Examples of the the word, netscape , in a Sentence Context

The word ( netscape ), is the 6195 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Day, and ending at $75. This shocked the corporate world. Within three years of, netscape , 's initial release, the company started on their open source Mozilla project.
  2. Their physical health programs http://www.twst.com/notes/articles/kav600.html?, netscape , MHM's size enables it to hire lobbying firms to represent its interests.
  3. Regional offices in: Sources *http://www.twst.com/notes/articles/kav600.html?, netscape ,MHM Services' goal is to double its size every year for the next three years
  4. Netscape, technology analysts speculated that AOL's major interest was the, netscape , Com website (specifically the millions of registered users thereof),and to
  5. January 2007,as part of a revitalization of Netscape by AOL, the FQDN for my., netscape , Com was redirected to a holding page in preparation for an impending relaunch
  6. In correctional institutions http://www.twst.com/notes/articles/kav600.html?, netscape , In 1996,MHM bought Liberty Bay Colony Health Services Inc., a Boston, Mass.
  7. The matter was the fact that the command to start Navigator in Unix was ", netscape ,". In November 2000,Netscape Communicator was superseded by Netscape 6,an
  8. Were established in order to create and distribute public software. In 1995,Netscape, released the first public web browser, completely changing how companies looked
  9. This is the classic Hello world program in IFC: import, netscape , Application. Import Netscape. Util. Public class Real-world extends
  10. World program in IFC: import Netscape. Application. Import, netscape , Util. Public class Real-world extends Application To be compared
  11. Version of Netscape Search formerly found at http://www. netscape .com/search, netscape , Com/search, was incorporated into Propeller, which has since closed. Netscape

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