Examples of the the word, honestly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honestly ), is the 4965 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In their own breasts I cannot reach; but I shall think it is my duty, if they walk, honestly ,and peaceably, not to cause them in the least to suffer for the same. " As with
  2. In both parts, does it always win overall? * Participation criterion—Is voting, honestly ,always better than not voting at all? (This is grouped with the distinct but
  3. Duties because" it is more ethical to let a client continue to struggle, honestly ,with her or his identity than to collude, even peripherally, with a practice
  4. Coach makes great efforts to help the actors express themselves naturally and, honestly , He believes that shooting in order, from first scene to last, helps the actors
  5. Person ... It's most likely that I don't return to active baseball ... but, honestly ,I don't know if I'll definitively announce my retirement. " The pitcher
  6. The problem. He was an eloquent spokesman for his point of view and no one can, honestly ,doubt that Malcolm had a great concern for the problems that we face as a race.
  7. Into an icon that they worship seems to me a pretty sick sort of religion quite, honestly ,". The Pythons often prided themselves on the depths of the historical research
  8. Later writing that she" blissfully succumbed to the whirling blackness that I, honestly ,believed was eternal oblivion. " She spent her first year winter and spring
  9. Bonds negotiated at lower rates. The revenues have been carefully collected and, honestly ,applied. Despite large annual reductions of the rates of taxation, the public
  10. Officials, cleaning up fraud, building more infrastructure, collecting taxes, honestly , or addressing other legitimate grievances can do much to undermine the
  11. With him for so long, despite the nature of their relationship, she said" I, honestly ,don't know. I can only say that I could never have left him. " But said" I
  12. The most straightforward impression of all and ... during the long trial spoke, honestly ,and with no attempt to shirk his responsibility and his guilt ”. Speer also
  13. Per episode in the U. S., In an April 2006 interview, Matt Greening said," I, honestly ,don't see any end in sight. I think it's possible that the show will become
  14. Society must establish a fair system of legal justice to administer law, honestly , The details of these laws are codified from the Talmudic texts in the Mishnah
  15. The real thing. He stabs the Player and the Player appears to die. Guildenstern, honestly ,believes he has killed the Player. Seconds later, the Tragedians begin to clap
  16. Battle of Bonding (13 March 1591) to around the end of the 17th century. But, honestly ,nobody cares about this After the Empires,1591–1892 After the collapse of the
  17. Resulted in their dynasty being condemned to destruction. Eli asked Samuel to, honestly ,recount to him what he had been told, and upon receiving the communication
  18. Generally much better guides to pronunciation than modern English spelling can, honestly ,claim. For example, the sound, normally written u, is spelled with an o in son
  19. Saw his frank talk about homosexuality as an opening to speak more openly and, honestly ,about something often before only hinted at or spoken of in metaphor. In "
  20. 759 Norwegian deportees. However, there is evidence to suggest that Quisling, honestly ,believed the official line throughout 1943 and 1944,that they were awaiting
  21. Jargon to dazzle the reader),and most importantly is impartial. It should, honestly ,and clearly explain the costs of whatever solution it offers as best. The
  22. And asks if he still wants to be" rescued" from his life. Fredrik answers, honestly ,that he loves Desiree, but only as a dream. Hurt and bitter, Desiree can only
  23. Often appeared uncomfortable with the questions, but answered them frankly and, honestly , Hancock had always been highly self-critical, and it is often argued that this
  24. Ever was heard in the House of Commons; a great scheme, boldly,skillfully, and, honestly , devised,disdaining popular glamour and pressure from without, and the
  25. To be brought at their market value; and the traders were to deal fairly and, honestly ,with the Faeroese. Christian III also introduced Lutheranism to the Fares, too
  26. These grand Kings of forest and plain that Cooper loved to heroize. We cannot, honestly ,regret their extermination, but we at least do justice to the manly
  27. To" lots of running ". Assessing Night of the Living Dead, she states" I, honestly ,had no idea it would have such a lasting impact on our culture ". She was just
  28. Student only months earlier. College President Colin Diver said" I don't, honestly ,know" whether the drug death was an isolated incident or part of a larger
  29. Of Church Army, expressed outrage over their resistance, stating " Quite, honestly ,refusal to condemn violence against gay people in their home countries is
  30. Be noble even in the face of danger. *lines 8.87-126 – Govern your province, honestly , When everything else is stolen from those you rule, weapons and desperation
  31. British re-asserted the right of conquest and also (wrongly, but apparently, honestly ,) claimed to have first discovered Tortola. During the negotiations, the
  32. Received" easy spin" more openly, saying " though the infinite spin issue, honestly ,really affects only a few of the single-player gameplay modes in Tetris DS
  33. Shake, which means meditate on the holy name (Waheguru),work diligently and, honestly , and share one's fruits. The guiding principles of the Sikh faith are Truth
  34. Packers' 9. The Chiefs were exuberant at halftime. Hank Steam said later" I, honestly ,thought we would come back and win it. " On their first drive of the second
  35. Even if such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could, honestly ,entertain such an opinion, the statement is protected. *Consent is an uncommon
  36. Deems only three circumstances when the accused is deemed to have been acting, honestly , These are a belief in a legal claim of right (s.73 (2) (a) ), a belief
  37. No, no,because I will be the first one who will appraise the Jews, honestly ,and say 'Thank God for the Jews. '" Jay Banter,Brando's agent, producer and
  38. Peer review in scientific journals assumes that the article reviewed has been, honestly ,written, and the process is not designed to detect fraud. The reviewers usually
  39. Concept: opposing the government is not treason; reasonable men can, honestly ,oppose its policies and still be loyal to the Sovereign and the nation.
  40. Admonitor ", a confidential advisor whose specific job is to warn the General, honestly ,and confidentially when he is acting imprudently or is straying toward
  41. For a start of a new major league season. President Roosevelt responds" I, honestly ,feel that it would be best for the country to keep baseball going. There will
  42. Have such a duty in certain circumstances. Acting bona fide Directors must act, honestly ,and bona fide (" in good faith" ). The test is a subjective one, and
  43. Opting for the latter. " When I started this book," she writes," I, honestly ,didn't know whether I was covering marginal atomized scenes of resistance or
  44. Within human ego (mind and body). With Guru's grace the seeker meditates, honestly ,on" Word" which leads to the end of ego. Guru is indistinguishable from God
  45. And so forth. Difference goes all the way down. To confront reality, honestly , Delete claims, we must grasp beings exactly as they are, and concepts of
  46. Capo (meditate on the holy name (Waheguru),Karat Karo (work diligently and, honestly ,) and And chalk (share one's fruits). Faith in other spiritual traditions
  47. He needs with this and that. Moreover, Parish is lame and has a sick wife, and, honestly , needs help — Niggle, having a good heart, takes time out to help. And Niggle
  48. His own property? The defense of mistake of law) only applies if the defendant, honestly ,believes that he has a right in law to act in the given way. Generalized and
  49. Between Betty and Rita, and Diane and Camilla varied between those who were, honestly ,touched by their sincerity and those who were titillated. A review of the film
  50. To be joined to the body of the monastery, but also it shall be said to him, honestly , that he must depart. If he does not go, let two stout monks, in the name of

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