Examples of the the word, industries , in a Sentence Context
The word ( industries ), is the 6185 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 1992,make Aberdeen the educational center of the north-east. The traditional, industries ,of fishing, paper-making,shipbuilding, and textiles have been overtaken by the
- Goods imported from elsewhere. Employment is primarily in government and, industries ,such as natural resource extraction, shipping,and transportation. Military
- Supply and service hub for Canada's oil sands and other northern resource, industries , Approximately south of the capital is Calgary,Alberta's largest city and a
- Of modern society with the most obvious being the audio and noise control, industries , Hearing is one of the most crucial means of survival in the animal world, and
- Of antibacterials, partly attributable to resistance against such regulation by, industries ,using or selling antibacterials, and to the time required for research to test
- Cotton production during the Soviet era. Caspian petroleum and petrochemicals, industries ,also have contributed to present air and water pollution problems. Several
- The modern assembly line took shape, there were prototypical forms in various, industries , as outlined below. Early history The Terracotta Army commissioned by the first
- Because of continued dependence on agriculture. Despite the growth of major, industries ,and urban centers, white rural interests dominated the state legislature until
- Village traditions underwent significant change as urbanization increased. New, industries ,emerged and agricultural employment was substantially reduced. Education was
- It is a popular belief that Alchemists made contributions to the" chemical ", industries ,of the day—ore testing and refining, metalworking,production of gunpowder, ink
- Paid was retrenchments and lean public spending. Wine and copper were the only, industries ,not to suffer a downturn. 20th century Electric street lighting was introduced
- Bootstrapping quality of growth made Ford famous and set an example for other, industries , Concept Assembly lines are designed for a sequential organization of workers
- Partly for this reason, Alberta has never developed a large presence in the, industries ,that have traditionally started industrialization in other places (notably the
- Australian Government in this period built on former wartime manufacturing, industries , International manufacturers like General Motors Holden and Chrysler made use
- Substantial progress in privatizing ownership of what used to be State Owned, industries ,under the former Soviet system. Despite marked progress, Armenia still suffers
- Occupational exposure and arsenic poisoning may occur in persons working in, industries ,involving the use of inorganic arsenic and its compounds, such as wood
- The program to dragoon prisoners of war and foreign workers into German war, industries , which waxed in output while the workers waned in starvation. " Speer's
- Importance of Aberdeen and the development of the shipbuilding and fishing, industries ,led to the existing harbor with Victoria Dock, the South Breakwater, and the
- Ukraine, Belarus and Pakistan. Along with other contracts, Azerbaijani defense, industries ,and Turkish companies, Azerbaijan will produce 40 mm revolver grenade launchers
- For agriculture, and the island has few land-based natural resources. Its main, industries ,are tourism, offshore incorporation and management, offshore banking, and
- Proficiency Test was devised to meet increasing demand. Even domestic animation, industries ,had made attempts at emulating anime. Anime-influenced animation refers to
- The spin-offs from petroleum have allowed Alberta to develop many other, industries , Oilpatch-related manufacturing is an obvious example, but financial services
- Sources; and technology transfer from oil into renewable energy and other, industries ,is under way. The" Energetic" initiative led by Scottish Enterprise has been
- Objectives. The plan gives preferential treatment to a series of strategic, industries , including energy efficiency, alternative energy and environmental protection
- He was not. Ricardo pointed out that Smith was in support of helping infant, industries , Smith believed that the government should subsidize newly formed industry, but
- Secondary industries helped reduce the state's dependence on primary, industries , World War II brought industrial stimulus and diversification to Adelaide under
- v. d. Scatter Olivier. The island's economy has been dominated by five main, industries ,: gold mining, phosphate mining (The Aruba Phosphate Maatschappij),aloe
- Invested in aerospace, education,health care, and banking, and various heavy, industries , including automobile manufacturing, mineral extraction, steel production and
- Giving the harbor city some advantages over other nearby cities as new, industries ,came into existence. Viking Age and before The oldest archaeological findings
- A sizable related refinement industry present. Computer and technology heavy, industries ,are mainly focused on the urban areas with an abundance of small and medium
- And in New England, led to a proliferation of manufacturing and invention. Many, industries , notably textiles, firearms,clocks and watches, buttons,horse-drawn vehicles
- The 1970s,Afghans have involved themselves in construction, one of the largest, industries ,in the country, although some have been cheated by American contractors. A
- And needles and pins. Its most important source of revenue, the textile, industries , have been dead for almost half a century now. Transport Aachen's railway
- By Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Diversification In 2007,mining and hydrocarbon, industries ,accounted for well over 95 per cent of the Azerbaijani economy. Diversification
- Parts of Aberdeen's economy. Until the 1970s,most of Aberdeen's leading, industries ,dated from the eighteenth Century; mainly these were textiles, foundry work
- Of the Azerbaijani economy. Diversification of the economy into manufacturing, industries ,remain a long-term issue. Business environment In 2008,Azerbaijan was cited as
- Later returning to prosperity under strong government leadership. Secondary, industries ,helped reduce the state's dependence on primary industries . World War II
- To the town of Been. Aachen was the administrative center for the coal-mining, industries ,in neighboring places to the northeast; it never played any role in brown coal
- Was home to fishing, textile mills, shipbuilding and paper making. These, industries ,have been largely replaced. High technology developments in the electronics
- 19th century, many new enterprises sprang up in the railroad and construction, industries , The New York Exchange Board had then mandated an organization to have a
- Of relaxing or entertaining the viewer. This is often the function of the art, industries ,of Motion Pictures and Video Games. # The Avant-garde. Art for political
- Concerted effort and support from the provincial government, several high-tech, industries ,have found their birth in Alberta, notably patents related to interactive
- Compound. As azo-compounds are highly colored, they are widely used in dyeing, industries , such as: Drugs Many drugs are designed to mimic or to interfere with the
- Organization of the security industry would not be different from that of other, industries , " Proponents point out that private systems of justice and defense already
- Most people work in services such as healthcare, government,or retail. Primary, industries ,are also of great importance, however. Employment in extraction industries As
- Single-building hospital in Europe. Over time, a host of software and computer, industries ,have developed around the university. It also maintains a botanical garden (
- The pathogenesis of diabetes. Wood preservation in the US As of 2002,US-based, industries ,consumed 19,600 metric tons of arsenic. Ninety percent of this was used for
- Armenia's economic woes on the role played by the former in closing major, industries , In 1994 three national environmental laws were in effect: the Law on
- Defense industry Adelaide is home to a large proportion of Australia's defense, industries , which contribute over A$1 billion to South Australia's Gross State Product.
- Sources of pollution include oil refineries and chemical and metallurgical, industries , which in the early 1990s continued to operate as inefficiently as they had in
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