Examples of the the word, swap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swap ), is the 6175 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Social network) is a small-world network, and nodes constantly attempt to, swap ,locations (using the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm) in order to minimize
  2. Is protected in order to avoid the stigma of bank failure. Foreign exchange, swap ,lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank were opened so the
  3. Protection and conservation of Costa Rican forests through a debt for nature, swap ,under the auspices of the Tropical Forest Conservation Act. This is the largest
  4. All angles are congruent, as are all edges, so under duality these congruence, swap ,), but irregular polygons may not be geometrically self-dual. The most common
  5. For cash. That will help the dealers finance their balance sheets. The currency, swap ,lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank were increased.
  6. Repeat of the previous flight, albeit in a higher orbit. This swap also meant a, swap ,of spacecraft, requiring Borman's crew to use CSM-103,while McDivitt's crew
  7. Is allowed to decide how to respond. Memory swap ping Use of a swap file or, swap ,partition is a way for the operating system to provide more memory than is
  8. Mechanics, this means that a pair of interacting electrons must be able to, swap ,positions without an observable change to the state of the system. The wave
  9. Exchange, showing that they can pay for any losses; banks that help businesses, swap ,variable for fixed rates on loans may do credit checks on both parties. However
  10. Of passing a pointer to swap (i, Ai ) in to a function. Now that every time, swap ,() is referenced,it's reevaluated. Say i: 1 and Ai: 2,so every time swap (
  11. On December 12, 2005 Adobe acquired its main rival Macro media in a stock, swap ,valued at about $3.4 billion, adding Adobe Confusion, Adobe Contribute, Adobe
  12. Countries to artificially reduce their reported budget deficits. A currency, swap ,arranged with Goldman Sachs allowed Greece to“ hide” $1 billion of debt
  13. Moves the least-used chunks (pages) to secondary storage devices (to a, swap ,file or page file),retrieving them later when they are needed. As more of
  14. Parts (which can be done on a computer simply by modifying pointers). Define, swap ,(x_n) as x_n with its real and imaginary parts swap ped—that is, if x_n = a +
  15. Swapped—that is, if x_n = a + b I then swap (x_n) is b + an i. Equivalently, swap ,(x_n) equals i x_no: \magical (\math bf) = \text rm (\mathcal (\text rm (
  16. Or right. " Mirror" flips the steps and patterns so all left and right arrows, swap , and all the up and down arrows swap . " Shuffle" creates a random swap of
  17. Country for the sake of my son. " Chiang even refused to negotiate a prisoner, swap ,for his son in exchange for the Chinese Communist Party leader. His attitude
  18. Exchanged along with American student Frederic Pryor in a well publicized spy, swap ,for Soviet KGB Colonel Villa Fisher (aka Rudolf Abel),a Soviet colonel who
  19. Of even and odd numbers (i.e. 2,4,6,8 - 1,3,5,7) # If the remainder is 2, swap ,1 and 3 in odd list and move 5 to the end (i.e. 3,1,7,5) # If the remainder
  20. At a higher level is allowed to decide how to respond. Memory swap ping Use of a, swap ,file or swap partition is a way for the operating system to provide more memory
  21. Barter coupons called Boon But Chum that bear a fixed value in baht, which they, swap ,for goods and services within the community. Trade exchanges A trade or barter
  22. As x_n with its real and imaginary parts swap ped—that is, if x_n = a + b i then, swap ,(x_n) is b + an i. Equivalently, swap (x_n) equals i x_no: \magical (
  23. Of many stockholders, Daimler subsequently acquired Chrysler in a stock, swap , after the retirement of Chrysler CEO Bob Eaton. Under DaimlerChrysler, the
  24. Plc being delisted from the London Stock Exchange and acquired (via a share, swap ,) by a new company,O2 plc, which was listed on the London Stock Exchange in
  25. For Apollo 8,Director of Flight Crew Operations Duke Slayton decided to, swap ,the crews of the D and E missions. Activity, the commander of the D mission
