Examples of the the word, concession , in a Sentence Context
The word ( concession ), is the 6190 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Former terrorism czar Richard Clarke in front of the 9/11 Commission. The main, concession ,Powell wanted before he would offer his full support for the Iraq War was the
- 1997 the British and French governments extended Eurotunnel's operating, concession ,by 34 years to 2086. Financial restructuring of Euro tunnel occurred in mid-1998
- Leased line connectivity, Estonia connected with the rest of the world. The, concession ,for packet communications, perhaps against the constraint of limited
- Competition lap pool, lazy river, numerous water slides, play sand area, and a, concession ,area. Tennis Aberdeen is presently home to 24 public tennis courts throughout
- Of the local governance during its management of the Buenos Aires water, concession ,in 1999,which led to substantial amounts of debt (approx. $620 million) and
- CU 3.17.4). A few scholars are of the opinion that this passage was a, concession ,to growing influence of shamanic culture on the Brahmanical religion. Hinduism
- As hostages, either for monetary ransom or for some political or administrative, concession ,by authorities. Motives vary from demanding the release of certain inmates (
- An open space covered by paving stone and planters. There are some trees and, concession ,stands selling food and other items to tourists and visitors in the area. There
- A 38-year-old San Francisco resident, caught the ball while he was in line at a, concession ,stand. Mysteriously, radio broadcaster Dave Flemming's radio play-by-play of
- Rhodesia was adopted. In 1888,British colonialist Cecil Rhodes obtained a, concession ,for mining rights from King Benguela of the Ndebele peoples. Cecil Rhodes
- Of the Easy tax concession by the Conservative Government in 1984. The, concession ,had made it possible for a foreign film company to write off a large amount of
- In 1994, it was announced that the DLR would be privatized, which led to the, concession ,being granted to Servo in 1997. Dundee (from the
- Rejected the idea, saying," I will suffer death before I consent ... to any, concession ,or compromise which looks like buying the privilege to take possession of this
- And French governments gave Euro tunnel a 55- (later 65-) year operating, concession ,to repay loans and pay dividends. A Railway Usage Agreement was signed between
- According to some sources, Bozizé used the money he got from the mining, concession ,in Dakota to buy two old MI 8 helicopters from Ukraine and one Hercules C 130
- And grievances. According to Blaine," It was perhaps the most generous, concession ,offered by a governor to a major opponent in the history of Australia up to
- Design Communications There are three communication systems in the tunnel:, concession ,radio (CR) for mobile vehicles and personnel within Eurotunnel's Concession
- Rights from King Benguela of the Ndebele peoples. Cecil Rhodes presented this, concession ,to persuade the government of the United Kingdom to grant a royal charter to
- With a dial stuck on the front and appropriate changes to the electronics. A, concession ,to style was in the elaborate decals (transfers) that decorated the cases.
- Of investiture. In the Concordat of Worms the church accepted a face-saving, concession , The king retained substantially what he already possessed—the power to fill
- Signs of oil reserves in Km Combo basin, about north of Aswan, was found and a, concession ,agreement was signed with Centurion Energy International for drilling. The main
- Unlike Rupert's Land to the north and east, however,the territory was not a, concession ,to the company. Rather, it was simply granted a monopoly to trade with the
- Of the kings was followed by the feudal nobles, sometimes by making a temporary, concession ,permanent, sometimes without any form of commendation whatever. In England the
- Observers expected, Chamorro shocked Ortega and won the election. In Ortega's, concession ,speech the following day he vowed to keep" ruling from below" a reference to
- Amount of treasure. He afterward offered a peace treaty to Alexander,the, concession ,of the lands he had already conquered, and a ransom of 10,000 talents for his
- He looked. He spoke while seated in the well of the House, an unprecedented, concession ,to his physical incapacity. Roosevelt opened his speech by saying," I hope
- During World War II, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin openly requested the, concession ,of Soviet military bases on the Straits, even though Turkey was not involved in
- Granted Libyan enterprises outstanding economic advantages, such as a 99 year, concession ,on diamonds, gold,oil and uranium all over the country. It is not known
- II (1861–1863),Madagascar took a French orientation, with great commercial, concession ,given to the French. In 1895,in the second Francophone War, the French invaded
- Beckon, London City Airport and Norwich Arsenal. The DLR is operated under a, concession ,awarded by Transport for London to Servo Docklands Ltd, part of the Servo Group
- Response to an effort by a Canadian company to drill for oil under a Guyanese, concession , Guyana regards its legal title to all of its territory as sound. However, the
- To Estonian Telecom (EISTI Telecom). In the process of privatization,a, concession ,was granted to liberalize mobile, CATV and packet-switched telecommunications.
- Control room. The Gate D concourse has undergone a complete remodel with new, concession ,stands and improved pedestrian flow. The wooden grandstand seats were all
- With German Air Company Deutsche Left Hans. On the basis of a ten-year, concession ,agreement, the Albanian Airlines Company Adrian Aero Lloyd was established. In
- And identity-politics movements that arose in the late 20th century. The main, concession ,that the group received was the San Andrés Accords, also known as the Law on
- From the Sugar Hills, located close to Maria Adam in the Eastern Desert. The, concession ,of the mine was granted to Certain Egypt, an Australian joint stock company
- Of America (Alcoa) mined bauxite between 1959 and 1983,when it turned its, concession ,over to the state. Production in 1991 dropped 92 % from the previous year, as a
- The Channel Tunnel is a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) project with a, concession , TML would design and build the tunnel, but financing was through a separate
- Argue over the precise theology of the rite. One change made that constituted a, concession ,to the Presbyterian Exceptions, was the updating and re-insertion of the
- Position within the empire's borders. His demands were certainly grand — the, concession ,of a block of territory 200 miles long by 150 wide between the Danube and the
- IX Monomyths and Patriarch Nicéphore of Constantinople in 1048. As a, concession , the mosque in Constantinople was re-opened and sermons were to be pronounced
- For British productions. Another blow was the elimination of the Easy tax, concession ,by the Conservative Government in 1984. The concession had made it possible for
- London Overground, London Tram link and Cross rail. London Rail first awarded the, concession ,to operate the DLR in 1997 to Servo Docklands Ltd, a joint organization of the
- Granted to liberalize mobile, CATV and packet-switched telecommunications. This, concession ,was critical for developing a competitive market. Three licensed mobile
- Agreement in 2006 to develop Guinea's offshore Senegal Basin oil deposits in a, concession ,of; it is pursuing seismic exploration. On 13 October 2009,Guinean Mines
- Secures finance, bears all business risks and upon expiration of the, concession ,period, transfers the highway to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
- Marched against Rad bod and pushed him back into his territory, even forcing the, concession ,of West Frisian (later Holland). He also sent the Saxons back over the Weber
- The dissolution of the Covenants' interim government, albeit at the decisive, concession ,whereby both the Scottish Parliament and General Assembly of the Scottish
- Corner. As a result, Svinhufvud and his senate delegation won Lenin's, concession ,of sovereignty on 31 December 1917. By the beginning of the Civil War
- Former player, John. Geelong took full advantage of the Father-Son Rule. This, concession ,allowed sons of ex-players to nominate for their fathers' clubs, thus
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