Examples of the the word, oo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oo ), is the 12930 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The yard while they're changing the guard And the queen shouts across" N oo dle, oo ,"! The Prince of Wales' brother along with some other Slaps me on the back and
  2. Is most commonly unbounded back to central vowel to. Common digraphs include ‹, oo , ›,which represents either, or; ‹ oi › which typically represents the diphthong
  3. On at the Warp Records website OO or, oo , may refer to: * OO gauge, a 1:76.2 modelling scale in model railroading *
  4. By a macron in other case: * Tokyo – written using kana spelling: ō as of or, oo , ( depending on the kana) and ū as up. This is sometimes called Mauro style
  5. And OPO/oho are traditionally used as polite iterations of the affirmative ", oo ," (" yes" ). It is generally used when addressing elders or superiors such as
  6. Written WH and EE for what in standard English would usually be written, oo , ( Scots UI). Every year the annual Doric Festival takes place in Aberdeen shire
  7. The letter Y. Pronunciation In early Greek and modern physics it is pronounced, oo , In Classical Greek, it was pronounced like French u or German ü, — a sound
  8. Becoming -KOS/KOS, which in turn reduces to -ks:: Leno mind Melissa? →, oo , ( n)ks MA tennis? " Am I alive? ": photo sing England? → put SA Enkidu?
  9. Strapped to his mother's back with a His top in the pub, chanting " OO to, oo , to be, oo to be a Hi bee ". In Marabou Stork Nightmares, the main character, Roy
  10. Their captives. Aided militiamen with megaphones shouting," Kas oo baxa Guyana, oo , iska Celia Ladoga! " (" Come out and defend your homes! "). During the first
  11. Sentence, at the end of their spoken sentences or speech; for example:" A, oo , eh! " (" Aye, yes,indeed! "). Some even prolong the particle 'eh' into
  12. The syllabic n as m before b, m,p, and Romanizing long o as any of oh, oo , or of (e.g. any of Sat oh, Sat oo or Stop for 佐藤) is permitted. Details of
  13. Transliterations accepted in Academic circles worldwide. The long vowels ", oo ," and" EE" were introduced from English, reminiscent of colonial
  14. Coöperate "," naïve" or" preexisting" ) to indicate the pronunciation of ‹, oo , ›,‹ AI › or ‹ EE › as two distinct vowels, rather than a long one. Hyphenation
  15. A high bid of $12,990. Oo from Daniel Harding, Baltimore to a low of $9,996., oo , from A. O. German, of Turlock. The building committee did not award the
  16. Others of JE- plus plural past: refuge (found); # Those with an EE or, oo , in past tense are simplified to ä/o: jeschräwen, jedonen (written, done ) #
  17. Is realized and after and. Also, u (consonant)e, especially before nasals, and,OO, from the spelling of Standard English cognates, in for example, abuin (above)
  18. T oo is part of TCL in 8.6 add-on package in 8.5 if OO: :class create I, oo , : :class create A OO: :class create B oo : :class create C set c new BC to_a BC
  19. 14th issue in the“ D. & N.” with bids ranging from a high bid of $12,990., oo , from Daniel Harding, Baltimore to a low of $9,996. Oo from A. O. German, of
  20. Se OSI jinni JA ole Hilda (standard): Me tai tub, mut PAA see OSI kit JA, oo , hiljaa. (word-by-word) " Go or come, but put the d oo r closed and be quiet. "
  21. Weak grade) *alternation of overlong and long vowels AAA: AA, eee: EE, oo o:, oo , UUU: up (seal: Saami, keelama: Delta, k oo l: built, suur: sure)
  22. Case: O + O In traditional and modified:: The combination o + o is written, oo , if a word-border exists between them:: The long vowel o is indicated by a
  23. TCL #TclOO is part of TCL in 8.6 add-on package in 8.5 if, oo , : :class create I OO: :class create A OO: :class create B oo : :class create C
  24. A young bird. The male then offers her his current catch accompanied by an ", oo , oo OO" sound. However, some observers maintain that the opposite happens - the
  25. Names have multiple spellings: RR r, b p, d t, g k, dj j TJ c, j y, y i, w u, u,OO, e a, and so on. A range is given for the number of languages in each family
  26. Short and pronounced like" of" in (British) English" sought ", but Wolf ", oo ," ɔ: is long and pronounced like the" aw" in (British) English" sawed ".
