Examples of the the word, implant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( implant ), is the 6179 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And dilation of the digestive system. The peristaltic CCD has an additional, implant ,that keeps the charge away from the silicon/silicon dioxide interface and
  2. Between the nervous systems of two humans. Finally, the effect of the, implant ,on Warwick's hand function was measured using the University of Southampton
  3. Khyber, was able to mimic the actions of Warwick's own arm. By means of the, implant , Warwick's nervous system was connected onto the internet in Columbia
  4. Of the jawbone or by suture of the soft tissue *Cheek augmentation (" cheek, implant ,"): implant s to the cheek *Orthographic Surgery: manipulation of the facial
  5. Cultured pearls are the response of the shell to a tissue, implant , A tiny piece of mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted into a
  6. As the Blade of the Phoenix. She then telekinetically disabled an explosive, implant ,that the Shi'AR chancellor was using to force Corvus' obedience. Due to Rachel
  7. Species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Monday that began to, implant ,more and more artificial parts into their bodies. This led to the race becoming
  8. Of capsular contracture (tightening or hardening of the scar tissue around the, implant ,) and revision surgeries. Outcomes based research on quality of life
  9. Bombs, following which their traumatized spirits were stuck together at ", implant ,stations ", brainwashed with false memories and eventually became contained
  10. Reproduction involves embryonic diapause. The embryo does not immediately, implant ,in the uterus, but remains dormant for a period of time. No development takes
  11. Sometimes these follow-up surgeries are spread out over weeks or months. If an, implant ,is used, the individual runs the same risks and complications as those who use
  12. Penis by surgery, often for cosmetic purposes **Breast augmentations (" breast, implant ," or" boob job" ): augmentation of the breasts by means of fat grafting
  13. Blue the Blood Gulch Chronicles Omega (or O'Malley) is Freelancer Tex's AI, implant ,and the main antagonist of the Blood Gulch Chronicles ** In Locke and Key, the
  14. Occurs where there are large, stationary field disturbances (e.g. a metallic, implant ,). In this case the loss of coherence is described as a" static defacing ".
  15. Used worldwide. The surgeon inserts a tissue expander, a temporary plastic, implant , beneath a pocket under the pectoralis major muscle of the chest wall. The
  16. And handing control over to Diego, the protagonist undergoes surgery to, implant ,the promised neural interface. Following the operation, the hacker is put into
  17. Of breast skin as opposed to glandular tissue *Buttock augmentation (" butt, implant ,"): enhancement of the buttocks using silicone implant s or fat grafting ("
  18. Dermal grafts have been described as an only patch to increase coverage of the, implant ,when the pectoral muscle is released, which purports to improve both functional
  19. Self-proclaimed contacted who claims to receive messages from aliens through an, implant ,in her brain, stated that Hale–Bop was a fiction designed to distract the
  20. A measure of his hearing through a surgical procedure known as a cochlear, implant ,surgery. Limbaugh received a Clarion CII Bionic Ear. In 2005,Limbaugh was
  21. Is the German word for fixation or bond;" Westbindung" is Germany's, implant ,into Western Europe and the Western World. In particular during the Cold War -
  22. Developing psychophysics, linguistics,computational neuroscience and cochlear, implant ,research. Modern vocoders that are used in communication equipment and in voice
  23. Office in Atlanta, Georgia several hours later than his appointment for dental, implant ,work. During that visit,Brown's dentist observed that Brown looked" very bad
  24. Partial sight has been successfully restored to blind rats by installing an, implant ,behind the retina. Several types of visual prosthesis are in development or
  25. 2002,shortly after the Sham murders, when Warwick reportedly offered to, implant ,a tracking device into an 11-year-old girl as an anti-abduction measure. The
  26. A more just world. Famous Quotations::" The central task of education is to, implant ,a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning
  27. Including: ceramics, polymers,semiconductors, magnetic materials, medical, implant , materials and biological materials (materiomics). Fundamentals The basis of
  28. Consists of a computerized electrical device similar in size, shape and, implant ,location to a heart pacemaker that connects to the vagus nerve in the neck. The
  29. From intractable epilepsy, in cases where there was a medical necessity to, implant ,electrodes to localize the brain area responsible for epileptic seizures. It is
  30. The breast to be reconstructed with one's own tissues instead of a foreign, implant , TRAM flap procedures may weaken the abdominal wall and torso strength, but are
  31. And Pantries. Tantalum is also highly bioinert and is used as an orthopedic, implant ,material. Precaution Compounds containing tantalum are rarely encountered in
  32. Soldier in a dystopian future. *All members of The Authority have a networking, implant ,that allows for radio-telepathy, head-mail and other communication functions.
  33. Cell at these sites to make it resemble one bearing a mammoth's genome, and, implant , it into a surrogate elephant mother. In January 2011,it was reported by
  34. By Athena, Rhea,or Demeter. Zeus used the heart to recreate Dionysus and, implant ,him in the womb of Female—hence Dionysus became known as" the twice-born ".
  35. Potential threats during an MRI procedure. * MR-Conditional — A device or, implant ,that may contain magnetic, electrically conductive or RF-reactive components
  36. Volume can be recruited occasionally to reconstruct small breasts without an, implant , **Abdominal flaps The abdominal flap for breast reconstruction is the TRAM
  37. By Implantation of Oxygen) process, wherein a buried high dose oxygen, implant ,is converted to silicon oxide by a high temperature annealing process. Misogamy
  38. Supported by the US Food and Drug Administration: * MR-Safe — The device or, implant ,is completely non-magnetic, non-electrically conductive, and non-RF reactive
  39. Does not gain enough weight to survive through the winter, the embryo does not, implant ,and is reabsorbed into the body. The average litter has one to four cubs
  40. Called diffusion layers),some define where additional ions are implant ed (, implant ,layers),some define the conductors (poly silicon or metal layers),and some
  41. A veal calf in a Wisconsin veal farm, which turned out to be an illegal hormone, implant ,(such implant s are only allowed legally for beef cattle). PETA claims the
  42. Is believed to reduce perfect-use pregnancy rates to those seen among, implant ,users. However, if two condoms are used simultaneously (male condom on top of
  43. The oyster, it secretes a few layers of nacre around the outside surface of the, implant ,before it is removed after six months or more. When a cultured pearl with bead
  44. Liposuction" ): removal of fat from the body *Chin augmentation (" chin, implant ,"): augmentation of the chin with an implant , usually silicone, by sliding
  45. Body *Chin augmentation (" chin implant " ): augmentation of the chin with an, implant , usually silicone, by sliding angioplasty of the jawbone or by suture of the
  46. Remain in place for over 30 years. This property is also useful for orthopedic, implant ,applications. Since titanium is non-ferromagnetic, patients with titanium
  47. Flap is usually used to recruit soft-tissue coverage over an underlying, implant , Enough volume can be recruited occasionally to reconstruct small breasts
  48. Positron emission tomography (PET) PET scansPET-CT scans Implants An, implant ,is a kind of medical device made to replace and act as a missing biological
  49. With the belief in Racism that mind transfer coupled with human cloning can, implant ,mind and personality into a new and disease free body. But they believe that
  50. An acceptable size, it may be removed and replaced with a more permanent, implant , Reconstruction of the areola and nipple are usually performed in a separate

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