Examples of the the word, downward , in a Sentence Context

The word ( downward ), is the 6183 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shot is the slam dunk, in which the player jumps very high and throws the ball, downward , straight through the hoop. Another shot that is becoming common is the "
  2. Of smaller concentration. Under the action of gravity, a particle acquires a, downward ,speed of v \mu mg, where m is the mass of the particle, g is the acceleration
  3. Into being thanks to the kart topography. Water in these places drills its way, downward ,by dissolving the carbonate rock to form an extensive underground river system.
  4. Helicopters have a rotor turned by an engine-driven shaft. The rotor pushes air, downward ,to create lift. By tilting the rotor forward, the downward flow is tilted
  5. Not employ propulsion once airborne. Take-off may be by launching forward and, downward ,from a high location, or by pulling into the air on a tow-line, either by a
  6. Which had the effect of increasing consumer spending and redistributing income, downward , Joint public-private public works projects helped reduce unemployment. Much of
  7. Array radar set with electronic beam steering (and a fixed antenna pointed, downward ,for reduced radar observability),synthetic aperture radar, ground moving
  8. From a ship about from the coast. It rose to a height of and as it began its, downward ,trajectory, the interceptor was launched and successfully achieved a kill. On
  9. Sometimes performed by left-handed users) which allows the user to look, downward ,by moving the mouse forward and upward by moving the mouse backward (the
  10. Mead who described the spinner as an" anodyne" – a vehicle which directs air, downward ,to create lift, though press kits for the film stated that the spinner was
  11. An inverted grip of the wrist, medial rotation of the arm and shoulder, and, downward , pressure on the elbow. Common in knife and other weapon takeaways. * The hand
  12. Arnold-Chiari malformation is a malformation of the brain. It consists of a, downward ,displacement of the cerebellar tonsils and the medulla through the foramen
  13. Almost all variants of play, it is illegal to touch the ball after it is in the, downward ,path of its arc; this is known as goal tending. It is also illegal under NBA and
  14. Every year until its replacement by the Turkish new lira in 2005,exerted, downward ,pressure on the Turkish Cypriot standard of living for many years. The de facto
  15. The rim. Under international rules it is illegal to block a shot that is in the, downward ,path of its arc or one that has touched the backboard until the ball has hit
  16. And tax reforms, to increase consumer spending and redistribute income, downward , Joint public-private public works projects helped reduce unemployment. Much of
  17. On Russia for raw materials. The global financial crisis started to apply, downward ,pressure on growth and employment in the last quarter of 2008. The real estate
  18. Aspiring vegetables" — those which grew upward — and refused those that grew, downward ,like potatoes. As Alcott had published earlier," Our wine is water, — flesh
  19. To furlough many families as a result of the economy turmoil and certainly the, downward ,spiraling in the industry," he said. " I'd like to make sure that we don't
  20. To the dealer's left. The invitation to cut is made by placing the pack, face, downward , on the table near the player who is to cut: who then lifts the upper portion
  21. In the list may change the result. To find all equal elements an upward and, downward ,linear search can be carried out from the initial result, stopping each search
  22. Be characterized as the honeymoon period of the Castro government. In April a, downward ,trend in US-Cuban relations had been evident… In June, we had reached the
  23. The rotor pushes air downward to create lift. By tilting the rotor forward,the, downward ,flow is tilted backward, producing thrust for forward flight. Some helicopters
  24. Companies. Versions All versions of the Bluetooth standards are designed for, downward ,compatibility. That lets the latest standard cover all older versions.
  25. Since the retirement of Cal Ripen Jr. in 2001,the Orioles have been in a, downward ,spiral, compiling a losing record in every season since. History: For other
  26. Static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the, downward ,thrust from jet engines. Although rockets and missiles also travel through the
  27. The most common being claw hammer or failing, characterized by the use of a, downward ,rather than upward motion when striking the strings with a fingernail. Failing
  28. Dome induces a local vertical heat driven vortex that sucks cooler overhead air, downward ,into a dome if the dome is vented properly (a single overhead vent, and
  29. Proves the Lemma. (Aside: The formal name for the above property of SAT is, downward ,self-reducibility. All NP-complete languages have this property. )QED Now we
  30. Or rotary. With powered lift, the aircraft directs its engine thrust vertically, downward , V/STOL aircraft, such as the Harrier Jump Jet and F-35B take off and land
  31. The" nod" for now is actually an upward movement of the head rather than a, downward ,one, while the shaking of the head for yes is not completely horizontal, but
  32. Death. The victim's head was bent forward, and the executioner fired slightly, downward ,at point-blank range. This had become the standard method used later by the
  33. LDS participation of young women to below that of young men, and for a, downward ,trend in the percentage of LDS males who accept the call to serve a full time
  34. Role, and individual responsibility and management tends to be delegated, downward ,to individual professional executives (such as a finance director or a
  35. Given the axiom of dependent choice, to the alternative axiom that there are no, downward ,infinite membership chains. The axiom of regularity is arguably the least
  36. Stronger than wooden handles, allowing faster sweeping and also enabling more, downward ,force to be applied to the broom head with reduced shaft flex. Shoes Curling
  37. E for equatorial, and S for superior air (dry air formed by significant, downward ,motion in the atmosphere). The third letter is used to designate the stability
  38. Of molecular hydrogen in Titan's upper atmospheric layers, which leads to a, downward ,flow at a rate of roughly 1025 molecules per second. Near the surface the
  39. They did not know about the cave beneath the cave. " The platform then rotates, downward ,to another level where the sonar-modification equipment is kept, from the
  40. As 'the roller coaster '. He will rise high up in the sky, to turn and plummet, downward , in a spiral, twisting and turning as he comes down. He then rises immediately
  41. Ensuing Falklands War was viewed by many to have contributed to reversing the, downward ,trend in the UK's status as a world power. The same year, the Canadian
  42. Shown at right. It is clear that all the backbone carbonyl oxygen point, downward ,(toward the C-terminus) but splay out slightly, and the H-bonds are
  43. Rules are designed to promote more offense. No player may touch the ball on its, downward ,flight to the basket, unless the ball has no chance of entering the basket (
  44. And computing, a device or technology is said to be backward or, downward ,compatible if it can work with input generated by an older device. If products
  45. During warfare. The word 'Catapult' comes from the two Greek words" data" (, downward ,) and" pilots" ( a small circular battle shield). Catapults was then taken
  46. In Texas has varied over the past few decades, but has generally followed a, downward ,trend. A study from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, however,found
  47. Of the shift. For example, Labov and others. (2006) noted a backward and, downward ,movement of in apparent time in all of Canada except the Atlantic Provinces
  48. Rivals. The crucial differences with the previous wave can be seen in the, downward ,shift in melodies, increasing durations of movements, the acceptance of Mozart
  49. Skull cap evolved into a bigger true helmet, the bassinet, as it was lengthened, downward ,to protect the back of the neck and the sides of the head. Additionally
  50. The occult community. It is sometimes represented by its Tattoo or by a, downward ,pointing triangle with a horizontal line through it. Modern witchcraft Earth is

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