, ultimately caused the country to enter a 140-year period of famine and, strife ,known as the First Intermediate Period. First Intermediate Period After Egypt
  24. Enjoyed the loyalty of most Afghan Arab fighters. The continuing internecine, strife ,between various factions, and accompanying lawlessness following the Soviet
  25. As the" Truman Doctrine. " Although based on a simplistic analysis of internal, strife ,in Greece and Turkey, it became the single dominating influence over U. S.
  26. A bride Harmonic, daughter of Ares' union with Aphrodite, thus harmonizing all, strife ,and founding the city of Thebes. Consorts and children The union of Ares and
  27. Ideas of Mao, its position in the propaganda department. Despite the internal, strife ,within the party, the Soviet Jiangxi became the first successful experiment of
  28. Her marriage to Spirituous, king of the Capital, himself the son of Ixion. The, strife ,among these cousins is a metaphor for the conflict between the lower appetites
  29. Several efforts, Spanish troops from Peru took advantage of the internecine, strife ,to reconquer Chile in 1814,when they reasserted control by winning the Battle
  30. Reign,1801-1803) Began Shah's overthrow in 1801 was not the end of civil, strife ,in Afghanistan, but the beginning of even greater violence. Mahmud Shah's
  31. Desires all to obey Attila, whom he requests to abide with the community unless, strife ,should arise on the Easter question. His letter concludes thus" They come to
  32. Saqalibah represented a third ethnic group that could neutralize the endless, strife ,between his subjects of Muslim Arab heritage, and those of Muslim Berber
  33. And the dire ruin of mad savage fight. Stay furious contests, and avenging, strife , whose works with woe embitter human life; to lovely Kris Aphrodite and to
  34. Mamet has drawn many satirical cartoons with themes including political, strife ,in Israel. Writing in The Village Voice, his first post chronicled his
  35. Dynasty Ali's reign as Caliph was plagued by great turmoil and internal, strife , Ali was faced with multiple rebellions and insurrections. The primary one
  36. The subsequent struggles for political power, have brought ethnic and religious, strife ,to this area of the world in modern times. The Far East The most populous
  37. And only 27 years of war with the Spartans, aided by the Persians and internal, strife , were able to defeat it. However, it did not remain defeated long. The Second
  38. Regional power, as Brunei entered a period of decline compounded by internal, strife ,over royal succession. Piracy was also detrimental to the kingdom. Nonetheless
  39. It desires whilst also playing a role in diminishing internal political, strife , In such times, parties have formed all-party coalitions (national unity
  40. Is disputed. Honesty and decency have vanished, families are filled with, strife , * A song of fallen Jerusalem (7:8–10): The first-person voice continues, but
  41. The kingdoms (718). Foreign wars from 718-732 The ensuing years were full of, strife , Between 718 and 723,Charles secured his power through a series of victories:
  42. Accusations of terrorism directed at Indian Muslims would bring about communal, strife , Thackeray said that the unity of Mumbaikars (residents of Mumbai) in the
  43. The keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling, strife , Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws
  44. Would come together for a new album repeatedly during 1983 and 1984. Internal, strife ,between the group and their manager escalated, and the group sold their shares
  45. Of Kazakhstan, known as Zheltoksan, which becomes the first sign of ethnic, strife ,during Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's tenure *1989 – Protests break out
  46. Lethe an, and fed on the fullness of death. The line" Time and the Gods are at, strife ," inspired the title of Lord Dunsany's Time and the Gods. The poem is quoted
  47. Of ritualized cannibal feasts among the participants in Liberia's internecine, strife ,to representatives of Amnesty International who were on a fact-finding mission
  48. Almoravid religious influence was gradual and not heavily involved in military, strife , as Almoravids increased in power by marrying among the nation's nobility.
  49. Politics of glasnost, initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, civil unrest and ethnic, strife ,grew in various regions of the Soviet Union, including Nagorno-Karabakh, a
  50. The Illinois Division of the ACLU. In 2005,in response to increasing internal, strife , the ACLU national board attempted to impose what many critics labeled a" gag

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