  26. Shows that dollar bills are not the only source of government money. Banks can, swap ,deposit liabilities of the Fed for Federal Reserve Notes back and forth as
  27. Between the underlying asset and the derivative (e.g., forward,option, swap ,); the type of underlying asset (e.g., equity derivatives, foreign exchange
  28. Region) there is a growing number of exchange markets. These barter markets or, swap ,meets work without money. Participants bring things they do not need and
  29. Result) JMP done. Systm. Pchar; print first JMP her; skipped if OK move 0,0;, swap ,bytes. Systm. Pchar; print second JMP her; skipped if OK is PMS; point to next
  30. Number of solar- and wind-powered generators. Citizens are also encouraged to, swap ,their old, electricity consumptive lamps with those of newer model to reduce
  31. That is indexed by that same integer variable. Think of passing a pointer to, swap ,(i, Ai ) in to a function. Now that every time swap () is referenced,it's
  32. Patterns so all left and right arrows swap , and all the up and down arrows, swap , " Shuffle" creates a random swap of all the arrows in a predetermined but
  33. Swap, and all the up and down arrows swap . " Shuffle" creates a random, swap ,of all the arrows in a predetermined but different pattern each time. Some
  34. The larger number so skip over the exchange-steps 4,5 and 6: GOT step 6 ELSE, swap ,the contents of R and S.: 4 L ← R (this first step is redundant, but will be
  35. Enron Weather Risk Management (Weather Derivatives) *Enron Steel (financial, swap ,contracts and spot pricing for the steel industry) *Enron Crude Oil and Oil
  36. Microcode each time the system is powered up. Otherwise, an expensive processor, swap ,would be required. For example, the Pentium FDI bug became an expensive fiasco
  37. From the building containing the Chock full o'Nuts. Snake undoubtedly made the, swap ,in part, due to the President's response to his question. After Snake gains
  38. Swap () is referenced,it's reevaluated. Say i: 1 and Ai: 2,so every time, swap ,() is referenced it'll return the other combination of the values (1,2,2,1
  39. From J. P. Morgan & Co. J. P. Morgan created the first modern credit default, swap ,in 1994,so that Morgan's would not have to hold as much money in reserve (8
  40. Allow them to live well in their own country ". Later, he said that if he could, swap ," 100,000 members of the Muslim community, who say that they support al-Qaeda "
  41. To occupy themselves they eat, sleep,talk, argue,sing, play games, exercise, swap , hats,and contemplate suicide—anything" to hold the terrible silence at bay ".
  42. And Activity crews were swap ped, and the D mission became Apollo 9. The crew, swap ,also affected who would be the first crew to land on the Moon; when the crews
  43. Electrons, respectively. Since the absolute value is not changed by a sign, swap , this corresponds to equal probabilities. Bosons, such as the photon, have
  44. To prevent the identification of individuals in marginal populations; others, swap ,variables for similar respondents. Whatever measures have been taken to reduce
  45. AK, j ) > abs (Maxi, j ) then maxi: = k end if end for is Maxi, j ≠ 0 then, swap ,rows i and maxi, but do not change the value of i Now Ai, j will contain the
  46. Largely been a repeat of the previous flight, albeit in a higher orbit. This, swap ,also meant a swap of spacecraft, requiring Borman's crew to use CSM-103,while
  47. When they recombine. Chromosomal crossover is when two DNA helices break, swap ,a section and then rejoin. Recombination allows chromosomes to exchange genetic
  48. At a relatively glacial pace. Often fanzine editors (" fan eds" ) would simply, swap ,issues with each other, not worrying too much about matching trade for trade
  49. And whether a derivatives exchange is eligible to clear a certain type of, swap ,contract. Glossary * Bilateral netting: A legally enforceable arrangement
  50. For example, it is impossible in ALGOL 60 to develop a procedure that will, swap ,the values of two parameters if the actual parameters that are passed in are an

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