Examples of the the word, probable , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Meaning and which could not reasonably have been drawn from elsewhere. A, probable ,allusion contains an idea which is uniquely traceable to its source. Possible
  2. To the Corinthians, Apollos returned to the city, and became its bishop. Less, probable ,traditions assign to him the bishopric of Dumas, or of Iconic in Phrygia, or
  3. And rode higher in the water than either Danish or Frisian ships. (It is, probable ,that, under the classical tutelage of Asset, Alfred utilized the design of
  4. Ice took place in The Fens during the great frost of 1813-1814,although it is, probable ,that the game had been played there in the previous century. Bury Fen Bandy
  5. Including the living ones) were first written down relatively late in their, probable ,existence as distinct languages. These two factors combined with others have
  6. Shows that he had passed through all the stages of a higher education. It is, probable ,that he was taught at the Magdeburg Domicile. In 1066 or 1067 he was invited
  7. Two values for which ƒ is maximal: (n + 1)p and (n + 1)p − 1. M is the most, probable ,(most likely) outcome of the Bernoulli trials and is called the mode. Note
  8. Was the fact that although many people considered these futures possible or, probable , that very few of them shared as serious a concern for the dangers as he seemed
  9. Riband agate and striped agate. In the formation of an ordinary agate, it is, probable ,that waters containing silica in solution—derived, perhaps,from the
  10. Was covered in the Confederate flag and laid in state for several hours. It is, probable ,that a Confederate soldier fired the fatal round. No Union soldiers were
  11. In 814. Gilbert was the Homer of the emperor's literary circle, and was the, probable ,author of an epic, of which the fragment which has been preserved describes the
  12. Unconstitutionally forced homeless persons to produce identification without, probable ,cause. In January 2010,the American military released the names of 645
  13. Worldwide (Harris Lefkowitz," The Jewish Messiahs" ). It is highly, probable ,that the AVI messianic phenomenon was noted by the Catholic Church as a
  14. The observed values of all physical and cosmological quantities are not equally, probable ,but they take on values restricted by the requirement that there exist sites
  15. The elements of a para basis have been defined and named by scholars, but it is, probable ,that Aristophanes' own understanding was less formal. The selection of
  16. Is the name for the Latinized form of the language used by Roman authors. It is, probable ,that at the start of the Post-Roman period Common Brythonic was differentiated
  17. In buoyancy would cause the scale to tip accordingly. Galileo considered it ", probable ,that this method is the same that Archimedes followed, since,besides being
  18. Six thin quarto volumes, and as the last of them was published in 1619,it is, probable ,that the author died soon after that year, but the precise date is unknown.
  19. Where the Tepid king gave him Turismod's arms. Walter Goff art believes it is, probable ,that in this narrative Paul was making use of an oral tradition, and is
  20. Ascribed to the prophet Samuel, it is now regarded as a novella of, probable ,Hellenistic-era date. Analysis The mood of the story is fashioned from the
  21. In which Media preceded Persia. John J. Collins suggests that it is highly, probable ,that Daniel created the figure of Darius the Made to fit this schema. George R.
  22. Modern Persian Ballad. This in turn can be traced to Old Persian. A less, probable ,guess has been Persian compound Bag" garden" + dad" fair ", translating to "
  23. Significant changes may have been observed, statistical differences are both, probable ,and predictable in animal studies of this kind, ( known as type I errors)
  24. It was logical to believe that astrology could be used to predict the, probable ,future of a human being. Albert us made this a central component of his
  25. Around 900. 17th–18th centuries During the wars of the 17th century, it is, probable ,that the city suffered significantly. Fortifications still exist south
  26. Formulas) and concludes that all the documents are late post-Persian works and, probable ,forgeries, but that some features suggest a genuine Persian correspondence
  27. Of Deuteronomy. Although tradition holds that it was written by Joshua, it is, probable ,that it was written by multiple editors and authors far removed from the time.
  28. Found in cigarette smoke). The EPA has classified seven PAH compounds as, probable ,human carcinogens: benzaanthracene, benzoapyrene, benzobfluoranthene
  29. Massachusetts, in international waters killing all 217 people on board; the, probable ,cause was determined by the National Transportation Safety Board to be
  30. Metalline substances have been procured sufficiently distinct to indicate the, probable ,nature of alumina. " But the same year, an anonymous contributor to the
  31. Rotor order, rotor settings, etc.),and used a suitable crib: a fragment of, probable ,plaintext. For each possible setting of the rotors (which had of the order of
  32. For some generations after the Dorian conquest of Argos and Lace daemon. It is, probable ,that the island was not domiciled before the 9th century BC. One of the
  33. Depict a small knot with two ends on top of the diadem),seem to be the most, probable ,source for this symbol. The most likely explanation is that the symbol is a
  34. He became the tutor of the ecclesiastical historian Socrates. But it seems more, probable ,that the real author was Harris Phil of Byblos, who was born during the
  35. Given the similarities to the Sun in spectral types, star type, age and, probable ,stability of the orbits, it has been suggested that this stellar system could
  36. The particle collisions are confined to one dimension and that it is equally, probable ,for the test particle to be hit from the left as from the right. It is also
  37. Thus allowing the reader to judge for himself, with little difficulty,the, probable ,truth in Redmond Barry's view of his life. This technique worked extremely
  38. Tactical thinking in Greek battles until Electra in 371 BC. It is therefore, probable ,that this arrangement was made, possibly at the last moment, so that the
  39. Four years as a castaway when he was marooned on an uninhabited island. It is, probable ,that his travels provided the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson
  40. Running east to west across the region. Board believes this road to be the most, probable ,route that both armies took to reach the battlefield. Williams dismisses the
  41. Of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it, probable ,that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir,in the
  42. To English Reformation literature for his residence in England, and the, probable ,influence of more than one of his writings upon Milton. Works Predicted (1542)
  43. Be the end of the covenant between God and the Northern Kingdom. However, it is, probable ,that this was again a symbolic act, in which Hosea divorced Homer for
  44. Churchill referred to the new drug as" This admirable M&B. " It is highly, probable ,that the correct information about the sulfonamides did not reach the
  45. And matting. Others also built before Menes are 15×25 ft (4.6 x 7.6 m). The, probable ,tomb of Menes is of the latter size. Afterward the tombs increase in size and
  46. The fall of Regina solely to the development of the Athenian navy. It is, probable ,that the power of Regina had steadily declined during the twenty years after
  47. And the personal history of Ran we were not informed. That he was rich seems, probable ,; for he appears to have occupied himself for a time with commerce and afterward
  48. As the semi-nomadic people of Syria and Canaan were called in Akkadian. It is, probable ,that the first collection of astronomical observations and terrestrial omens
  49. Church where the election was to take place, to prevent an uproar, which was, probable ,in this crisis. His address was interrupted by a call" Ambrose, bishop! "
  50. Of Athens as 483-482 BC (Herod. vii. 144; ATH. Pol. R2. 7). It is, probable , therefore, that Herodotus is in error both in tracing back the beginning of

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