Examples of the the word, men , in a Sentence Context

The word ( men ), is the 4976 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The 1820s and 1830s,It's constitution provided for universal suffrage for white, men , Settlers rapidly arrived to take advantage of the fertile soil. Southeastern
  2. Have a double meaning in the poem: When the hero is functioning rightly, his, men , bring grief to the enemy, but when wrongly, his men get the grief of war. The
  3. Difficulties that all the states encountered in collecting taxes, mustering, men , and gathering supplies from a war-weary populace. " The second group of
  4. To its pilots who exceed in altitude. Deaths Eighteen astronauts (fourteen, men ,and four wo men ) have lost their lives during four space flights. By
  5. Intellect, moral develop men ts, or social capacity ', but they 'did consider all, men ,created equal—equal in certain inalienable rights, among which are life
  6. Receiving a license to practice it from the King. Alchemy was kept alive by, men ,such as Nicolas Flame, who was noteworthy only because he was one of the few
  7. Of church men because it offered a rationalistic view of the universe when, men ,were just beginning to learn about rationalism. So by the end of the 13th
  8. Believed ele men tal mercury, or 'quicksilver ', played a crucial role). These, men ,were viewed as magicians and sorcerers by many, and were often persecuted for
  9. S last railroad bridge across the Mississippi River and killing himself, his, men , and Dr. Stapler. *Dave Mitchum is a state-hired superintendent of the Colorado
  10. In their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of, men ,worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average.
  11. In New York. He catches Deign Taggart's eye as one of the few competent, men ,on staff. After seeing the sorry state of the Ohio Division, she decides to
  12. Rally were arrested and charged with the murder of the deceased officer. The, men ,became international political celebrities among the labor move men t. Four of
  13. Salamander who became angry that Achilles was choking his waters with all the, men ,he killed. The god tried to drown Achilles but was stopped by Hera and
  14. The John F. Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, commemorates the lives of the, men ,and wo men who have died during spaceflight and during training in the space
  15. The Territorial Air Defense Force. Service in the military is compulsory for, men ,aged 19–30,for a total of 18 months (six training and 12 in civil projects).
  16. The need to grapple with ambiguity:" as long as philosophers and they, men ,have thought, most of them have tried to mask it ... And the ethics which they
  17. The known increase in mutation burden in older sperm, and the hypothesis that, men ,marry later if they carry genetic liability and show some signs of autism.
  18. Sorcerers by many, and were often persecuted for their practices. One of these, men ,who emerged at the beginning of the 16th century was the German Heinrich
  19. In working order. There was speculation that they might be preparing to launch, men ,on a similar circular mission before the end of 1968. The Apollo 8 crew, now
  20. And accused Douglas of distorting the values of the Founding Fathers that all, men ,are created equal, while Douglas emphasized his Freeport Doctrine, that local
  21. Of the temple with their wings. Other people say still more, that some, men ,who reach this island, come here intentionally. They bring animals in their
  22. Convened," As the present Constitution is so defective, why do not you great, men ,call the people together and tell them so; that is, to have a convention of the
  23. Four Russians (Soviet Union),and one Israeli. Eleven people (all, men ,) have lost their lives training for spaceflight: eight Americans and three
  24. Principles of the Founding Fathers, especially the equality of all, men ,and democratic self-govern men t as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
  25. Of medicine. Increasingly, wo men are contributing more to household income than, men , Sixty percent of university students are wo men , according to university
  26. He began as a penniless adventurer and ended up as one of the wealthiest, men ,in the country. He never earned money by force or fraud, and never apologized
  27. Patrols, Achilles ended his refusal to fight and took the field killing many, men ,in his rage but always seeking out Hector. Achilles even engaged in battle with
  28. But in 1776," conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all, men ,are created equal. " He defined the war as an effort dedicated to these
  29. Babies as well as the same final argu men t, that " human depravity is such that, men ,will attempt to justify their own cruelty by accusing their victims of being
  30. Thank you very much. '" Aldrin added, : " This has been far more than three, men ,on a mission to the Moon; more, still,than the efforts of a govern men t and
  31. Is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates, men ,slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of
  32. Experi men tation was more important than reasoning:" Of the three ways in which, men ,think that they acquire knowledge of things: authority, reasoning,and
  33. Empire, attacked Algiers with a convoy of 65 warships,451 ships and 23,000, men , 2000 of whom were mounted. The attack resulted in failure however, and the
  34. Is functioning rightly, his men bring grief to the enemy, but when wrongly, his, men , get the grief of war. The poem is in part about the misdirection of anger on
  35. Grass, and hard courts),a tribute to his adaptability, as the other four, men ,had won their Grand Slam titles on clay and grass courts. Agassi also became
  36. While the U. S. cheered. Lincoln resolved the issue by releasing the two, men ,and war was successfully averted with Britain. Lincoln's foreign policy
  37. Two farms, several town lots, livestock,and horses. He was among the richest, men ,in the county. In 1816,the Lincoln family lost everything; they were stripped
  38. The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were signed by a group of, men ,who were never present in the Congress at the same time. Signers The signers
  39. Bravest after Achilles to their Trojan prisoners, who after considering both, men ,came to a consensus in favor of Odysseus. Furious, Ajax cursed Odysseus, which
  40. Indian Affairs and the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology, men ,such as John Wesley Powell and Frank Hamilton Cushing. Lewis Henry Morgan (
  41. As" bums" ), supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as" civilized, men ,fighting savages ", saying European colonists had the right to take land from
  42. Apologized for becoming wealthy and successful. He was one of the most hated, men ,of his time. Deign is often inspired by looking at a statue of Nat Haggard at
  43. International political celebrities among the labor move men t. Four of the, men ,were executed and a fifth committed suicide prior to his own execution. The
  44. Through the uninhabited valleys of this island; this is how Jove rewarded the, men ,who had distinguished themselves through their virtues, because through virtue
  45. The other hand, Aristotle gave equal weight to wo men 's happiness as he did to, men ,'s, and com men ted in his Rhetoric that a society cannot be happy unless wo men
  46. 1003) was among the first to bring Islamic science to Europe from Spain. Later, men ,such as Abelard of Bath, who lived in the 12th century, brought additional
  47. And reported about village on the Beveren river, populated by" bearded, men ," who" pray to the icons ". Some modern researchers associate Beveren with
  48. Fashion designers of the day. Black tie dress is the most common outfit for, men , although fashion may dictate not wearing a bow-tie, and musical performers
  49. Tells him which suppliers and contractors Deign is most dependent on; these, men ,are consistently the next to disappear. Later in the novel, the reader
  50. Differences with them, Rand strongly endorsed the writings of both, men ,throughout her career, and both of them expressed admiration for her. Once on

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