Examples of the the word, swirl , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swirl ), is the 12929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Imparted to the fluid by the forward propeller (known as" propeller, swirl ,"). The flow field behind the aft propeller of a contra-rotating set has very
  2. Including an early-1990s version of the Beach Boys' " Pet Sounds," used the ", swirl ," label. ) In 1968,EMI increased its stake in Capitol Records to 98 %; However
  3. Known as the diamond stack) incorporating baffles so orientated as to induce a, swirl ,effect in the chamber that encouraged the embers to burn out and fall to the
  4. Very big engines, where flame propagation speed limits both size and speed,the, swirl ,induced by ports as described by Ricardo can be an additional advantage. Most
  5. Starting around 1991,this symbol was often replaced by a variant star and, swirl ,symbol as public relations move, particularly toward Israel. However, the
  6. Inside campaign was DahlinSmithWhite Advertising of Salt Lake City. The Intel, swirl ,logo was the work of DahlinSmithWhite art director Steve Gregg under the
  7. Group" b" name "/IN"> guardian"/> was pushed into the background by the, swirl ,of attention around his son and in 1912 sued Began and the Theosophical
  8. Polar are taller and skinnier. Cornucopia has introduced a new label with a, swirl ,pattern, replacing the pointing boy logo. Derivative products There is also a
  9. Particularly with little cigars, but this is uncommon otherwise. A smoker may, swirl ,the smoke around in the mouth before exhaling it, and may exhale part of the
  10. Difficult in a poppet valve system. *Good exhaust scavenging and controllable, swirl ,of the inlet air/fuel mixture in single-sleeve designs. When the intake ports
  11. Devils had also been suspected as the cause. Related phenomena A fire whirl or, swirl , sometimes called fire devils or fire tornadoes, can be seen during intense
  12. Constraints other than the spark plug positioning) means that fuel/air mixture, swirl ,at TDC can also be more controlled allowing improved ignition and flame travel
  13. In a manner that that resembled water going down the drain of a bathtub. The, swirl ,had a generous amount of small debris spinning in it. His exact words on WAS
  14. The couple decided to invest in two villas. In 2009 there was controversy and a, swirl ,of rumors about the project and the Prince's position in relation to it. There
  15. Hay Harbor also maintains a sailing club. With the magnificent winds that, swirl ,all around the island, sailing is a popular pastime for people summering at the
  16. Passed through safely. At last, they came to, the Boiling Dunes, which began to, swirl ,and boil when they approached. " We must know who you are and where you come
  17. Reports that fish are swimming in the basement of the Mart just feet from the, swirl , I do not see any emergency crews near this spinning swirl , but I think they
  18. With Crud up ended in December 2006. Shortly thereafter, rumors began to, swirl ,that Danes was romantically involved with her Evening co-star Hugh Dance. Danes
  19. After sighting a periscope on the starboard bow at 12:42,followed by a heavy, swirl ,as the U-boat dove. At 13:33 a second attack was delivered and the contact was
  20. Relying on crude injectors, often injected into a sub-chamber shaped to, swirl ,the compressed air and improve combustion; this was known as indirect injection
  21. Spray. The most common of these are rotary disks and single-fluid high pressure, swirl ,nozzles. Alternatively, for some applications two-fluid or ultrasonic nozzles
  22. To refrain from all musical activity, was composed in short snatches," a, swirl ,of music of a person who has lost his hearing. " It represents Smetana's
  23. Just feet from the swirl ! I do not see any emergency crews near this spinning, swirl , but I think they may want to take a look. In fact, I think someone should wake
  24. Vermont Python ", a coffee liqueur ice cream with a chocolate cookie crumb, swirl ,and fudge cows. The name" Minty Python" had been suggested before in 1996 in
  25. Dispute with German video game/DVD publisher Viola, who already used a red, swirl ,as their company logo. Some special Dream cast models were released in certain
  26. Peter Tosh, and various solo albums by members of the Beatles. The classic ", swirl ," 45 RPM label design, pictured to the right, first appeared in January 1962.
  27. But the design was simplified, leaving only the logo and a plain white, swirl ,(the" dynamic ribbon" ). In 2008,in some parts of the world, the plastic
  28. Most powerful known tornadoes. Doppler's radar data, photogrammetry,and ground, swirl ,patterns (cyclical marks) may also be analyzed to determine intensity and
  29. By the amount of analysis and commentary that almost immediately began to, swirl ,around the cartoon. " A lot of people said it was a very pessimistic cartoon
  30. Oxford, but neither liked the other's poetry. Oxford, in 1837,was in the full, swirl ,of the High Church movement led by John Henry Newman. Cough was for a time
  31. Then available. A technique used to prevent the onset of knock is the high ", swirl ," engine that forces the intake charge to adopt a very fast circular rotation
  32. Polysaccharide alone have a curious behavior when stirred. After stopping,the, swirl ,continues due to momentum, then stops, and then reverses direction briefly.
  33. A hieroglyph of a quail, was shown with the hieratic abbreviation - a, swirl , which often leads to misinterpretations of the standard depicting the quail
  34. Most powerful known tornadoes. Doppler's radar data, photogrammetry,and ground, swirl ,patterns (cyclical marks) may also be analyzed to determine intensity and
  35. Goals in his first four matches and assisting on several more, rumours began to, swirl ,that Beckham would stay in Milan, with the Italian club reportedly offering to
  36. Final battle of Jimbo takes place in the main street, as huge clouds of dust, swirl ,around the combatants ... The winds that stir the dust ... have brought
  37. To 2Pacalypse Now which included songs about killing police. This caused a, swirl ,of media controversy. Dan Quayle, the Vice President of the United States at
  38. Much greater heads. (Later, impulse turbines were developed which didn't use, swirl ,). timeline The earliest known water turbines date to the Roman Empire. Two
  39. Dips and in nearly all cases by the time it reaches halfway down, a surface, swirl ,has already developed, signifying a tornado is on the ground before
  40. The San Francisco Bay. Due to its location next to the bay, strong winds often, swirl ,down into the stadium, creating unusual playing conditions. At the time of its
  41. Vector quantity, whose direction is (roughly speaking) along the axis of the, swirl , The vorticity of a free vortex is zero everywhere except at the center
  42. Her sigil in the galleries of the other Endless is a multicolored, abstract, swirl , Her realm is a chaotic, constantly changing mass of colors and strange objects
  43. Capsule and they look like little stars. A whole shower of them coming by. They, swirl ,around the capsule and go in front of the window, and they're all brilliantly
  44. Hydraulics, on the downstream face of an obstruction. Unlike hydraulics, eddies, swirl , on the horizontal surface of the water. Typically, they are calm spots where
  45. S Jr. /Hardee's Angus beef hamburgers contained cow anuses by having an actor, swirl ,his finger in the air in a circle while saying" Angus" in one commercial and
  46. Flow field behind the aft propeller of a contra-rotating set has very little ", swirl ,", and this reduction in energy loss is seen as an increased efficiency of the
  47. Media continued to confront them with this in interviews. To escape the media, swirl ,and concentrate on their writing, Andersson and Slaves secretly traveled to
  48. P" that, thanks to its unique shape and" baseball stitched" center, swirl , remained instantly recognizable and admired, long after its regular use had
  49. The main difference between early water turbines and water wheels is a, swirl ,component of the water which passes energy to a spinning rotor. This additional
  50. Was reportedly chosen to represent" AT COMMERCIAL" or a letter" an" inside a, swirl ,represented by a" C ". The new character facilitates sending electronic mail

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