Examples of the the word, collectively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( collectively ), is the 6187 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The strongest influence. Throughout the history of Buffalo, the neighborhoods, collectively ,called the First Ward, as well as much of South Buffalo, have comprised almost
  2. And Mercia). As a result of influence from the West Saxons, the tribes were, collectively ,called Anglo-Saxons by the Normans, the West Saxon kingdom having conquered
  3. Books that he believed that he had channelled from a spiritual being, which, collectively , came to be termed The Holy Books of Thelma. He also wrote books on ceremonial
  4. Released direct-to-DVD. Production of the first anthology of two stories, named, collectively , Voices in the Dark, commenced in November 2006 with Kaczyński writing
  5. As one of the 100 most influential people of 2004,2005,and 2006. Time also, collectively ,named Gates, his wife Melinda and U2's lead singer Bono as the 2005 Persons of
  6. And participation in elections among these groups in 2004. African Americans, collectively ,attain higher levels of education than immigrants to the United States. The
  7. Often said that the various spoken varieties of Arabic differ among each other, collectively ,about as much as the Romance languages. This is an apt comparison in a number
  8. Commission. ASU's athletic teams compete in Division I of the NCAA and are, collectively ,known as the Arizona State Sun Devils. They are members of the Pacific-12
  9. Black pigment can, however,result from a combination of several pigments that, collectively ,absorb all colors. If appropriate proportions of three primary pigments are
  10. Mth Already 13 On This Day in Canada ---- Amaranths, collectively ,known as amaranth, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species
  11. To" Native" and more derogatory terms (such as" Affair" ) to refer, collectively ,to Bantu-speaking South Africans. After World War II, the racialist National
  12. Leadership that involves a number of layers of authority and responsibility.; —, collectively ,referred to as the Pentarchy). Later, the heads of various national churches
  13. Greeks, Aeneas,after being commanded by the gods to flee, gathered a group, collectively ,known as the Aeneas, who then traveled to Italy and became progenitors of the
  14. Britannia began to be overrun by pagan, Germanic peoples who came to be known, collectively ,as the Anglo-Saxons. Of the kingdoms they created, Kent arguably had the
  15. And methodological approaches from one another that some began to speak of them, collectively ,as 'sociocultural' anthropology. In the 1950s and mid-1960s anthropology
  16. Palace, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and St. James's Palace are known, collectively ,as the Royal Collection; owned by the Sovereign, they can, on occasions, be
  17. Executive authority is vested in both the Prime Minister and Cabinet who are, collectively ,responsible to Parliament. Barbadian law is rooted historically on English
  18. Risen in the brain. Alcohol is metabolized mainly by the group of six enzymes, collectively ,called alcohol dehydrogenase. These convert the ethanol into acetaldehyde (an
  19. Steer the towboat, which pushes one or more barges held together with rigging, collectively ,called 'the tow '. The crew live aboard the towboat as it travels along the
  20. Throughout the medieval period, especially Dunant – brass objects are still, collectively ,known as finasteride in French. The Baptismal font at St Bartholomew's Church
  21. The Boers adopt this attribution, too. The Khoi and mixed-race groups became, collectively ,referred to as Coloreds. Expatriate reflect Although mainly spoken in South
  22. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its 17th century dialects, collectively ,referred to as Cape Dutch (a term also used to refer collectively to the early
  23. 20,000 people could become a city by proclamation. Boroughs and cities were, collectively ,known as municipalities, and were enclaves separate from their surrounding
  24. To a large degree, depended upon social connections made early in life. A Bar, collectively ,describes all members of the profession of barrister within a given
  25. Confuse it with the North Midland dialect treated below, referring to both, collectively ,as" Midwestern" in the mid-Atlantic region or" Northern" in the Southern US
  26. And Latino groups, such as Dominican, Salvadoran,and so on. These groups, collectively ,represented 22.9 % of the population. At the 2010 Census,53.5 % of Bronx's
  27. Development Index. At the same time, the life expectancy gap is affected by, collectively ,lower access to quality medical care. With no system of universal health care
  28. Mail. There are eleven suburban community newspapers published weekly, known, collectively , as the Messenger Newspapers, also published by a subsidiary of News Corporation
  29. Lived on the Clamped estate thanks to animal-lover Kelly. These animals were, collectively ,known as her" critters ". The most prominent pets were chimpanzees. The first
  30. The set of orbitals associated with a particular value of \ell are sometimes, collectively ,called a subshell. The magnetic quantum number’m_\ell, describes the magnetic
  31. Bavarians commonly emphasize pride in their traditions. Traditional costumes, collectively ,known as Lang "Tract/NHS"> DE">Tract are worn on special occasions and include in
  32. A number of these trilogies treated myths surrounding the Trojan War. One, collectively ,called the Achilles, comprised the titles Myrmidons, Nereids and Phrygia (
  33. Seem to be designed by Providence to attain a greater degree of virtue. I speak, collectively ,of the whole sex; but I see not the shadow of a reason to conclude that their
  34. Descendants are known as the Maharani. Other black people of Southeast Asia, collectively ,known as Neuritis, include the Demand peoples of Malaysia, the Mani of Thailand
  35. And intellectual transformations in early American society and government, collectively ,referred to as the American Enlightenment. Americans rejected the oligarchies
  36. Villagers together have earned. " Nevertheless, since property that is owned, collectively ,tends to lose the level of accountability found in individual ownership to the
  37. Dialects, collectively referred to as Cape Dutch (a term also used to refer, collectively ,to the early Dutch settlers). Although Afrikaans adopted words from languages
  38. As super organisms because the ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively ,working together to support the colony. Ants have colonized almost every
  39. And the player eventually discovers that the fungus and mind worms can think, collectively , This voice later intrudes into waking moments, threatening more attacks if the
  40. Scientific ideas detracts from and misleads intuition. Other neologisms, collectively ,invented by the Fuller family, according to Allegra Fuller Snyder, are the
  41. In Mexico, among others. The amount of each starch source in a beer recipe is, collectively ,called the grain bill. There are several steps in the brewing process, which
  42. Term describing the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, collectively ,* British Empire (historical),the dominions, colonies,protectorates
  43. By total chances Among the many other statistics that are kept are those, collectively ,known as situational statistics. For example, statistics can indicate which
  44. Russian Constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism, among others—are, collectively ,referred to as the avant-garde arts. " By contrast, the realistic attitude
  45. End In the language of the" Algol 68 Report" the input/output facilities were, collectively ,called the" Transput ". Timeline of ALGOL special characters The Algol were
  46. American Acacia sphaerocephala, Acacia cornier, and Acacia Collins (, collectively ,known as the bullhorn acacias),the large thorn-like stipples are hollow and
  47. War (1775–83,also American War of Independence). Ultimately, the states, collectively ,determined that the British monarchy, by acts of tyranny, could no longer
  48. At the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute and students at Manchester University, collectively ,known as the Manchester School, took BSA in new directions through their
  49. By motor car. The western suburbs which were built in that period are, collectively ,called the Westlake Tuinsteden. The area to the southeast of the city built
  50. BT) was a true success. During the 1840s Disraeli wrote three political novels, collectively ,known as" the Trilogy"–Sybil, Coningsby, and Tancred. Disraeli's

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