Examples of the the word, mighty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mighty ), is the 6191 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the side of Balder us. Thor in particular shatters all opposition with his, mighty ,club. When the battle seems lost, Hotherus manages to hew Thoro's club off at
  2. Are laughing, and somewhere children shout;: But there is no joy in Melville —, mighty ,Casey has struck out. Melville A rivalry of sorts has developed between two
  3. Are all named after various SF writers. Ellison becomes Elvin," The small, but, mighty , god of thunder" who will" Rain lightning down upon the heads" of those who "
  4. Lines of the poem are preserved by Diogenes Laertes: Friends who inhabit the, mighty ,town by tawny Acragas which crowns the citadel, caring for good deeds
  5. Shirk). In God, there are no attributes distinct from his essence. He is wise, mighty , and just, not by wisdom, might,and justice, but by his own essence. God is "
  6. Sung ", the lyrics given being:: Lord, grant that Marshal Wade, : May by thy, mighty ,aid, : Victory bring.: May he is sedition hush, : and like a torrent rush,
  7. In Martin Luther's criticism of the Catholic Church, describing him as" a, mighty ,trumpet of gospel truth" and admitting that," It is clear that many of the
  8. Back the ferocious Saxon barbarians on his borders. Schlemiel speaks of this ", mighty ,victory" in terms of fervent gratitude, and tells how" the arm of Charles
  9. O'TH' Bear's tail's end; That, as she wisk'd it t'wards the Sun,Strew'd, mighty ,empires up and down; Which others say must needs be false, Because you're true
  10. Brisbane Lions We’ll kick the winning score You’ll hear our, mighty ,roar! Awards and achievements Team: Premierships: 3 (2001,2002,2003):
  11. Things / That the first poets had ", and Ben Jonson wrote of" Marlowe's, mighty ,line ". Thomas Nash wrote warmly of his friend," poor deceased Kit Marlowe ".
  12. Of Pentecost in the second chapter of the book of Acts describes the sound of a, mighty ,rushing wind and" divided tongues like fire" coming to rest on the apostles.
  13. The dell;: It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat, : For Casey, mighty ,Casey, was advancing to the bat.: There was ease in Casey's manner as he
  14. Ares, in darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars; fierce and untamed, whose, mighty , power can make the strongest walls from their foundations shake:
  15. Following the conclusion of a peace that left Carthage stripped of its formerly, mighty ,empire, Hannibal prepared to take a back seat for a time. However, the blatant
  16. Rabbi Kenya Ben Hannah, the literal rendering of which is“ O God, with thy, mighty ,right hand-deliver the unhappy people,” forming from the initial and final
  17. Savior of cities, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty ,with the spear, O defender of Olympus, father of warlike Nike (Victory),ally
  18. Were stolen by the Chaldean's and the house of the firstborn collapsed, due to a, mighty ,wind, killing all of Job's offspring, but Job does not curse God but instead
  19. The basin of Sichuan at Robin. While in the Sichuan basin, it receives several, mighty ,tributaries, increasing its water volume significantly. It then cuts through
  20. Sanctuary of Hera enjoyed and to the large influx of pilgrims. Compared to this, mighty ,goddess, who also possessed the earliest temple at Olympia and two of the great
  21. As a mercenary but betrays him after he outlived his usefulness *Fafnir - A, mighty ,red-bearded Vania warrior and pirate captain. At first, he and Conan are enemies
  22. Lived and worked there over the centuries — such as the remains of the once, mighty ,Dartmoor tin-mining industry, and farmhouses long since abandoned. Indeed the
  23. A player may intend, for example, to create a character who is a strong, mighty ,warrior, but being" outplayed" in the auction may result in lower attribute
  24. The Lady of Shalt contains the lines: And from his blazon’d baldric slung: A, mighty ,silver bugle hung
  25. Of dams on the Nile, particularly the Aswan High Dam, transformed the, mighty ,river into a large and predictable irrigation ditch. Lake Nasser, the world's
  26. After the god North split with the goddess Ski, he had two beautiful and, mighty ,children (no partner is mentioned); a son, Freyr, and a daughter, Freyja.
