Examples of the the word, friends , in a Sentence Context

The word ( friends ), is the 6188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Worth; fear of embarrassment by a teacher; fear of alienation from parents or, friends ,; time pressures; or feeling a loss of control. Sweating, dizziness,headaches
  2. By Jasper Johns, and so on; Warhol wanted a distinguishing subject. His, friends ,suggested he should paint the things he loved the most. It was the gallerist
  3. Agatha made up stories from a very early age and invented a number of imaginary, friends ,and paralysis. One of them," The School ", with a dozen or so imaginary young
  4. Adult AAC users generally have satisfying relationships with family and, friends ,and engage in pleasurable and interesting life activities. Deafness and hearing
  5. In #31 (Dec. 1965),the issue which also featured the first appearances of, friends ,and classmates Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. Harry's father, Norman Osborn
  6. His father and boarder who had become a family friend. To close relatives and, friends ,he remained" Alec" which his father continued to call him into later life.
  7. Hitler had had any friends at all, I certainly would have been one of his close, friends , " First Architect of the Third Reich (1934–1939) When Roost died on January
  8. Sikh, Bhai Kannada, attended the troops of the enemy. He gave water to both, friends ,and foes who were wounded on the battlefield. Some enemy began to fight
  9. And Slaves. All four members made their last public appearance, as four, friends ,more than as ABBA, in January 1986,when they recorded a video of themselves
  10. Be so honored. Kurosawa, with producer Spiro Motor and fellow directors and, friends ,Cairo Yamamoto, Mikio Na ruse and Enrich Yamaguchi, formed a new independent
  11. He believes melody is a primitive vulgarity. He is one of Lillian Rearden's, friends ,and a member of the cultural elite. *Clifton Local is a friend of Jim Haggard
  12. People all participated in the Factory films, and some – like Berlin – remained, friends ,with Warhol until his death. Important figures in the New York underground
  13. He was described by childhood friends as active and popular, having many, friends ,and being typically in the center of action. In 1937,his father left the
  14. And accepted that Warhol was a practicing Athenian Rite Catholic. Even close, friends ,did not know he regularly attended services at Saint Vincent Ferret. His
  15. Contemporary readers may interpret the two heroes either as relatives or close, friends , as" war buddies ", as being in a teacher/student relationship, or in love
  16. Of light and the fundamental connection between space and time. With a few, friends ,he met in Bern, Einstein started a small discussion group, self-mockingly named
  17. father's friends . This first impression was not to last, and they later became, friends , On 8 July 1835 she married William King,8th Baron King, later 1st Earl of
  18. To the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after, friends ,and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants '. By 335
  19. With fashion (shoes) as a subject. * Performance Art: Warhol and his, friends ,staged theatrical multimedia happenings at parties and public venues, combining
  20. Lincoln From the early 1830s,Lincoln was a steadfast Whig and professed to, friends ,in 1861 to be," an old line Whig, a disciple of Henry Clay ". The party
  21. Survivor. Long-time trainer Gil Reyes has been called one of Agassi's closest, friends ,; some have described him as being a" father figure" to Agassi. In December
  22. To produce his silkscreens, Warhol made photographs or had them made by his, friends ,and assistants. These pictures were mostly taken with a specific model of
  23. Is 16 years old. In four out of five cases, the suspects were relatives, friends ,or acquaintances. Culture Some of Alaska's popular annual events are the
  24. world-famous as a pirate. Reign attended Patrick Henry University and became, friends ,with John Salt and Francisco d'Antonia while studying under Hugh Aston and
  25. Found that 12 % achieved a high level of independence as adults,10 % had some, friends ,and were generally in work but required some support,19 % had some
  26. On May 18,at the Republican National Convention in Chicago,Lincoln's, friends ,promised and manipulated and won the nomination on the third ballot, beating
  27. His gang on nightly orgies of opportunistic, random " ultra-violence. " Alex's, friends ,(" druids" in the novel's Anglo-Russian slang, Nadsat) are Dim, a
  28. Photographer, and took an enormous amount of photographs of Factory visitors, friends , * Computer: Warhol used Amiga computers to generate digital art, which he
  29. Address with an appeal to the people of the South:" We are not enemies, but, friends , We must not be enemies ... The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every
  30. Political organization Friends of Global Progress and one of Lillian Rearden's, friends , He believes that ideas are just air, that this is no time for talk, but for
  31. Moved quickly to a new project to prove he was still viable. To his aid came, friends ,and famed directors Daisuke Hiroshima, Masaki Kobayashi and On Chicana, who
  32. And mumbling – of audio recordings of Online and several of Andy Warhol's, friends ,hanging out at the Factory, talking,going out. * The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
  33. Which consisted of other artists and his personal staff. If Hitler had had any, friends ,at all, I certainly would have been one of his close friends . " First Architect
  34. S ink washes. Most of these were given by Warhol as gifts to clients and, friends , Copy #4,inscribed" Jerry" on the front cover and given to Geraldine State
  35. Treat him, though his" care" did not improve his health. Speer's wife and, friends ,managed to have his case transferred to his friend Dr. Karl Brandt, and he
  36. Spring of 1831,hired by New Salem businessman Denton Offset and accompanied by, friends , he took goods by flatboat from New Salem to New Orleans via the Salmon
  37. He wrote about in his early essays, the principle of sticking up for your, friends , of valuing bravery and fair-play. Camus' belief was that political and
  38. For those with autism. For them, the quality of friends hips, not the number of, friends , predicts how lonely they feel. Functional friends hips, such as those resulting
  39. With other intellectuals sympathetic to free-market capitalism. She became, friends ,with journalist Henry Hazlitt and his wife, and Hazlitt introduced her to the
  40. To the influence of her mother, which led her to dislike all of her father's, friends , This first impression was not to last, and they later became friends . On 8
  41. Predicted that were the writings to be published, he would lose a" good many, friends ,". Walters wondered that Speer did not now" walk through life in a hair shirt
  42. Looters to work out a plan to bring Rear den down. James Haggard knows he is, friends ,with Hank Rear den and challenges his loyalty, and Larking assures Haggard that
  43. As a natural raconteur in New Salem, though he lacked an education, powerful, friends , and money, which may be why he lost. He advocated navigational improvements on
  44. Sometimes missed; years later, adults may seek diagnoses to help them or their, friends ,and family understand themselves, to help their employers make adjustments, or
  45. Tchaikovsky spent his childhood in Brevets. He was described by childhood, friends ,as active and popular, having many friends and being typically in the center of
  46. To twins, Catherine and Jean, on 5 September 1945,he continued to joke to, friends ,that he was not cut out for marriage. Camus conducted numerous affairs
  47. And Cassandra. Many of those studying by Alexander's side would become his, friends ,and future generals, and are often known as the 'Companions '. At Maize
  48. S cousin Leonard Payoff. At first the group was an informal gathering of, friends ,who met with Rand on weekends at her apartment to discuss philosophy. Later she
  49. Politically, his strong criticisms of Communist doctrine did not win him any, friends ,in the Communist parties and eventually alienated Sartre. In 1949 his TB
  50. A stage for celebrities he" endorsed" and a business staffed by his, friends , He collaborated with others on all of his books (some of which were written

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