Examples of the the word, listener , in a Sentence Context

The word ( listener ), is the 4962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For Orchestra," relying on the form and content of the music to guide the, listener ,'s ear, rather than any extra-musical plot or story. Film essays (or "
  2. Richie (2008) and Julie Andrews (2009). Legacy Ira Gershwin was a joyous, listener ,to the sounds of the modern world. " He had a sharp eye and ear for the minute
  3. In the studio at Pyramid Sound Studios in Ithaca, NY. H. luminous takes the, listener ,on a shamanic journey of humankind's transformation and evolution from homo
  4. Noise ", though this view may be subsumed in the one below in that a, listener ,'s idea of pleasant sounds may be considered socially constructed. A subjective
  5. Horn around a loudspeaker, sending its sound in a circle. This results at the, listener ,'s ear in rapidly fluctuating frequencies of a keyboard note. Vibration
  6. Key elements of metal. She argues that the loudness is designed to" sweep the, listener ,into the sound" and to provide a" shot of youthful vitality. " Brief, abrupt
  7. It is said in the Principal Discord that Eris says different things to each, listener , She may even say radically different things to each Episodes but, all of what
  8. The extent to which the difference in sound and timbre was apparent to the, listener , however, is up for debate. Harry Whittier of the Patrick S. Gilmore band
  9. The listener sits exactly in the middle of the two front loudspeakers. When the, listener ,moves slightly to the side, however,this phantom channel disappears or is
  10. Sighs down to shout, grunts,grumbles and sheer gruffness that could move the, listener ,from calmness and surrender, to fear. His voice can not be measured in octaves
  11. To ignore one aspect in favor of the other still must face the fact that the, listener ,cannot simply turn off harmonic or linear hearing at will; thus the composer
  12. On the relationship (either in-group or out-group) between the speaker and, listener , as well as depending on the relative status of the speaker, listener ,and
  13. Social position and the degree of familiarity between the speaker and the, listener , When used in different social relationships, the same word may have positive (
  14. Implicitly hold that music is a communicative activity which conveys to the, listener ,moods, emotions,thoughts, impressions,or philosophical, sexual,or political
  15. Autoa Kari dilute means" they brought us the car" ( neuter agreement for, listener ,), but auto Kari lighten means" they brought us the car" ( agreement for
  16. Example, a perfect fifth, say 200 and 300 Hz (cycles per second),causes a, listener ,to perceive a combination tone of 100 Hz (the difference between 300 Hz and
  17. Planned by the programming and music departments that include leeway for, listener ,requests and DJ choices. The station was recently honored with the MTV
  18. Chinese than the alternative. Only the aspiration is significant to the Chinese, listener , The linguist Michael Carr explains: The provenance of the pronunciation with
  19. Points out that the explosion of Davros's life-support chair leaves the, listener ,to believe there is little of Davos left. This fits chronologically the fact
  20. German, can usually be easily identified by their accent, even by an untrained, listener , Several of the dialects have been influenced by contact with non-Germanic
  21. Adrian describes Epictetus as being a powerful speaker who could" induce his, listener ,to feel just what Epictetus wanted him to feel. " Many eminent figures sought
  22. Speech is ill-matched to her audience, Menelaus (a type of the unsophisticated, listener ,), and soon it is found not to suit the cosmos either (her infant grandson is
  23. The one before me" ) may be used to refer to a listener depending on the, listener ,'s relative social position and the degree of familiarity between the speaker
  24. Chapman states" from about the age of seven or eight I used to be an avid, listener ,of a radio program called The Goon Show. In fact, at that stage I wanted to
  25. In speech, these are the characteristic partials that identify vowels to the, listener , Most of these formats are produced by tube and chamber resonance, but a few
  26. Ziguten means" they brought us the car" ( agreement for feminine singular, listener ,). Languages with a rich agreement morphology facilitate relatively free word
  27. Used),indicating that the speaker wants to partake in or try whatever the, listener ,is doing. **ya the Vida – let me see; ya? Or ya! –" let me ... /give me ... "
  28. Of a sentence is unheard or misheard due to noise — e.g., a passing car — the, listener ,should still be able to glean the meaning of the underlying message. Such
  29. If it is within range of another person’s auditory channel. Additionally,a, listener ,has the ability to determine the source of a sound by binaural direction
  30. The entire paradigm of the verb is further augmented by inflecting for ", listener ," (the allocative) even if the verb contains no second person constituent. If
  31. And imagination should be evoked in the spectator, in the reader, in the, listener , All was focused around the individual Man, as a straight relationship between
  32. Have to go by bike. " In that case, eh? Is used to confirm the attention of the, listener ,and to invite a supportive noise such as mm or oh or okay. This usage is also
  33. Of the speaker to the listener . It is as if the speaker thinks out loud and the, listener ,hears what the speaker is thinking and if there is any confusion then the
  34. CDs and was the first full recording. Follies are voted ninth in a BBC Radio 2, listener , poll of the UK's" Nation's Number One Essential Musicals. " U. S. regional
  35. Object and indirect object, but it is also on occasion exhibits agreement for the, listener ,as the implicit benefactor: auto Kari dilute means" they brought us the car
  36. The words of" Amazing Grace" have become as individual as the singer or, listener , Bruce Hind marsh suggests that the secular popularity of" Amazing Grace" is
  37. Power metal focuses on upbeat, epic melodies and themes that" appeal to the, listener ,'s sense of valor and loveliness. " The prototype for the sound was established
  38. Be improved by cutting a few frames out of an actor's pause; a brief view of a, listener ,can help conceal the break. Or the actor may fumble some of his lines in a
  39. Of live orchestral performers by creating a phantom middle channel when the, listener ,sits exactly in the middle of the two front loudspeakers. When the listener
  40. Plosives, therefore the initial voicing of is not significant to the Chinese, listener , What is significant is that, unlike the English, is not aspirated in
  41. And listener , as well as depending on the relative status of the speaker, listener , and third-person referents. Most nouns in the Japanese language may be made
  42. Logos, meaning thought, and associated with the presence of the speaker to the, listener , It is as if the speaker thinks out loud and the listener hears what the
  43. She's never had anything but heart. " Confederate soldier and patient, listener ,to the troubles of all. Will lost part of his leg in the war and walks with the
  44. As, and (, more formally" the one before me" ) may be used to refer to a, listener ,depending on the listener 's relative social position and the degree of
  45. And particular vocabulary to indicate the relative status of the speaker,the, listener , and persons mentioned in conversation. Japanese vowels are pure. The Japanese
  46. Three times. What is it? #*The answer is" say. " This version depends upon the, listener ,confusing the spoken word" or" and the spoken letter" r. " #There are three
  47. Was the personal—sometimes confessional—tone of Peel's presentation, and the, listener ,participation it engendered. Underground events he had attended during his
  48. Voice tonality plays a significant role and may have a greater impact on the, listener ,than the intended content of the spoken words. A great presenter must capture
  49. Who says of Brown" I know him as affable, funny and gregarious, a great, listener , a kind and loyal friend. " Religion The son of a Church of Scotland minister
  50. Hz),and roughly matched the smallest attenuation detectable to the average, listener , Standard telephone cable was defined as" a cable having uniformly distributed

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