Examples of the the word, scrap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scrap ), is the 6180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His godparents killed. After clearing out an abandoned mine, the player finds a, scrap ,of parchment that reveals the death of the player's godparents as having been
  2. Struck Pei in 1968,when he scrawled a rough diagram of two triangles on a, scrap ,of paper. The larger building would be the public gallery; the smaller would
  3. Battle of the Marne.; 1925: The con artist Victor Lusting" sold" the tower for, scrap ,metal on two separate, but related occasions.; 1930: The tower lost the title
  4. Updated before World War II, although the Royal Navy sold HMS Tiger for, scrap ,in 1932 on the grounds that she was worn out, and in addition, the Turks did
  5. Reclaiming the nails he recovered from replaced soles and selling them for, scrap ,for extra money. He discovered he had some artistic ability and earned
  6. Light cruiser launched in 1912,decommissioned in 1928,and broken up for, scrap ,*, a Leander-class light cruiser launched in 1934,and sunk following an
  7. With one or more operators, are sent to the wrecking yard for breaking up for, scrap ,and spare parts. Some buses, while not economical to keep running as service
  8. Result of this, American soldiers and Marines often improvised extra armor with, scrap ,materials, known as" hillbilly armor" or" farmer armor" to improve the
  9. Balls, sometimes large arrows and on occasions simply handfuls of whatever, scrap ,came to hand. During the Hundred Years' War, these weapons became more common
  10. December 2006,New South Wales Premier Morris Emma introduced legislation to, scrap ,substantial parts of the double jeopardy law in that state. Retrials of serious
  11. And associated disposal, recycling,and replacement, less the value of, scrap ,and reuse of components. Bridges employing only compression are relatively
  12. Metals and materials that can be reused or sold to recycling plants and, scrap ,yards. The most common recyclable metals found are steel and then aluminum.
  13. Countries. Import-substitution industries include textiles; steel (using, scrap ,); tires; oil refining; flour milling; beverages; tobacco; simple consumer
  14. With France and Italy maintaining smaller fleets. Britain was required to, scrap ,most of her vast First World War fleet (only two new, oddly-shaped
  15. Aircraft carrier launched in 1944,decommissioned in 1973,and broken up for, scrap ,*, an Adelaide-class guided missile frigate launched in 1980,expected to
  16. Two countries over the islands increased on 19 March when a group of Argentine, scrap ,metal merchants raised the Argentine flag at South Georgia, an act that would
  17. Decades. The last escort carrier—USS Gilbert Islands—was broken up for, scrap ,starting in 1976. The last American light carrier (the escort carrier’s faster
  18. Are highly variable in composition, as most metalworkers probably used whatever, scrap ,was to hand; the metal of the 12th century English Gloucester Candlestick is
  19. Senegal expressed the opinion that FAO was" a waste of money" and" we must, scrap ,it ". Mr Wade said that FAO was itself largely to blame for the price rises
  20. Pursuits such as fishing and shooting. He supports the Alliance's pursuit to, scrap ,the ban on the basis that he doesn't agree with the state's interference with
  21. Movie musical. McCartney had a vague idea for the plot and a small, scrap ,of dialogue; he wished to make a film about a rock band whose members discover
  22. Inner library of analogies to reason with, an ability to detach oneself and, scrap ,one's own biases, and an ability to converse through language (and thus gain
  23. Back across the Atlantic to the United States where the majority were sold for, scrap ,and melted down, although significant numbers remained in use in second-line
  24. For peace is symbolized by the Peace Monument (with farming tools made out of, scrap ,weapons),facing the Old City wall near the former Israeli-Jordanian border
  25. Is. We can only show a sighted person a piece of yellow paper or a yellow, scrap ,of cloth and say" That is yellow. " Good as a non-natural property In addition
  26. Hopper cars—grain and fertilizer **1553—mill gondola (primarily used in, scrap ,metal service) CPR also has a fleet of boxcars, insulated boxcars, centrebeam
  27. Is an alternative to lead; however, when silicon is used in a brass alloy,the, scrap ,must never be mixed with leaded brass scrap because of contamination and safety
  28. A civil servant, as well as working for the king, collecting and inventorying, scrap ,metal. In 1359,in the early stages of the Hundred Years' War, Edward III
  29. Are no more knights in the Middle Kingdom, just stinging flies—actually the, scrap ,metal shot from the blunderbuss—and this entices a dragon, Chrysophylax Dives
  30. Academic, survey found 68 % support. In early 2011,the Parliament voted to, scrap ,one of the Strasbourg sessions by holding two within a single week. The mayor
  31. Be reduced from 102 to 68 by 2008. It would then be decided in 2011 whether to, scrap ,the remaining seats in 2012 or in 2016. The amendment has been seen as a
  32. Mostly with mud and straw. Additionally, a previous owner removed and sold for, scrap ,the 3 cast iron discharge pipes that previously allowed a controlled release of
  33. Plates were melted down when Lucy Audubon, desperate for money, sold them for, scrap ,to the Phelps Dodge Corporation. King George IV was also an avid fan of Audubon
  34. To postwar Finland by being active as horse breeders and as dealers in cars and, scrap ,metal. Women continued their traditional trades of fortune-telling and
  35. From secondary sources, mainly from dust generated by recycling iron and steel, scrap , Production in the United States began in 1907,One place where metallic
  36. Fungi can be grown on many substrates, such as electronic, scrap , catalytic converters, and fly ash from municipal waste incineration.
  37. To be useful). Metallic coins were rapid casualties of hyperinflation, as the, scrap ,value of metal enormously exceeded the face value. Massive amounts of coinage
  38. Cans brought it to the public awareness. Recycling involves melting the, scrap , a process that requires only 5 % of the energy used to produce aluminum from
  39. In May, while it has come under pressure from various groups and politicians to, scrap ,the questions on ethnicity and religion. The census is due to take place in
  40. And loads a missile on to a cart driven by Terry Jones, who is calling for, scrap ,metal (" Any old iron ..." ). The two episodes were broadcast in November
  41. Is used in a brass alloy, the scrap must never be mixed with leaded brass, scrap ,because of contamination and safety problems. In October 1999 the California
  42. Liquid food and drinks cartons, plastic bottles, plastic carrier bags, rubble, scrap , metal,shoes and handbags, spectacles,textiles, tin foil, wood and yellow
  43. To be moving and dramatic. However, he did not make use of McCartney's brief, scrap ,of dialogue, and probably as a consequence, McCartney rejected the story. The
  44. Flag),of the manga One Piece by Ericeira Odd, rebuilt most of his body with, scrap ,metal after sustaining serious injuries. Giving him abilities ranging from (
  45. And leaky. Before burning the ship, he was able to salvage every last, scrap ,of metal, such as hinges. With the loyal remnant of his crew, he returned to
  46. Headmistressship, willless and bulllike. In some fabrication plants, scrap ,is called off fall (non-OED),though a hyphen (off-fall) is nearly universal
  47. Constructed of linen or wool, the stuffing varied, and could be for example, scrap ,cloth or horse hair. During the 14th century, illustrations usually show
  48. Can also be concentrated and separated by displacing the copper with Fe from, scrap ,iron:: Cu2+ (a) + Fe (s) → Cu (s) + Fe2+ (a) The electrons lost by
  49. Of the U-boat force It was Donate who was able to convince Hitler not to, scrap ,the remaining ships of the surface fleet. Despite hoping to continue to use
  50. And bone men in these countries may concentrate on looking for usable items or, scrap ,materials to sell. In the United States, Canada,and Europe, some bakeries

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