Examples of the the word, sleeve , in a Sentence Context

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  1. With a dark navy blue outline. The Chief Yahoo logo is located on the left, sleeve , This jersey is the only Indians jersey to not have the players' names on the
  2. In the same fashion as the home uniform; the Chief Yahoo logo is on the left, sleeve , The alternate road cap is navy blue with the Chief Yahoo logo on the front (
  3. Sounds, such as the long OO, ee and OE sounds (too, true,shoe, flew,through;, sleeve , leave, even,seize, siege; stole, coal,bowl, roll,old, mould),and the use
  4. Chicago Cardinals, with an interlocking" CC" logo and three stripes on each, sleeve , The uniform numbers were relocated to the right chest. The pants were khaki to
  5. Stripe pattern on the brown jersey sleeve s (The white jersey has had that, sleeve ,stripe pattern on a consistent basis since the 1985 season. ) and the older
  6. In cardboard design, display and packaging (exploited later in his record, sleeve ,work). Initial career After leaving college in 1963,Colin Fulcher started his
  7. And white conquered cap bands and red and white striped duty arm bands on the, sleeve ,of the tunics of constables and sergeants (red and white being the colors of
  8. On the front of the jersey; the white piping is also located around each, sleeve , Script" Indians" is located across the front of the jersey in the same
  9. Armstrong reminded Aldrin of a bag of memorial items in his suit pocket, sleeve , and Aldrin tossed the bag down; Armstrong then jumped to the ladder's third
  10. As rear admiral (upper half),i. e., two silver stars for collar insignia or, sleeve ,braid of one wide and one narrow gold stripe, even though they were actually
  11. The sleeve and kept it from rotating. The wrap spring's torque kept the, sleeve ,'s tooth pressing against the pawl. To engage the clutch, an electromagnet
  12. Μάγχης) and Italian (la Manila). Germans translate to“ Ärmelkanal ”, i. e., sleeve ,channel. History Before the end of the Devonian glaciation (the most recent
  13. The wrap so it did not slip once engaged. If the pawl were held away from the, sleeve ,the clutch would continue to drive the load without slipping. When the clutch
  14. Days. In 1966,the team modified the jerseys, which now featured only two, sleeve ,stripes, slightly wider; the socks followed the same pattern. In 1967 the "
  15. Pawl. To engage the clutch, an electromagnet attracted the pawl away from the, sleeve , The wrap spring's torque rotated the sleeve which permitted the spring to
  16. To the driven member inside which the drive shaft could rotate freely. The, sleeve ,had a projecting tooth, like a ratchet tooth. A spring-loaded pawl pressed
  17. A message that these postcards had been die-cut away from the rest of the, sleeve ,). * Ian Dry and the Blockheads - Do It Yourself; which was released in 28
  18. And numbers with navy pinstripes. A white/gray/white stripe are on each, sleeve ,as well as the collared V-neck, and a Cowboys star logo is placed upon the
  19. A cut-out and build miniature pyramid, housed in a clear vinyl bag (with two, sleeve ,variations and three label variations). During this period (1972–1975)
  20. Of death. Oddly, the tag was not worn, but required to be kept in a plastic, sleeve ,in the back of the DA identity booklet. Ecuador The" Places de identification
  21. Hexadecimal digits of pi, which contain no obvious pattern (see nothing up my, sleeve ,number). The secret key is then, byte by byte, cycling the key if necessary
  22. The triple LP package Glastonbury Fare comprising a six-panel fold-out, sleeve , two poster inserts, booklet and a cut-out and build miniature pyramid, housed
  23. Use portable acetylene fueled torch kits as a soldering tool for sealing lead, sleeve ,splices in manholes and in some aerial locations. Oxyacetylene welding may also
  24. 2007,the AFL agreed to allow yellow armbands to be incorporated into the left, sleeve ,of the jumper, the only ever variation to the jumper's design. The 'Clash for
  25. Youngsters and managed to get quite a few local bookings for his band. " The, sleeve ,notes continue:" When Bill Haley was fifteen c.1940 he left home with his
  26. A rectangular handle into which single-edge utility blades can be inserted. The, sleeve ,slides up and down on the handle, holding the blade in place during use and
  27. Ian Dry and the Blockheads - Do It Yourself; which was released in 28, sleeve , variations,all of which were wallpaper designs supplied by manufacturer Crown.