  27. Would rather be a servant in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the, mighty , " *1961 – K-19,the first Soviet nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear
  28. Ambition: Throughout the game to fight with all our might: Because we’re the, mighty ,blue and white: And when the ball is bounced, to the final bell: Stand up and
  29. To enter heaven but Frost will break (Section 55). Handball will blow his, mighty ,horn Goal and the Æsir and Interwar will ride out to battle. Most of the Æsir
  30. To the great river Euphrates # Two hundred million lion-headed cavalry # The, mighty ,angel of Seven thunders # The Two witnesses # Beast of the Sea having seven
  31. Sure foundations; and the right hands of Your servants shall be blessed by Your, mighty ,word, and by Your uplifted arm. ” As we see, it was scripturally the practice
  32. 20th century. Leibniz's thought is now seen as a major prolongation of the, mighty ,endeavor begun by Plato and. In 1985,the German government created the Leibniz
  33. Wrote:" the ancient Choctaw through their tradition (said) 'they saw the, mighty ,beasts of the forests, whose tread shook the earth. " The homeland of the
  34. Was shown the book of Daniel's prophecy, presumably chapter 8,where a, mighty ,Greek king would subdue and conquer the Persian Empire. Thereupon, Alexander
  35. Different types of Jinn are described in the story of March the Cobbler; a, mighty ,Jinni helps young Aladdin in the story of Allan and the Wonderful Lamp; as
  36. By the size of the man, and although cumbersome and heavy, he was still a, mighty ,figure. There was indeed something of the Muzak Russian peasant about him. The
  37. Clerihew was published in 1905," Was not fond of ": John Stuart Mill, : By a, mighty ,effort of will, : Overcame his natural bonhomie: And wrote Principles of
  38. Set same in the Church, first apostles…secondly prophets…thirdly teachers…next, mighty ,works, among which are the healing of diseases … and gifts of either speaking
  39. Exclusively to any relatively fast and elegant sail-only war ship. Even the, mighty ,English was described as 'a delicate frigate' after modifications in 1651. The
  40. A smile and with his usual seriousness, Calvin answered," No, but I find it, mighty ,handy. " They had two sons: John, born in 1906,and Calvin, Jr., born in 1908.
  41. The land's seemingly inexhaustible resources of water and soil carried by this, mighty ,river created in the Nile Valley and Delta the world's the most extensive oasis.
  42. Lovecraft's discovery of the stories of Lord Duns any with their pantheon of, mighty ,gods existing in dreamlike outer realms, moved his writing in a new direction
  43. River, which he followed to Lake Athabasca. It was there he discovered the, mighty ,outflow river which bears his name—the Mackenzie River—which he followed to its
  44. As a stronghold for Umayyad expansion. He then moved swiftly and defeated a, mighty ,host outside Narbonne at the River Berry, but failed to take the city.
  45. Cases, formed German colonies in the interior of the Czech lands. In 1235,the, mighty ,Mongol army launched an invasion of Europe. After the Battle of Legacy, the
  46. Will not at all acquit the wicked ". God is strong and will use means, but a, mighty ,God doesn't need anyone else to carry out vengeance and wrath for him. Nahum’s
  47. And south walls were likely protected by rubble from further damage. The ", mighty ,pillars resisted destruction up to the height of the gallery pavement, and are
  48. In an Allied victory. Since Greece, a maritime country, could not oppose the, mighty ,British navy, and citing the need for a respite after two wars, King
  49. With Napoleon in 1806. Its economy was weak, its leadership poor, and the once, mighty ,Prussian army was a hollow shell. Napoleon easily crushed it at the Battle of
  50. A prayer for a safe voyage.: :Hither to me now from your isle of Plops, : :You, mighty ,progeny of Zeus and Leda!: :Show that you are kindly by nature, Castor: :And

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