Examples of the the word, presume , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Theories that – like most psychological theories themselves – do not, presume ,to provide a physical explanation of how precognition occurs, but only seek to
  2. Any ecclesiastical benefice. If he has presume d to do this in the past or shall, presume ,to do so in the future, his action shall be null, and he shall be subject to the
  3. Titus" emperor" and dedicate the work to him. It would be unsubstantiated to, presume ,that it was written entirely in 77 or that Pliny was finished with it then.
  4. Industrialized countries generally assign ISBNs to their books, so buyers may, presume ,that the ISBN is part of a total international system, with no exceptions.
  5. The condemnation made at the Second Council of Lyons (1274) of those“ who, presume ,to deny that the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son ”
  6. Within the framework of the Internet Protocol Suite. The protocol definitions, presume ,a reliable Transport Layer protocol for host-to-host data transfer. The
  7. Perception of sexual orientation and other people's reactions One person may, presume ,knowledge of another person's sexual orientation based upon perceived
  8. Also observes that in 16th-century England, actors and playwrights did not, presume ,to give advice to the nobility, and asserts" It is clear, too,that the poet
  9. Affective, cognitive,sensory, and neurological symptoms and signs. However, to, presume , that migraine is always generated from within the central nervous system, based
  10. Methods to the words surrounding the ambiguous word. Deep approaches, presume ,a comprehensive knowledge of the word. So far, shallow approaches have been
  11. To evolutionary game theory in order to resolve these worries. These models, presume ,either no rationality or bounded rationality on the part of players. Despite
  12. Course of this, it is essential to cultivate their love. As to their fear, we, presume , that our strength and their weakness is now so visible that they must see we
  13. Which looks like a native construction, but is not. Some historical linguists, presume ,that all languages go back to a single common ancestor. Therefore, a pair of
  14. For the words uttered to Livingstone upon finding him:" Dr. Livingstone, I, presume , ", although there is some question as to authenticity of this now famous
  15. The activity of mediation in itself appeared in very ancient times. Historians, presume ,early cases in Phoenician commerce (but suppose its use in Babylon, too ). The
  16. Circumstance alone, that a controversy has been long kept on foot ... we may, presume , that there is some ambiguity in the expression. Hume defines the concepts of "
  17. The condemnation made at the Second Council of Lyons (1274) of those" who, presume ,to deny that the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son "
  18. For the benefit of all mankind. Many Roman historians, and some moderns, presume ,that Rome's sense of conservatism and continuity would have preserved the
  19. To" the latest report" in the 1953 film). A reference (" Dr. Kinsey, I, presume ,") was made in the musical film" On The Town" ( 1949),during the Natural
  20. And supported, so the Church Fathers, some modern-day Gnostic apologist, presume , would be required perforce to offer support to the practices of their
  21. Of Wessex ruled from that day. " Despite the repetition there is no reason to, presume ,there were no multiple landings along a coast known to the Saxons as Cerdic's
  22. The empire on the subject of wills. He also prescribed that acolytes should not, presume ,to translate the relics of martyrs and that, in the Basilica di San Giovanni in
  23. Sermons and expositions, held as authentic; and that no one is to dare, or, presume , to reject it under any pretext whatever. Translations Before the publication of
  24. In Fiji, near Lake Tanganyika, and greets him by saying" Dr. Livingstone, I, presume , " * November 17 – The National Rifle Association is granted a charter by the
  25. Course of this, it is essential to cultivate their love. As to their fear, we, presume , that our strength and their weakness is now so visible that they must see we
  26. For the Kurtz character was Henry Morton Stanley of" Dr. Livingstone, I, presume ," fame, as he was a principal explorer of" The Dark Heart of Africa "
  27. As a talisman by druid Frisians, though St. Religious warned" No woman should, presume ,to hang amber from her neck. " Other examples in mythology *In one version of
  28. Over Parthia in 166 CE. For this period as for all others, historical sources, presume ,a shared experience with their readership, despite the increasing rarity of
  29. With the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, such border adjustments, presume ,that the producing countries bear responsibility for the carbon emissions. A
  30. From Boadicea. " Those who read here" letter written to the Logicians ", presume ,that, at the time that the Epistle to the Colossians was written, Paul also had
  31. Simulate as he reached the group, Mr. Stanley said: -- ` Doctor Livingstone, I, presume , A smile lit up the features of the hale white man as he answered: ` Yes, that
  32. Me give attention to the lies I soon found it necessary to tell: and this, I, presume , is the foundation of literary effort ". The two Kipling children, however,did
  33. And liturgical reforms such as open communion (because no human can, presume ,to exclude any Christian from communion). Its liturgy has not significantly
  34. There is a word kanasubigi in stone inscriptions, which some historians, presume ,are a compound of kana, the archaic form of 'khan '. Among the proposed
  35. Mentioned in the Savage stories as his floor) was the Observatory, one may, presume ,that Doc" actually" lived on another floor.; Other *A scale model built from
  36. Lake Tanganyika, famously greeting him with the words," Dr. Livingstone, I, presume , ". *1898 – Beginning of the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898,the only instance
  37. Love" ( pre-1593; because it is constantly referred to in his own plays we can, presume ,an early date of mid-1580s) * Hero and Leander (c. 1593,unfinished;
  38. Kennedy concluded that attacking Cuba by air would signal the Soviets to, presume ," a clear line" to conquer Berlin. Kennedy also believed that United States '
  39. A congressional delegation of authority narrowly, in that the courts, presume ,Congress intended only to delegate that which it certainly could have, unless
  40. Building. The professional can spot it instantly. The amateur may readily, presume ,that" that's the way computers are ". This OED2 entry also includes the
  41. Method to exhibit explicitly the entities in question. " (p. 85). Such proofs, presume ,the existence of a totality that is complete, a notion disallowed by
  42. Given deciphered is correct. The simplest approach to deciphered may be to, presume ,that the values of Linear A match more or less the values given to the fully
  43. Role and aim of sexual activity. Islamic teachings (in the hadith tradition), presume , same-sex attraction, extol abstention and (in the Qur'an) condemn
  44. Of players. Despite the name, evolutionary game theory does not necessarily, presume ,natural selection in the biological sense. Evolutionary game theory includes
  45. That they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not, presume ,to give their conventicles the name of churches. " This law of 27 February 380
  46. And also whatsoever emperors, kings,or princes, dukes,earls or barons ..., presume ,to take possession of things anywhere deposited in holy buildings ... should
  47. Mathematical theorems and formulas are obtained by logical derivations which, presume ,axiomatic systems, rather than the combination of empirical observation and
  48. Donald and Daisy become separated in the chaos of the flood and each, presume ,the other to have drowned. Daisy in comics According to the unofficial timeline
  49. Fact some interpretations of quantum mechanics such as the Böhm interpretation, presume ,that some information is being exchanged between particles instantaneously in
  50. Of the creed in their liturgy. The council of Lyons also condemned" all who, presume ,to deny that the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son, or

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