Examples of the the word, lightning , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lightning ), is the 4969 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Uses of the word, see: Blitzkrieg (disambiguation) Blitzkrieg (German,", lightning ,war ";) is an anglicized word When Germany invaded Poland in 1939,Western
  2. Creating ideal fire weather conditions. Weak thunderstorms produce mostly dry, lightning , sparking wildfires that are mostly left to burn themselves out as they are
  3. They were created at deep-sea vents. A third is that they were synthesized by, lightning ,in a reducing atmosphere (see Miller–Urey experiment); although it is not
  4. Casting yellow shadow on grass Twenty years ago approaching Texas, I saw sheet, lightning ,cover Heaven's corners ... An old man catching fireflies on the porch at night
  5. Example is nitric acid produced by electric discharge in the atmosphere such as, lightning , Carbonic acid is formed by the reaction: (l) + (g) (a) Carbonic acid
  6. Enough that they are practical for light aircraft. In addition to radar and, lightning ,detection, observations and extended radar pictures (such as NEURAL) are now
  7. With positive results. Nitrogen oxides can also be produced naturally by, lightning ,strikes and sulfur dioxide is produced by volcanic eruptions. The chemicals
  8. Famous experiments in electricity and for his many inventions, especially the, lightning ,rod. He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania and
  9. Was reported to have said about the film," It is like writing history with, lightning , And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true ". In Wilson: The New
  10. Is electricity by flying a kite in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a, lightning ,storm. On May 10, 1752 Thomas-François Dali bard of France conducted Franklin's
  11. Had caused no serious permanent damage. Initially it was feared that the, lightning ,strike could have caused the command module's parachute mechanism to
  12. Is that Germany is not prepared economically for a long war but might win a, lightning ,war. It does not treat in any detail operational and tactical matters, and does
  13. Nixon. Thirty-six-and-a-half seconds after lift-off, the vehicle triggered a, lightning ,discharge through itself and down to the earth through the Saturn's ionized
  14. Of American Eagle Airlines. Propeller aircraft featured an international orange, lightning ,bolt running down the length of the fuselage, which was replaced by a simpler
  15. Such as weather radar (typically ARIC 708 on commercial aircraft) and, lightning ,detectors are important for aircraft flying at night or in instrument
  16. He was aware of the dangers and offered alternative ways to demonstrate that, lightning ,was electrical, as shown by his use of the concept of electrical ground. If
  17. d. 2006) * 1937 – John White, Scottish internationalist footballer, killed by, lightning ,(d. 1964) *1938 – Madge Sinclair, Jamaican actress (d. 1995) * 1941 – Nico
  18. And George Herman Ruth, Sr., owned a succession of saloons and sold, lightning ,rods. Only one of Ruth's seven siblings, his sister Mamie, survived past
  19. Phenomena Anaximander attributed some phenomena, such as thunder and, lightning , to the intervention of elements, rather than to divine causes. In his system
  20. Ideas for sea anchors, catamaran hulls, watertight compartments, shipboard, lightning , rods and a soup bowl designed to stay stable in stormy weather. Economics
  21. He isolated the metal and named it thorium after the Norse god of thunder and, lightning ,Thor. The same isolation method was later used by Delight for uranium. And (in
  22. And Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906) where film versions of Blackton's ", lightning ,artist" routine, and utilized modified versions of Relies' early stop-motion
  23. Proto-Indo-European root being begin-. Agni has three forms: fire, lightning ,and the sun. In the Vedas Agni is the first word of the first hymn of the
  24. Loudness of the sound is proportionate with that of the shock. Thunder without, lightning ,is the result of the wind being too weak to emit any flame, but strong enough
  25. Of charge. In 1750, he published a proposal for an experiment to prove that, lightning ,is electricity by flying a kite in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a
  26. b. 1625) *1753 – Georg Wilhelm Eichmann, Russian physicist (struck by, lightning ,) (b. 1711) *1757 – Adam Many, Hungarian painter (b. 1673) *1759 –
  27. Applied to many individuals bombing campaigns or attacks. *Blitzkrieg, the ", lightning ,war ", a strategy of World War 2 Germany. **Baedeker Blitz, the German reprisal
  28. Inquiries Franklin was a prodigious inventor. Among his many creations were the, lightning ,rod, glass harmonica (a glass instrument, not to be confused with the metal
  29. Direction. Plasmas may also show" lamentation" ( such as that seen in, lightning ,or a plasma globe) that is directional. An anisotropic liquid is one which has
  30. Peru / Перун, the highest god of the pantheon and the god of thunder and, lightning ,is also commonly found in Bosnian toponymy, for instance in the name of Mount
  31. Woodrow Wilson supposedly said the film was" ... like writing history with, lightning , And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true. " The attribution is
  32. Burnt by lightning is consumed. They have been known to eat burned wood after, lightning ,storms. This behavior is believed to be a means of getting salts and minerals
  33. The kite to collect some electric charge from a storm cloud, which implied that, lightning ,was electrical. On October 19 in a letter to England explaining directions for
  34. Too weak to emit any flame, but strong enough to produce a sound. A flash of, lightning ,without thunder is a jolt of the air that disperses and falls, allowing a less
  35. Head. Many descriptions of the amphisbaena say its eyes glow like candles or, lightning , but the poet Cancer seems to contradict this by describing it as" always
  36. Life, and is also produced by electrical activity in the atmosphere such as, lightning , Acidic deposits have been detected in glacial ice thousands of years old in
  37. Heavy precipitation (as sensed by radar) or severe turbulence (as sensed by, lightning ,activity) are both indications of strong convective activity and severe
  38. Effects of medications being taken for other conditions. Blitz, German for ", lightning ,", may refer to: Armed conflict *The Blitz, the German aerial attacks on
  39. Franklin wrote: Franklin's electrical experiments led to his invention of the, lightning ,rod. He noted that conductors with a sharp rather than a smooth point were
  40. Examination of bongo feces revealed that the charcoal from trees burnt by, lightning ,is consumed. They have been known to eat burned wood after lightning storms.
  41. Are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does, lightning ,travel in a straight line. — Mandelbrot, in his introduction to The
  42. In the way that is often described, flying the kite and waiting to be struck by, lightning , as it could have been dangerous. The popular television program MythBusters
  43. World War that was often hailed as a new method of warfare. The word, meaning ", lightning ,war ", in its strategic means is associated with a series of quick and decisive
  44. The earth (8:3-5). What follows are" peals of thunder, rumblings,flashes of, lightning , and an earthquake" ( 8:5). ####After the eighth angel has devastated the
  45. He surmised that this knowledge could be of use in protecting buildings from, lightning ,by attaching" upright Rods of Iron, made sharp as a Needle and gilt to prevent
  46. Mischief! " Following a series of experiments on Franklin's own house, lightning ,rods were installed on the Academy of Philadelphia (later the University of
  47. Before re-igniting the S-IVB third stage for trans-lunar injection. The, lightning ,strikes had caused no serious permanent damage. Initially it was feared that
  48. Know-nothing city physicians. In lieu of anesthesia, Granny uses her" white, lightning ," brew before commencing on painful treatments such as leech bleeding and
  49. god's own temple. Admetus When Zeus struck down Apollo's son Asclepius with a, lightning ,bolt for resurrecting Hippolytus from the dead (transgressing Themes by
  50. Physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the, lightning ,rod, bifocals,the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'harmonica

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