Examples of the the word, reliance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reliance ), is the 6193 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Statement of 1966. Common law as a foundation for commercial economies The, reliance ,on judicial opinion is a strength of common law systems, and is a significant
  2. Of the treatment regimen for the latter purposes. Ernst voiced concerns that, reliance ,on Anthroposophical medicine in place of scientifically proven treatment could
  3. Buddhism. One of the recurrent emphases in the Laṅkāvatāra Supra is a lack of, reliance ,on words to effectively express reality: If, Mahamati, you say that because of
  4. Example, to the use of non-standard libraries, such as GUI libraries, or to the, reliance ,on compiler- or platform-specific attributes such as the exact size of certain
  5. Methodology struggle" ), in which the Austrians defended the, reliance ,that classical economists placed upon deductive logic. Their Prussian opponents
  6. For capital to accumulate through the expansion of light industry, and without, reliance ,on external financing. This is what happened in the Soviet Union during the
  7. Internet. Skeptics consider the religion to be controversial due to adherents ', reliance ,on healing through prayer and their rejection of medicine. There have also been
  8. In depth, permitting enemy forces to bypass defensive concentrations, reliance ,on anti-tank guns, strong force employment on the flanks of the enemy attack
  9. They could effectively train and equip. After the initial enthusiasm faded, reliance ,on the cohort of young men who came of age every year and wanted to join was
  10. As part of an ongoing Air Force testing and certification program to reduce, reliance ,on traditional oil sources. On 4 August 2008,a B-1B flew the first Sniper
  11. In from the cold. " Criticism Cryptozoology has been criticized because of its, reliance ,on anecdotal information and because some cryptologists do not follow the
  12. Holmes on Joseph Bell, who in his use of" ratiocination" prefigured Poirot's, reliance ,on his" little gray cells ". Poirot also bears a striking resemblance to A. E.
  13. Sources as Carl Philipp Gottlieb, Carl Maria, or misspelled Karl, due to, reliance ,on mistaken source material, conflations with his wife's name, Marie,or
  14. Campaign, referring to the team's new style of play. 2005 saw a much-reduced, reliance ,on power hitting (even though the team still hit over 200 home runs on the
  15. Allness of God, Spirit,is the basis of Christian Scientists' characteristic, reliance ,on prayer in place of traditional medical care, often with the aid of Christian
  16. Of skin. " However, Classical scholar Frank Snowden, Jr. cautions against the, reliance ,on accounts by ancient writers to describe the physical characteristics of
  17. With directing The Wasps. ) Aristophanes's use of directors complicates our, reliance ,on the plays as sources of biographical information since apparent
  18. Commercial laws and practices to fit Western standards. Further, minimizing, reliance ,on a single major partner, successive Czech governments have welcomed U. S.
  19. Communication in lieu of cellular phones or instant messaging programs. Student, reliance ,on Blackmail (known colloquially as" Blitz," which functions as both noun
  20. Incorporated at the request of airlines. Insufficient workforce experience and, reliance ,on overtime contributed to early production problems on the 747-400. In 1991,a
  21. Made in the USA. Their greatly increased output had been achieved with reduced, reliance ,on skilled craftsmen. The War Office provided free access to technical drawings
  22. With Alhazen's optical research is related to systemic and methodological, reliance ,on experimentation (i'Tiber) and controlled testing in his scientific
  23. Draft resistance, and a major dispute with Capitol Records. Further,Wilson's, reliance ,on both prescription and illegal drugs, amphetamines in particular, only
  24. The advocates of scientific method, with its emphasis on experimentation and, reliance ,on evidence gathered from sensory experience. In parallel with the revolutions
  25. In Canada. " Party funding reform Funding changes were made to ensure greater, reliance ,on personal contributions. Personal donations to federal parties and campaigns
  26. Economical to operate and maintain. Compare Southwest Airlines and their, reliance ,on a single airplane type (the Boeing 737 and derivatives),with the now
  27. As plastics, shiny surfaces, and wet or oily surfaces). Because of the pen's, reliance ,on gravity to coat the ball with ink, most ballpoint pens cannot be used to
  28. Only at specific planned points in the application or service under test. A, reliance ,on better quality code-delivery from the development/build phase is assumed and
  29. And paper sector, which is directly linked to the logging industry. The large, reliance ,on natural resources has several effects on the Canadian economy and Canadian
  30. But was sometimes found to be more accurate and precise due to its, reliance ,on a fixed, predefined stroke alphabet. The stroke alphabet used letter shapes
  31. And self-employed enterprises are being encouraged. Energy production Due to the, reliance ,on declining Soviet era electricity generators, many areas of Cuba suffered
  32. Growth, the teachings were frequently attacked from the pulpit and press. While, reliance ,on prayer is central to Christian Science, Christian Scientists are not
  33. In the colony. Belize Estate's influence accounts in part for the colony's, reliance ,on the mahogany trade throughout the rest of the 19th century and the first
  34. Relationship management system. With shifts in competition and the increasing, reliance ,by corporations to use a CRM system, development of software has become more
  35. Proved too arid for successful agriculture. The CPR may have placed too much, reliance ,on a report from naturalist John Macon, who had crossed the prairies at a time
  36. On the day, Colombia did not play at their best as a team, showing excessive, reliance ,on Valderrama and Resin; which exposed a weakness, a lack of goal scoring
  37. And Renaldo, Forthcoming ). Neither is there convincing evidence that increased, reliance ,on oil revenues prevents democratization, despite a vast theoretical literature
  38. Throughout, save for the close of his discussion wherein Hume notes the, reliance ,of Christianity upon testimony of miraculous occurrences and makes an ironic
  39. Deteriorating relations between Britain and the USSR, and Britain's economic, reliance ,on America, steered policy towards supporting America. By 1951,the Attlee
  40. Began in the century straddling 1600 as a conventional date, empiricism is the, reliance ,on sensory data gathered in experimentation by scientists of any country, who
  41. Increasing by 250 % as world population doubled. Modern agriculture's heavy, reliance ,on petrochemicals and mechanization has raised concerns that oil shortages
  42. The common law remains relevant to the interpretation of these statutes. ) In, reliance ,on this assumption, modern statutes often leave a number of terms and fine
  43. Classification: human only: \angle O (n),O (n) \range, and with less, reliance ,on the human: \angle O (\log n),O (n \log n) \range. Archaeoastronomy (
  44. Position s/he occupied at the time the contract was entered (known as the ", reliance ,measure" ), or designed to prevent the breaching party from being unjustly
  45. Was allocated later that year specifically for online content, as opposed to, reliance ,on funding for television and radio content. The first online election coverage
  46. On such multistaged processes of nineteenth century sculpture and their, reliance ,on plaster casting. Since clay deteriorates rapidly if not kept wet or fired
  47. And assembled onsite, but shipping an assembled unit reduced costs and avoided, reliance ,on construction labor at the delivery site (which in this case was still
  48. Another example is a strong ope rationalist viewpoint, which contends that, reliance ,on operational definitions, as purported by the DSM, necessitates that
  49. God. In the same way, sanctification in the Calvinist view requires a continual, reliance ,on God to purge the Christian's depraved heart from the power of sin and to
  50. Most notably the jab, and gradually wearing his opponent down. Due to this, reliance ,on weaker punches, out-fighters tend to win by point decisions rather than by

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