Examples of the the word, les , in a Sentence Context

The word ( les ), is the 4963 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Traits elementary de chime, présenté days un order Noumea et d'acres, les , découvertes moderns (Paris: Chen Cachet,1789; Bel les : Cultures et
  2. See Weak pronouns in Catalan. Morphology * The definite artic les ' El, la,ELS, les , derive from Latin demonstratives, The older forms lo (m. s. ) and Los (m. pl
  3. In a 1628 document. The word was probably derived from the contemporary name, les , argotiers, given to a group of thieves at that time. Under the strictest
  4. D'atrophied muscular progressive, souvent familial debutant par LES pied set, les , jambes et attaining plus hard LES mains ", Revue medical, Paris,1886; 6:
  5. Antoni Pizza: Frances Bureau i el SEU temps (Palma de Mallorca: Govern DE, les , Il les Balers, Conselleria d'Education i Cultural, Direcció General de Cultura
  6. As the Impressionists. She was described by Gustave Geoffrey in 1894 as one of ", les , trois grandes dames" of Impressionism alongside Marie Bracquemond and Mary
  7. À structure uniform et SUR la topologies general (1937) *L'integration days, les , groupes topologies et SES applications (1940) *SUR LES courses algébriques
  8. Be taught to read through their sense of touch (a later essay, Lettre SUR, les , sourds et meets, considered the case of a similar deprivation in the deaf and
  9. Film),an independent film co-produced by Steve Iowa * *The Class (" Entire, les , murs" ), a prize-winning French film Computing *Class (computer programming)
  10. Screen DES Codes – and philosophical Red. ** Discourse Philosophize SUR, les , Frayeurs de la Mort (1788). http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k107838n
  11. University McGill: LE roman salon, les , romanciers *
  12. Attirail | | Lew Donnie l'air liqueur: EU'ONT days lemurs hours here | |, les , esclaves DES Mores. Even a 20th-century Surrealist, such as Paul Eduard, used
  13. In July 2008,the French Constitution was amended adding article 75-1,stating, les , langues regionals apportionment AU patrimony de la France (the regional
  14. Books *Arithmetic et geometric SUR LES varieties algébriques (1935) *SUR, les , espaces à structure uniform et SUR la topologies general (1937)
  15. Docteur Faust roll, pataphysicien) * Days and Nights (novel) (Les Hours et, les , nuits) Other notable works * Short story, The Passion Considered as an Uphill
  16. Represented what a documentary should not be),Alberto Cavalcanti's Rain Que, les , heures, and Dig Vertov's Man with the Movie Camera. These films tend to
  17. Régisseurs-généraux DES Poured & Amperes (Paris,1779). * Instruction SUR, les , moyens de supplier à la diskette DES four rages, et d’augmenter la subsistence
  18. To be so high above both church and world. Diderot's celebrated Letter SUR, les , aveug les à l'usage de crux quit point (" Letter on the Blind" ) (1749)
  19. Avenue which leads to Glories and connects with Diagonal Avenue and Gran Via DE, les , Corts Catalans, which crosses the city from east to west, passing through the
  20. Et d’augmenter la subsistence DES bestiary, Supplément à l’instruction SUR, les , moyens de boudoir à la diskette DES four rages, publiée par order Du ROI LE 31
  21. Course d'analyze de l'Cole royale poly technique (1821) * Lemons SUR, les , applications de calculi infinitesimal; La geometric (1826–1828) His other
  22. Proof, a short treatise on what was called the" Mystic Hexagram ", Essai pour, les , coniques (" Essay on Conics" ) and sent it—his first serious work of
  23. The most value is the" History de l'establishment DES Français refugees days, les , etats de Brandenburg" published in Berlin in 1690. Clark Ashton Smith (13
  24. Topologiques et SES applications (1940) *SUR LES courses algébriques et, les , variétés quit s’en sediment (1948) *Introduction à l'étude DES varieties
  25. Publiées sous la direction scientific de l'Academic DES sciences et sous, les , auspices de M. LE minister de l'Instruction oblique (27 volumes) (Paris:
