Examples of the the word, attendee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attendee ), is the 6189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A detailed description—albeit five decades after the fact, in a letter from an, attendee ,to Sporting Life magazine—took place in Nashville, Ontario,in 1838. There
  2. Winning author, also attended the school for some time but dropped out. Another, attendee , Niels Rydberg Fin sen won the Nobel Prize in medicine. Noted Icelandic scholar
  3. What I like best? The ending! " Hammerstein wrote that Molnar became a regular, attendee ,at rehearsals after that. In the second act, as Billy looks down to the Earth
  4. Acceptable Use Policy. At a conference in Paris, a PayPal VP, in response to an, attendee ,'s question, stated the account was restricted after PayPal was allegedly
  5. Schools and denotes a person seen as characteristic of an, attendee ,of these schools. Characteristics of preppies include a particular subcultural
  6. Successful theater comedy in Mexican history. He is also a big supporter and, attendee ,of Mexican Club and Club America. Actor Writer Composer Recent years On
  7. As a republic; a move advertised and advocated by the journal The Bulletin. One, attendee ,of the ARA meetings was the Australian-born poet, Henry Lawson. Lawson wrote
  8. El Cortez Hotel. Beck attended the initial Orlando in 1974 and was a regular, attendee ,into the early 1980s. He was also a guest at the 1982 Minneapolis Comic-Con.
  9. A spy. One of the first physical descriptions of Kierkegaard comes from an, attendee , Hans Bruckner, at his brother Peter's wedding party in 1836:" I found his
  10. But does not pay for accommodation. One way the scammer baits the hopeful, attendee ,is they offer free air travel to the victim, but only as long as they pre-pay
  11. And literary agent Forrest J Ackerman came from Los Angeles as a surprise, attendee , On the last day of the convention, the members of the Dallas Futurist Society
  12. Washington Post as his" coming out" as a social conservative. According to, attendee ,Alexander Cockburn, Horowitz related how his Stalinist parents had not
  13. County is named for Charles M. McClain, an Oklahoma constitutional convention, attendee , Geography According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the county, roughly triangular
  14. Bradshaw's character went to the festival and got pregnant by a random concert, attendee , *The festival was on Modern Marvels episode,80s Tech. * A photo of the US
  15. The River Thames, outside the Palace of Westminster. After a scuffle involving, attendee ,Jay Wobble and a cameraman, eleven people, including several members of the
  16. Organizing the conference, the steering committee also maintained a register of, attendee ,names and contact details, with the aim of creating an informal network of
  17. Yugoslavia (with American politician Lynn Martin). Williams was also an, attendee ,of the 2010 Lederberg conference in Sites, Spain. In June 2007,after Gordon
  18. Sex Pistols' bassist, is credited with initiating the Pogo in Britain as an, attendee ,at one of their concerts. Moshing is typical at hardcore shows. The lack of
  19. Committee on Refugees (CNCR). She showed opposition to some other, attendee ,'s arguments. A common belief is that she was directly opposed to Jews and in
  20. Runway. The band was managed by local Toronto resident Ray Daniels, a frequent, attendee ,of Rush's early shows. After gaining stability in the line-up and honing their
  21. Same short, memorable terms are used for them, namely: * No Spectators. Every, attendee ,is expected to participate in some way for the event, with a performance, art
  22. And encouraged the local population to attend Friday prayers by paying each, attendee ,two Durhams. The cities where Arab governors resided were particularly
  23. With Lawrence Person for http://locusmag.com Locus Online. He is a frequent, attendee ,of Armadillo, the local science-fiction convention in Austin. He was the
  24. By guests who complained about the low social status of other guests. One, attendee ,was horrified on discovering that they were dancing in the same social set as
  25. Intent, and some even considered it a publicity stunt. Slate Magazine quotes an, attendee ,of the book talk who said," It was clear that JKR didn't plan to out
  26. Incurring minor confusion. There is also a convention badge, displaying each, attendee ,'s name, membership number and (if desired) Finnish nickname. The customary
  27. In particular, Cinepolis VIP. In the case of numbered seating systems the, attendee ,can often pick seats from a screen; sometimes the attendee cannot see the
  28. To improve the team. He also took a" hands-on" approach becoming a regular, attendee ,to the team's home games and periodically leaving his owner's box during
  29. Though the latter term has more than one meaning),is a college or university, attendee ,who re-enrolls for several years, typically more than what is necessary to
  30. Very busy especially at weekends. The local mountain rescue team is a regular, attendee ,to this popular crag. The Roaches Estate which includes Hen Cloud was purchased
  31. Was a science fiction editor. Born with dwarfism, she was a fan and regular, attendee ,at science fiction conventions and worked her way up the publishing ladder
  32. Both 9 and Alice in Wonderland. When asked about the filmmaking process by an, attendee , he mentioned his" imaginary friend" who helps him out, prompting Johnny Depp
  33. Membership overlaps as well as the number of adherents represented by each, attendee ,of a Pagan gathering. Hutton estimated that there are 250,000 Neopagan
  34. Of the Board of du Pont, USA 1991-1998. He was also a regular Lederberg Group, attendee ,1992-2001. During his 8 years as CEO of AREA followed by the 9 years as CEO of
  35. During his marriage to Madonna, Ritchie followed Kabbalah and was a regular, attendee ,of services at the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles, which his former wife
  36. Height of her modeling career in the mid-to-late 1970s,Hemingway was a regular, attendee ,of New York City's exclusive discotheque Studio 54,often in the company of
  37. Austrian Reichstag parliament. From the late 1880s onwards Leger was a regular, attendee ,at the influential circles of clerical social conservative politicians around
  38. The first organizers of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop, and is a frequent, attendee ,at the Sycamore Hill Writer's Workshop. He won Hugo Awards for his novelettes
  39. American baseball player *John Adams (drummer) (born 1951),perennial, attendee ,of Cleveland Indians baseball home games *John Adams (American football) (
  40. The campaign had received a £5,000 contribution from John Lennon, to which an, attendee ,replied" but Lenin's dad! (dead) ". Aftermath In February 1972 Heath's
  41. Through her nearly 50 years in show business. Cardinal has been a regular, attendee ,of the Academy Awards. She was awarded an honorary Golden Lion at the 1993
  42. Possibilities for about a decade. Also, during the 1950s Mohegan was a regular, attendee ,at the Tangle wood Music Festival in Massachusetts. He later held posts at the
  43. Seating systems the attendee can often pick seats from a screen; sometimes the, attendee ,cannot see the screen and has to make a choice based on still available seats.
  44. At that time on the temperance movement. Angel Mascot was the most conspicuous, attendee ,who chose not to sign the Declaration. The National Reformer reported that
  45. Married the following year in a private ceremony. Fatima Modern was the sole, attendee , In the few months that he courted Chang, Hu was still married to his third
  46. Of Battenberg (b. 1885) * December 6 – Meredith Hunter, Altamont Free Concert, attendee , stabbed and kicked to death (b. 1951) * December 7 – Eric Portman, English
  47. Of Sumerian Sudra, known from the writings of Eugenics of Caesar,an, attendee ,at the First Council of Nicaea and early historian of the Christian Church.
  48. Were also created to contextualize and explore this debate further. (Each, attendee ,was given a wearable camera-dome bag which created, in effect, an inverse
  49. Wishes to represent an elite,Ivy League type school. The most notable Attack, attendee ,was most likely Marlon Brando. In his autobiography, Songs My Mother Taught Me
  50. Accused of discharging a fire arm, yelling obscenities, and hitting a mosque, attendee ,with a car. History The Town of Carlton was formed from the Towns of Gaines and

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