  27. Manipulate the dog's lips and vocal cords to produce a crude-sounding" Ow ah, oo , ga ma. " With little convincing, visitors believed his dog could articulate
  28. Bird. The male then offers her his current catch accompanied by an" oo , oo ," sound. However, some observers maintain that the opposite happens - the
  29. By the use of many grapheme for some of its sounds, such as the long, oo , EE and OE sounds (t oo , true,shoe, flew,through; sleeve, leave,even, seize
  30. Package in 8.5 if OO: :class create I OO: :class create A OO: :class create B, oo , : :class create C set c new BC to_a BC f; # output A: doing f BC g; # output A
  31. Can be obscured by the vowel articulation. This makes the /l/ sound like ", oo ,". The tendency for some /l/ sounds to become vowels (/l/ L vocalization) is
  32. Vowels, but some are also based on Dutch vowels like: EE, ui, ie, oe, ij/a, oo , and AA. Papiamento has the following nine vowels. The orthography (writing
  33. Tsh’ for ‘ CHH ’. For the vowels, ‘ of’ could optionally represent as ‘, oo ,’. The nasal mark ‘ ⁿ’ could also be represented optionally as ‘ in ’. The
  34. Ustád (teacher),gun (hunger),but (goat) Ú/ú (ú, sounds like the ", oo ," in English word" r oo t" ) URT (thin),rural (to take),BIU (take)
  35. Swye in dialect writing. *EU (vowel 7 before and see UI),sometimes UI and, oo , after Standard English also occur, is generally in for example, beuk (b oo k)
  36. Alternation of long and lowered long vowels IU: EO, ua: OA, ue: OE, uu:, oo , UI: OE (PDU: PEO, tuba: to, lugema: loan, sugu: so, süsi: SOE)
  37. Are known for the over-pronunciation of the vowels in all words (especially ", oo ,"). They share similar characteristics with the mythical animal since they can
  38. Dead, head,threat, wealth etc. (This is known as the bred–bread merger. ), oo , was shortened from to in many cases before k, d and less commonly t, thus b oo k
  39. To his mother's back with a His top in the pub, chanting " OO to, oo to be, oo , to be a Hi bee ". In Marabou Stork Nightmares, the main character, Roy Strong
  40. O, and u) are pronounced as in Spanish (approximately as ah, eh,EE, oh,and, oo , ) In IPA: Because there are only five vowels, variations in pronunciation
  41. Discarded, owing to the many non-examples. The Au spelling of the sound and the,OO, spelling of the and sounds do not follow this pattern. * Vowel-consonant-E
  42. Modern spelling Fucking in the 18th century, which is pronounced with the vowel, oo , as in b oo k. Demographics and transportation The Austrian census of 2001
  43. Vowels (spelled a, e,i, o,u where short vowels are impossible; AA, ee, ii,OO, up elsewhere) The following phonemes can be represented with two letters or
  44. Having Mr. Leroy Lank ford move the old East New Market Sch oo l. Payment of $150., oo , to W. E. Johnson, president of the building committee, to the order of the
  45. In the sea. The tide rose, and the water covered them more and more. Then an, oo , ( meaning: to penetrate) fish swam along and started to suck from the girl's
  46. Gula. Although the vowel was originally written in the English orthography as ", oo ," (in spellings such as C oo ley or C oo ley),it was changed to" OA" possibly
  47. Those grapheme are always the same. In English, the sound can be spelled with ‘, oo ,’ and with u, u-e,UI, ue, o,OE, o-e,o-b, ou, ough and EW (f oo d, truth,rude
  48. Vowel" prairie" makes the" a" sound, and the vowel" karate" makes the ", oo ," sound. This dialect has nothing to do with Hasidim in its origins, nor was
  49. Young bird. The male then offers her his current catch accompanied by an" OO, oo , oo " sound. However, some observers maintain that the opposite happens - the
  50. Of TCL in 8.6 add-on package in 8.5 if OO: :class create I OO: :class create A, oo , : :class create B oo : :class create C set c new BC to_a BC f; # output A:

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