Examples of the the word, suppress , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suppress ), is the 4961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Extremely conservative" attitude towards religion, obliged Tiberius to, suppress ,any open resentment he might have harbored. Also, the historian R. Shaw-Smith
  2. Tullianum. Cicero received the honorific" Later Patrice" for his efforts to, suppress ,the conspiracy, but lived thereafter in fear of trial or exile for having put
  3. Conflicts Language Both Spanish and French governments have, at times, tried to, suppress ,Basque linguistic and cultural identity. The French Republics, the epitome of
  4. Of the Declaration of Independence. Then, in May 1776,Congress voted to, suppress ,all forms of crown authority, to be replaced by locally created authority.
  5. His short reign was characterized by strong and harsh measures. He resolved to, suppress ,many abuses, but above all things, to check feudalism and limit the power of
  6. By the Royal Irish Constabulary as Temporary Constables from 1920 to 1921 to, suppress ,revolution in Ireland. Although it was established to target the Irish
  7. For the whole syllable. In many Aquinas, there is also a diacritic to, suppress ,the inherent vowel, yielding the bare consonant. In Devanagari, क् is k, and ल्
  8. Often develop personal or community adaptations, such as strategies to, suppress ,tics in public (for example in Tourette's syndrome),or sign language in
  9. The courage to admit there’s no God, and they know it. They feel it. They try to, suppress ,it. And if you bring it up they get angry because it freaks them out. "
  10. All major antidepressant drugs, except trimipramine, mirtazapine and trazodone, suppress ,REM sleep, and it has been proposed that the clinical efficacy of these drugs
  11. Was unjustified, and that the scientific community misused their authority to, suppress ,Lomborg. Are Fog The claim that the accusations against Lomborg were
  12. Such cases exemplify how political correctness is being used to silence it and, suppress ,It's right to freedom of speech. In May 2007,a presentation by Nick Griffin was
  13. Philosophical conditions of the 1860s,when clerical intolerance was trying to, suppress ,scientific discoveries which appeared to clash with a literal reading of the
  14. To the letter, or a standalone glyph. Some Aquinas use a special symbol to, suppress ,the inherent vowel so that the consonant alone can be properly represented. In
  15. Control by the British government. The Indian Rebellion took six months to, suppress , with heavy loss of life on both sides. Afterwards the British government
  16. Militias used extensive terrorism, intimidation and outright assassinations to, suppress ,African-American leaders and voting in the 1870s and to regain power.
  17. In the Syrian legion, who proclaimed Taurus emperor. Alexander managed to, suppress ,the uprising, and Taurus drowned while attempting to flee across the
  18. Killed about 1,000 Okinawan's who spoke in a different local dialect in order to, suppress ,spying. The museum writes that" some were blown apart by shells, some finding
  19. No effect on REM sleep or increases it slightly. The Maoist almost completely, suppress ,REM sleep, while the TCAS and SSRIs have been shown to produce immediate (
  20. Intervention forces William I of the Netherlands to abandon his attempt to, suppress ,the Belgian Revolution. *1851 – Isaac Singer is granted a patent for his sewing
  21. Army (and subsequently the British Army) stayed in Ireland primarily to, suppress ,numerous Irish revolts and campaigns for independence. It was faced with the
  22. And poetry" but other poems were deemed to merit no less than legal action to, suppress ,them. J. Haas writing in Le Figaro, led the charge against Baudelaire, writing
  23. Years, inspiring all of Ionic to revolt. Athens was, eventually still able to, suppress ,these revolts. To further strengthen Athens' grip on its empire, Pericles in
  24. Flesh, that man nobly calls 'the need to love '. " Marriage" Unable to, suppress ,love, the Church wanted at least to disinfect it, and it created marriage. "
  25. Of the 21st century have seen many instances of state armies attempting to, suppress ,insurgencies, terrorism,and other forms of asymmetrical warfare. If Clausewitz
  26. Then by means of a mercenary army that included Christians. He first had to, suppress ,the rebel Umar in Hamsun. On 1 January 913 an army, led by the eunuch Bad
  27. TCAS) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),profoundly, suppress ,REM sleep. Mirtazapine either has no effect on REM sleep or increases it
  28. By the forced administration of an injected liquid drug designed to completely, suppress ,emotions. *In the science fiction movie series The Matrix, the last human city
  29. Suppression of prostaglandins and thromboxanes Aspirin's ability to, suppress ,the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes is due to its irreversible
  30. Forces from damage. More often, ground-based counter-battery fire would, suppress ,the enemy battery/batteries and force them to move, while aircraft would follow
  31. Cells of the H460 cell line. Xians bind to the processed form of caspase-9,and, suppress ,the activity of apoptotic activator cytochrome c, therefore over expression
  32. The Spaniards fortified the islet of Penn and imposed a levy intended to, suppress ,corsair activity. Ottoman rule In 1516,the Amir of Algiers, Selim b. Team
  33. Or silver. These alloys are bistatic due to the biodynamic effect, and thus, suppress ,growth of molds, fungi or bacteria. Brass instruments constructed from
  34. Alerted),as these chemicals can enhance motivation and social behavior, and, suppress , appetite and sleep. Modafinil is unique in its effect on sleep: it increases
  35. In such" in conformity with the world "; omniscience, and the ability to ", suppress ,karma ". Nevertheless, some of the more ordinary details of his life have been
  36. In the 17th century, but the Homers Isles Company used all its authority to, suppress ,turning away from agriculture. This interference led to the islanders demanding
  37. Opponents has been used by nearly all societies—both to punish crime and to, suppress ,political dissent. In most places that practice capital punishment it is
  38. Of them, Israel Regarded, who had also been a student of Crowley, attempted to, suppress ,them. In 777 and Other Fatalistic Writings of Plaster Crowley (Samuel Weiser
  39. Under Simeon Ben Toshiba. This Bar Kochab revolt, which the Romans managed to, suppress , enraged Hadrian, and he came to be determined to erase Judaism from the
  40. In water for 3-7 days. It was discovered in Germany and became a practice to, suppress ,foliar fungal diseases by nature of the bacterial competition, suppress ion
  41. Of fire, coordinated with the maneuver of forces to destroy, neutralize or, suppress ,the enemy ". This NATO definition, of course, makes artillery a supporting arm
  42. In actions to pacify colonial borders, provide support to allied governments, suppress ,Britain's rivals, and protect against foreign powers and hostile natives.
  43. And were therefore forced to attempt oral communication. Due to his efforts to, suppress ,the teaching of sign language Bell is often viewed negatively by those
  44. Have been relied upon to fight in defense of Brazilian sovereignty and to, suppress ,civil rebellions. The Brazilian military has also four times intervened
  45. This deliberate loophole can be and has been abused to allow a government to, suppress ,dissent without regard for human rights—see the article on state of emergency.
  46. With that of Duke of Gastonia (Duke Seguin deposed in 816 for failing to, suppress ,or sympathize with a Basque rebellion). They were meant to keep in check the
  47. 1794 – U. S. President George Washington invokes the Militia Law of 1792 to, suppress ,the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania. *1819 – Simón Bolívar triumphs
  48. And Thomson say that SSRIs may do more than cause sexual dysfunction: They also, suppress ,romance. " There are all sorts of unconscious systems in our brain that we use
  49. Cubic boron nitride is possible. As in diamond growth, the major problem is to, suppress ,the growth of hexagonal phases (ISBN or graphite, respectively ). Whereas in
  50. Groups, such as the Red Shirts and White League, that acted more openly to, suppress ,black voting. Regaining power by the late 1870s,in the last decade of the 19th

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