Examples of the the word, pulse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pulse ), is the 4966 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Garbanzos),vetches, and lupine. " Bean" can be used as a synonym of ", pulse ," an edible legume, though the term" pulse s" is usually reserved for
  2. It was believed to have planets. The theoretical model suggested that a nuclear, pulse ,rocket employing nuclear fusion (specifically, electron bombardment of
  3. Back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and the sync, pulse ,itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace) interval and represent
  4. Exchange. Blood flow and velocity The pulsatile nature of blood flow creates a, pulse ,wave that is propagated down the arterial tree, and at bifurcations reflected
  5. Also distinguished between veins and arteries, noting that the latter, pulse ,while the former do not. Though a few ancient atomisms such as Lucretius
  6. Of the horizontal blanking interval which also contains the horizontal sync, pulse ,and the back porch. A sync separator circuit detects the sync voltage levels
  7. With a number of diseases and pathologies, and noninvasive measures of the, pulse ,wave velocity are an independent indicator of hypertension. Measuring the pulse
  8. Adar Danesh-e-Rag Adar Danesh-e-Rag is called" On the science of the, pulse ,". This book contains nine chapters on the science of the pulse and is
  9. The front porch between the end of displayed video and the start of the sync, pulse , and the back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and
  10. 0.3 V below the" black level ". The horizontal sync signal is a single short, pulse ,which indicates the start of every line. Two timing intervals are defined - the
  11. Changes to the image are often kept in step with the vertical synchronization, pulse ,to avoid visible discontinuity of the image. Since the frame buffer of a
  12. Emission line, and background absorption after application of a high-current, pulse ,with the profile of the self-reversed line, which has little emission at the
  13. Of twelve pulse s that are thought to correspond to twelve internal organs. The, pulse ,is examined for several characteristics including rhythm, strength and volume
  14. For extra detail. ) Horizontal synchronization The horizontal synchronization, pulse ,(horizontal sync SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal sync signal
  15. Middle and ring fingers). Tongue and pulse Examination of the tongue and the, pulse ,are among the principal diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine. The
  16. From the sample surface at a known time. The delay between application of the, pulse ,and detection of the ion allows for the computation of a mass-to-charge ratio.
  17. Source (typically 1-2 KV) is generated and applied to the specimen, with, pulse , repetition rates in the hundreds of kilohertz range. The application of the
  18. The sum of all transmitted messages in universal space-time, in a single, pulse , so that multiplexing yielded information about the past, present,and future
  19. Black) to 1 V (white),until the next horizontal or vertical synchronization, pulse , The format of the horizontal sync pulse varies. In the 525-line NTSC system it
  20. Of each transmitted line of picture and the leading edge of the next line sync, pulse , Its purpose was to allow voltage levels to stabilize in older televisions
  21. Line of black signal: 2 is at 0 V, followed by 30 is at 0.3 V. Each long sync, pulse ,consists in an equalizing pulse with timings inverted: 30 is at 0 V, followed
  22. And then stops until a threshold" floor" is reached, at which time the, pulse ,is sent again. Hot-wire anemometers, while extremely delicate, have extremely
  23. Which are used to ascribe a specific imbalance in the body. Learning TCM, pulse ,diagnosis can take several years. Specific conditions Reproduction Proponents
  24. Video and the start of the sync pulse , and the back porch after the sync, pulse ,and before displayed video. These and the sync pulse itself are called the
  25. And symptoms, the causes of illness, the classification of diseases,the, pulse , the urine etc. Theoretical and Practical Medicine In Sing goes on to say that
  26. For use as fuel, although it could be used in antimatter catalyzed nuclear, pulse ,propulsion for space applications. Speculation about Antimatter rocketry, such
  27. Horizontal or vertical synchronization pulse . The format of the horizontal sync, pulse ,varies. In the 525-line NTSC system it is a 4.85 along pulse at 0 V. In the
  28. Of a scan; no picture information is transmitted during vertical retrace. The, pulse ,sequence is designed to allow horizontal sync to continue during vertical
  29. Use of a turbine is not absolutely necessary: Other designs include the, pulse ,jet and ramjet. These mechanically simple designs cannot work when stationary
  30. 0 V, followed by 30 is at 0.3 V. Each long sync pulse consists in an equalizing, pulse ,with timings inverted: 30 is at 0 V, followed by 2 is at 0.3 V. In video
  31. Horizontal sync pulse varies. In the 525-line NTSC system it is a 4.85 along, pulse ,at 0 V. In the 625-line PAL system the pulse is 4.7 is synchronization pulse at
  32. NTSC system it is a 4.85 along pulse at 0 V. In the 625-line PAL system the, pulse ,is 4.7 is synchronization pulse at 0 V. This is lower than the amplitude of any
  33. Push on the aortic semilunar valve. With age, the aorta stiffens such that the, pulse ,wave is propagated faster and reflected waves return to the heart faster before
  34. The front porch between the end of displayed video and the start of the sync, pulse , and the back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and
  35. Of a scan; no picture information is transmitted during vertical retrace. The, pulse ,sequence is designed to allow horizontal sync to continue during vertical
  36. Sync or V-SYNC) separates the video fields. In PAL and NTSC, the vertical sync, pulse ,occurs within the vertical blanking interval. The vertical sync pulse s are made
  37. Also used, wherein the velocity is inferred by the time length of a repeating, pulse ,of current that brings the wire up to a specified resistance and then stops
  38. Each beam direction switching circuit is reset by the appropriate sync timing, pulse , These waveforms are fed to the horizontal and vertical scan coils wrapped
  39. Pulse at 0 V. In the 625-line PAL system the pulse is 4.7 is synchronization, pulse ,at 0 V. This is lower than the amplitude of any video signal (blacker than
  40. Have since successfully made a group of condensate atoms recoil from a" light, pulse ," such that they recorded the light's phase and amplitude, which was recovered
  41. Pulse wave velocity are an independent indicator of hypertension. Measuring the, pulse ,wave velocity (invasively and non-invasively) is a means of determining
  42. Video and the start of the sync pulse , and the back porch after the sync, pulse ,and before displayed video. These and the sync pulse itself are called the
  43. SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal sync signal is a single short, pulse ,which indicates the start of every line. The rest of the scan line follows
  44. Odd lines,4 to start scanning even lines) Each pre- or post- equalizing, pulse ,consists in half a scan line of black signal: 2 is at 0 V, followed by 30 is at
  45. Devices, a bit is usually represented by an electrical voltage or current, pulse , or by the electrical state of a flip-flop circuit. For devices using positive
  46. Windings on the fly back transformer then feeds this brief high voltage, pulse ,to a Cock croft design voltage multiplier. This produces the required EAT supply
  47. A modern acupuncture session, an initial consultation is followed by taking the, pulse ,on both arms, and an inspection of the tongue; it is believed that this gives
  48. Usually palpated with the index, middle and ring fingers). Tongue and, pulse ,Examination of the tongue and the pulse are among the principal diagnostic
  49. Back porch after the sync pulse and before displayed video. These and the sync, pulse ,itself are called the horizontal blanking (or retrace) interval and represent
  50. Science of the pulse ". This book contains nine chapters on the science of the, pulse ,and is condensed synopsis. Persian Poetry from In Sing is

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