  28. Popular band The Beatles included him as one of the many figures on the cover, sleeve ,of their 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, where he is
  29. Guitar out of cardboard, his parents bought him a real one. The anonymous, sleeve ,notes accompanying the 1956 Decca album" Rock Around The Clock" describe
  30. The arm, the word comes from the armory term" Brossard ", meaning an armored, sleeve ,or badge. The Navajo people have developed highly-ornamented bracers as
  31. Another utility knife often used for cutting open boxes consists of a simple, sleeve ,around a rectangular handle into which single-edge utility blades can be
  32. Sleeve, but nevertheless close to it. One end of the spring was attached to a, sleeve ,surrounding the spring. The other end of the spring was attached to the driven
  33. Tooth, like a ratchet tooth. A spring-loaded pawl pressed against the, sleeve ,and kept it from rotating. The wrap spring's torque kept the sleeve 's tooth
  34. Power was disconnected from the electromagnet and the pawl moved close to the, sleeve , When the sleeve 's tooth contacted the pawl the sleeve and the load's inertia
  35. Jersey sleeve s in 1961. Over the years, there have been minor revisions to the, sleeve ,stripes, the first occurring in 1968 (brown jerseys worn in early season) and
  36. Was kept expanded (details below) and mostly out of contact with the driving, sleeve , but nevertheless close to it. One end of the spring was attached to a sleeve
  37. End of 1984,the trio released an album entitled The Age of Consent. The inner, sleeve ,listed the varying ages of consent for consensual male homosexual activity in
  38. Attracted the pawl away from the sleeve . The wrap spring's torque rotated the, sleeve ,which permitted the spring to contract and wrap tightly around the driving
  39. As well as in Spanish," Manchu" means" stain ", while the word for, sleeve ,is" manga" - which prompts an early phonetic bad translation from French).
  40. The 1940s Haley was considered one of the top cowboy yodelers in America. The, sleeve ,notes conclude:" For six years Bill Haley was a musical director of Radio
  41. Which permitted the spring to contract and wrap tightly around the driving, sleeve , Load torque tightened the wrap, so it did not slip once engaged. If the pawl
  42. With the restraint at the other end of the spring created by the trip pawl and, sleeve ,tooth, this kept the spring expanded to minimize contact with the driving
  43. Blue piping around the sleeve s, and the Chief Yahoo logo located on the left, sleeve , The road cap and batting helmet are navy blue with a red block" C" on the
  44. From the electromagnet and the pawl moved close to the sleeve . When the, sleeve ,'s tooth contacted the pawl the sleeve and the load's inertia unwrapped the
  45. Red on the sleeve s as the color panel begins closer to the shoulder. The white, sleeve ,numbers on both jerseys were also moved up a bit, creating more red space
  46. With a navy and white outline. The jersey has the Chief Yahoo logo on the left, sleeve , The home cap and batting helmet are navy blue with a red bill and feature the
  47. Pawl moved close to the sleeve . When the sleeve 's tooth contacted the pawl the, sleeve ,and the load's inertia unwrapped the spring to disengage the clutch.
  48. Commodore ", which is equivalent to the navy's captain and army's colonel. The, sleeve ,lace is identical to that of the Royal Navy, and wears one star on the shoulder
  49. Have the same general shape as non-locking carabiners but have an additional, sleeve ,securing the gate. These sleeve s may be either threaded or spring-loaded
  50. Buttons on the front of the jersey; the navy piping is also located around each, sleeve , Across the front of the jersey in script font is the word" Indians" in red

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