Examples of the the word, digest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( digest ), is the 4979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are not going to be served within hours, because the enzyme soon begins to, digest ,milk proteins. This applies to gelatin-based desserts as well, as the actinide
  2. Then returned to the cytosol for reuse. The last function of a lysosome is to, digest ,the cell itself through autolysis. Spitzenkörper The spitzenkörper is a
  3. On the type of animal, may be one or more of: matter which the animal cannot, digest , such as bones; food material after all the nutrients have been extracted, for
  4. Does not destroy the gel structure because most microorganisms are unable to, digest ,agar. Agar is typically sold commercially as a powder that can be mixed with
  5. Is then followed by the hazzan's mini-repetition of the Amid ah, Magen Avon,a, digest ,of the seven benedictions. In some Ashkenazi Orthodox synagogues the second
  6. System. Bacteria often overcome physical barriers by secreting enzymes that, digest ,the barrier — for example, by using a type II secretion system. Alternatively
  7. And became a freelance journalist. He contributed to The Thief,a reader ', digest , followed quickly by writing a play - Figaro in London in 1829. Along with
  8. Known collectively as Cities in Flight, published in the science-fiction, digest ,magazine Astounding Science Fiction. The framework for these was set in the
  9. The original mRNA strand. # To synthesize an additional DNA strand, you need to, digest ,the RNA of the hybrid strand, using an enzyme like RNAS A. # After digest ion
  10. Mental activity etc. The FM organs' main purpose is merely to transmit and, digest ,(傳化, ) substances like waste, food,etc. Since their concept was developed on
  11. Are not having a language and deity in their scriptures. Non-Aryans could not, digest ,Aryans who grabbed their lands and exercising authority. As a result, battles
  12. Key with them. Along with an order, a customer must supply the order's MAC, digest , computed using the customer's symmetric key. The business, knowing the
  13. Upper and lower jaws. Physiology Carnivora have a simple stomach designed to, digest ,primarily meat, as compared to the elaborate digest ive systems of herbivorous
  14. Intestines. It has been suggested that alpha-galactosidase enzymes, which can, digest ,certain complex sugars, are effective in reducing the volume and frequency of
  15. As width × height, are: 4¼” × 7” ( rack size paperback),5⅛” × 7⅝” (, digest ,size paperback),5½” × 8¼ ”,5½” × 8½ ”,6⅛” × 9¼ ”,7” × 10 ”, and 8½” ×
  16. Can check that the document returned is correct by hashing it and checking the, digest ,against the key. This key contains the meat of the data on Freenet. It carries
  17. Stomach acidity Reduced stomach acidity may result in an impaired ability to, digest ,and absorb certain nutrients, such as iron and the B vitamins. Since the low pH
  18. Flesh for their nutrient requirements are considered. Plants that capture and, digest ,insects are called carnivorous plants. Similarly, fungi that capture
  19. Down the cellulose strands. Most mammals have only very limited ability to, digest ,dietary fibers such as cellulose. Some ruminants like cows and sheep contain
  20. Cheese produced from this process has low levels of cholesterol and is easy to, digest , even for the lactose intolerant. The sale of camel cheese is limited owing to
  21. Carbonate is similar to the absorption of calcium from milk. While most people, digest ,calcium carbonate very well, some might develop gastrointestinal discomfort or
  22. mother's cecum) in order to inoculate its gut with the microbes necessary to, digest ,eucalypti leaves. The joey will remain with its mother for another six months or
  23. Grasses and herbs. As is true for other nonruminant ungulates, elephants only, digest ,approximately 40 % of what they eat. They make up for their digest ive systems '
  24. Maltose and eventually glucose, which can then be absorbed. Different enzymes, digest ,different food substances. In ruminants which have herbivorous diets
  25. Adrian (author of the Ana basis Alexandria). Adrian also compiled a popular, digest , entitled the Enchiridion, or Handbook. In a preface to the Discourses
  26. Alternative fuel source. Some animals, particularly ruminants and termites, can, digest , cellulose with the help of symbiotic microorganisms that live in their guts.
  27. Of 448 chapters in 20 volumes. In it, as Isidora entered his own terse, digest ,of Roman handbooks, miscellanies and compendium, he continued the trend towards
  28. Carrying fungal spores in their mania 2: The larva feeds on the fungus which, digest ,the wood, removing toxins: they mutually benefit 3: The larva pupates and then
  29. A cell must have captured a photosynthetic cyanobacterium and failed to, digest ,it. The cyanobacterium thrived in the cell and eventually evolved into the
  30. To the traditional 3 meals a day. While food does have a metabolic cost to, digest , absorb, and store, called the heroic effect of food),it depends on the
  31. Linear molecules to avoid this problem,e.g. DNA fragments from a restriction, digest , linear DNA PCR products, or RNA's. Agarose gel electrophoresis is widely used
  32. Matter. He analyzed a number of meteorites, and for many years wrote the, digest ,on the literature of meteorites in the Jahresberichte Uber die Fortschritte her
  33. Accessible than the U. S. adult comic book market. It is usually distributed in, digest ,format, containing several stories by different artists (e.g. an anthology).
  34. Comics are usually published on a monthly basis, in a black-and-white, digest ,size format, with approximately 100 to 132 pages. Collections of classic
  35. With the help of symbiotic microorganisms that live in their guts. Humans can, digest ,cellulose to some extent, however it is often referred to as" dietary fiber "
  36. The fleshand the devil" from the litany. *"Read, mark,learn, and inwardly, digest ," from the collect for the second Sunday of Advent. *"All sorts and conditions
  37. Though Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan's approach to faith was more,a, digest ,of Muslim law, was either intended for personal use, never enforced, or only
  38. Content. A small file is generated that contains a condensed, computer readable, digest ,of this description that can then be used by content filtering software to
  39. Cellobiose by cellulose. Animals such as cows (ruminants) are able to, digest ,cellulose because of symbiotic bacteria that produce cellulose.
  40. Gluten-free beer made with sorghum with no barley malt for people who cannot, digest ,gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley,and rye.; Hops Flavoring beer is
  41. Theory, an anaerobic cell probably ingested an aerobic bacterium but failed to, digest ,it. The aerobic bacterium flourished within the cell because the cell's
  42. So they have only one stomach, like humans, but unlike humans, they can, digest ,cellulose, a major component of grass. Cellulose digest ion occurs in the cecum
  43. cell's cytoplasm. This benefited the anaerobic cell because it enabled it to, digest ,food aerobically. Eventually, the aerobic bacterium could no longer live
  44. Structural component of their cell walls. Humans can neither manufacture nor, digest ,it. * Glycogen, on the other hand, is an animal carbohydrate; humans and other
  45. Or other animals in the herd to obtain the bacteria required to properly, digest ,vegetation found on the savanna and in the s. Gorillas eat their own feces and
  46. Proceedings. Online services include a forum called Ubiquity and Tech News, digest , ACM requires the copyright of all submissions to be assigned to the
  47. Animals and decomposing bacteria had not yet evolved that could effectively, digest ,the new lignin. Those early plants made extensive use of lignin. They had bark
  48. Powerful moment of the opera, giving the audience one last chance to, digest ,all the contradictions and perversions of Mahagonny. In other media The 2005
  49. Little energy and little protein from consumption of bamboo. Its ability to, digest ,cellulose is ascribed to the microbes in its gut. The giant panda is a" highly
  50. Is bonded to the dextromethorphan that requires more time for the stomach to, digest ,it as it requires that an ion exchange reaction take place prior to its

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