Examples of the the word, elegant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elegant ), is the 6177 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The pretentiousness of his dress:" he seems to think of himself, in all his, elegant ,finery, as a rival to the old Ionian poets, perhaps even to Anacreon himself. "
  2. Passenger-side mirror was an option. ) In 1987,Audi put forward a new and very, elegant ,Audi 90,which had a much superior set of standard features. In the early 1990s
  3. The palace, naturally,was named after Achilles: McMillan (Αχίλλειον). This, elegant ,structure abounds with paintings and statues of Achilles both in the main hall
  4. Head of Oppenheim Architecture + Design, described the Bacardi buildings as ", elegant , with a Modernist look combined with a local flavor. " The current
  5. Palazzo Echo, Florence In 1550 Amravati married Laura Battier,an, elegant ,poet and an accomplished woman. Later in his life he had a religious crisis
  6. Mathematician Edward Verily Huntington (1874–1952) set out the following, elegant ,axiomatization for Boolean algebra. It requires just one binary operation + and
  7. A number of unique traits with the pariah dogs: Throughout the Sahel, very, elegant , puppies can be found among rustic siblings. The Sahel nomads do not have the
  8. De Beauvoir complained that all of its superquadras exuded" the same air of, elegant ,monotony," and other observers have equated the city's large open lawns
  9. May be a tradeoff between goodness (speed) and elegance (compactness)—an, elegant ,program may take more steps to complete a computation than one less elegant . An
  10. Artistry of the subject they are studying. The grand style is not quite as, elegant ,as the mixed style, but is exciting and heartfelt, with the purpose of igniting
  11. Some critics talked more positively of the film, with Variety calling it" an, elegant ,looking, period romantic charade ". There was praise for Diana Rigg's
  12. Jumping, and is also an excellent horse for driving. They are known for their, elegant ," dancing" gait. Sports Team sports In Andalusia, as throughout Spain
  13. In all its details, in expression, attitude and delicacy of finish, strikingly, elegant , The Dancing Nymphs maintain a character similar to that of the Hebe. The Three
  14. And the modern Cello. During the Renaissance, the gammas were important and, elegant ,instruments; they eventually lost ground to the louder (and originally less
  15. And the fourth-largest city of the state. It featured newly constructed, elegant ,resort hotels and spas planned around its natural springs, considered to have
  16. Motion supplemented by additional gauge fixing conditions. Simultaneously less, elegant ,and more difficult than general relativity, after more than two years of
  17. By supplying only the logic component. The appeal of this approach is the, elegant ,semantics: a change in the axioms has a well-defined change in the algorithm. *
  18. Very decorated *Rural, small " scarves" worn on the fingers. They look very, elegant ,and are effective when the hands move during the course of bhangra performance.
  19. Reduces the number of core instructions from 13 to 8,which makes it" more, elegant ," than" Elegant" at 9 steps. The speed of" Elegant" can be improved by
  20. S contains the greatest common divisor: PRINT S DONE:: 16 HALT, END,STOP. An, elegant ,program for Euclid's algorithm The following version of Euclid's algorithm
  21. Are moderately straightforward, but intractable to calculate; and a single, elegant ,algorithm or approach has been elusive for more general purpose renderers. In
  22. N + 1’T_4 + T_1 + T_2 + T_3 + T_7 \LE cn^2,n \gen_0 for c 12k,n_0 1 A more, elegant ,approach to analyzing this algorithm would be to declare that T1. T7 are all
  23. To be the object of active academic study today. Though Aristotle wrote many, elegant ,treatises and dialogues (Cicero described his literary style as" a river of
  24. The throne. Her successful reign was marked by trading expeditions to Punt,an, elegant ,mortuary temple, a colossal pair of obelisks and a chapel at Barney. Despite
  25. Gorotchenko in Monarch (a role Lugosi had played on stage). He did play the, elegant , somewhat hot-tempered Gen. Nicholas Strenovsky-Petronovich in International
  26. Nose somewhat large. He was a prudent man, and a Latin scholar, and spoke in, elegant ,phrases; his conversation and writings showed his excellent education. He was
  27. The spring passed though a carefully sized opening in the axle, a much more, elegant ,solution requiring fewer parts. He famously described his arch competitor
  28. Warhol had become a very successful commercial illustrator. His detailed and, elegant ,drawings for I. Miller shoes were particularly popular. They consisted mainly
  29. And Mendelssohn fared much worse, the latter being described as a" facile and, elegant ,notary ". Late works Debussy's harmonies and chord progressions frequently
  30. Could not be proved. Many theorems which are provable using choice are of an, elegant ,general character: every ideal in a ring is contained in a maximal ideal, every
  31. Of the Drys dales. The Competes lived as they always had, even in their large, elegant ,mansion, never abandoning their mountain attire or replacing the old rattletrap
  32. The firstly recognized Oriental cats, a type of cat with a long body but an, elegant ,posture. The length is the main characteristic based on which these cats are
  33. And Vermeer. In the 18th century, Baroque Art was replaced by the more, elegant ,and elaborate Rococo style. Representative artists: Caravaggio
  34. Generalization of Euler's formula on polyhedra in 1811,and in several other, elegant ,problems. More important is his memoir on wave propagation, which obtained the
  35. Degree. Gauss usually declined to present the intuition behind his often very, elegant ,proofs—he preferred them to appear" out of thin air" and erased all traces of
  36. Meaning" I shall endure to the end. " At around this time, he moved from the, elegant ,accommodation at the Hotel Cecil to his own luxury flat at 67–69 Chancery Lane.
  37. Liberality resembles Duquesnoy's famous Santa Susanna, but rendered more, elegant , The tomb is somberly monotone and lacks the poly chromatic excitement that
  38. At its center and is dominated by the dome of the Marble Church and several, elegant ,18th century mansions. The old inner city of Copenhagen includes the small
  39. The cathedral and Hotel de Ville. The Cathedral Sainte-Marie is an imposing, elegant ,Gothic building, rising over the houses, glimpsed along the narrow streets. It
  40. The borders of Spain. The Andalusian horse is strongly built, compact yet, elegant , distinguished in the area of dressage and show jumping, and is also an
  41. Is profiting. Fashion * In Western fashion, black is considered stylish, sexy, elegant , and powerful. * The colloquialism" X is the new black" is a reference to the
  42. Imperative effects with the (call-by-name) lambda calculus. Perhaps the most, elegant ,formulation of the language is due to John C. Reynolds, and it best exhibits
  43. Carlos Valderrama and Rued Gullet were very different type of players, both, elegant , and classy with the ball, but unlike Gullet; the Colombian number 10 was not
  44. Most celebrated works. The three arches are elliptic, and though very light and, elegant , have resisted the fury of the river, which has swept away several others
  45. The statistical mechanics of this transition can be modeled using an, elegant ,transfer matrix method, characterized by two parameters: the propensity to
  46. Buildings, but also to elements of creation and innovation which aim at, elegant ,solutions to construction problems, to the use of space, and to the attempt to
  47. Is a template for a tapestry made by this factory. Characterized by, elegant ,and refined yet playful subject matters,Boucher's style became the epitome of
  48. Elegant program may take more steps to complete a computation than one less, elegant , An example of using Euclid's algorithm will be shown below. Computers (and
  49. Law courts, buildings,theater, palace of the Governor, casino ... to form an, elegant ,walk bordered by arcades which is the boulevard today Che Guevara (
  50. The nickname of Mozart's Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525. The, elegant , harmonically-advanced music in this musical pays indirect homage to the

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