  26. Particulière d'atrophied muscular progressive, souvent familial debutant par, les , pieds et LES jambs et attaining plus hard LES mains ", Revue medical, Paris
  27. House of Sergi ','Sergi's house '. Note here, other artic les (El, la,ELS, les , ) can also be used with personal names like in Portuguese, as la Maria (or Na
  28. In the war effort, however just the cause. Books *Arithmetic et geometric SUR, les , variétés algébriques (1935) *SUR LES spaces à structure uniform et SUR la
  29. Works, falsely attributed to him survive, such as the l'Michelle du Closure, les , Méditations, and l'Edification de la Madison interfere. Saint Bernard's Prayer
  30. I Read Colette ", on Cash's album 10 Song Demo. Notable works * L'Enfant et, les , sortilèges (1917,Ravel opera libretto) * La Renaissance Du Four (1928) (
  31. From roasting. 2 + 3 C → 4 Sb + 3 Coiffures de 2003, métal continue days, les , minerais et concentrates, source: L'eat Du mode 2005 Compounds Antimony
  32. Souvent familial debutant par LES pied set LES jambs et attaining plus hard, les , mains ", Revue medical, Paris,1886; 6: 97-138. ), and Howard Henry Tooth (
  33. Shaftesbury French translation and annotation by Diderot (1745) * Letter SUR, les , aveug les à l'usage de crux quit point (1749) * Lenses SUR l'interpretation
  34. Refusal, Mémoires SUR LES relations polities DES princes Chretien … Alec, les , … Mongols (1822,etc.),p. 52. Discus, ( Andriskos) and often called the
  35. French and Jèrriais): Jersey has toads and snakes that Guernsey lacks. * Park:, les , corbins (" crows" in Sercquiais, Dgèrnésiais and Jèrriais, les Bordeaux in
  36. 1&facsimile off&search no# nav 1 Memoir contenant, les , expériences faiths SUR la chalet, pendant l'river de 1783 à 1784,par P. S. DE
  37. An opera, to which Colette agreed. Ravel received the libretto to L'Enfant et, les , sortilèges in 1918,and it was first performed on 21 March 1925. During the war
  38. Case of a similar deprivation in the deaf and mute). What makes the Letter SUR, les , aveug les so remarkable, however,is its distinct, if undeveloped, presentation
  39. Face Du Pentagon (1968 with Reichenbach) *On vows pale de Paris: Master, les , mots on tun sens (1970) *On vows pale de Prague: LE derriere process d'Artur
  40. By the University of the Balearic Islands's philological section, Govern DE, les , Il les Balearic consultative organ. In this way, for instance, IEC says it is
  41. Des DEU Index, in collaboration with Royal (1772–1781) * Essie SUR, les , règnes de Claude et de Nero (1778) * Letter apologetic de l'abbé Royal à
  42. In French): crows could be seen from sea on the island's coast. * Alderney:, les , lapins (" rabbits" in French and Arenas): the island is noted for its
  43. L'art de sobriquet LE Stalin et la posse, publié par order Du ROI, par,LES, régisseurs-généraux DES Poured & Amperes (Paris,1779). * Instruction SUR
  44. Cited by C A Val son in http://books.google.com/books? Id=vQ7tw0rVKPsC La Vie ET, les , Travaux Du baron Cauchy (Volume 1,Pg 13) says: In any event he inherited his
  45. Des sciences, ou exposition analytic d'one classification naturally de touts, les , connaissances humans (" Essay on the philosophy of science or analytical
  46. S is red. The main islanders have traditional animal nicknames: * Guernsey:, les , ânes (" donkeys" in French and Norman): the steepness of St. Peter Port
  47. Which Jersey people traditionally interpret as stubbornness. * Jersey:, les , crapauds (" toads" in French and Jèrriais): Jersey has toads and snakes that
  48. L'integration days LES groups topologies et SES applications (1940) *SUR, les , courbes algébriques et LES varieties quit s’en sediment (1948) *Introduction à
  49. Beings in Rectal DES historians DES Gauges, xx. 359–367; Refusal, Mémoires SUR, les , relations polities DES princes Chretien … Alec LES … Mongols (1822,etc.)
  50. Lacks. * Park: LES cor bins (" crows" in Sercquiais, Dgèrnésiais and Jèrriais, les , corbeaux in French): crows could be seen from sea on the island's coast. *

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