Examples of the the word, optimize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( optimize ), is the 4973 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organizational psychology (I–O) applies psychological concepts and methods to, optimize ,human potential in the workplace. Personnel psychology, a subfield of I–O
  2. While the USAF had passed on the Phoenix and their own similar AIM-47/YF-12 to, optimize ,dogfight performance, they still desired the Navy's multiple launch fire and
  3. Known as compound microscopes have many lenses in them (typically four) to, optimize ,the functionality and enhance image stability. The first telescopes, called
  4. Aboard the International Space Station. Modafinil is" available to crew to, optimize ,performance while fatigued" and helps with the disruptions in circadian
  5. Some benchmarks are that their data files are known, so some program writers may, optimize ,their programs for best performance on a particular data set. The winners on
  6. Use variables representable in eight or fewer bits, and processor designers, optimize ,for this common usage. The popularity of major commercial computing
  7. Computationally intensive and much of the design of operating systems is to, optimize ,the use of context switches. A context switch can mean a register context
  8. Files are linked, the compiler is executed again and uses the helper files to, optimize ,code across the separately compiled object files. * Plugins can extend the GCC
  9. Future applications would most likely maintain this instruction focus. So, to, optimize , the chip's performance for what they believed to be the most likely
  10. Treatment to incorporate cognitive aspects. Arnold Lazarus, desiring to, optimize ,therapy's effectiveness and effect durable treatment, cognitive and behavioral
  11. With other education experts to study and refine educational techniques to, optimize ,learning among students, an emerging field called educational neuroscience.
  12. Nowadays, microcoding experience a revival, since it is possible to correct and, optimize ,the firmware (i.e. the microcode) of processing units sold, in order for
  13. Computers, microcontrollers used in embedded systems often seek to, optimize ,interrupt latency over instruction throughput. Issues include both reducing the
  14. Specific type of members, as in a vector of integers. Many implementations can, optimize ,array functions when the array used is type-specialized. Two type-specialized
  15. Calculates the square of the single-float x. " (declare (single-float x) (, optimize ,(speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 1) )) (the single-float (Anonymous
  16. Structure in MPC is only a means to achieve such a result, as it does not, optimize ,a true performance index of the closed-loop control system. Together with PID
  17. Aircraft, with time as the fourth dimension. These clearances allow ATC to, optimize ,the arrival of aircraft at major airports, which increases airport capacity
  18. Individual is a computer program. It is a machine learning technique used to, optimize ,a population of computer programs according to a fitness landscape determined
  19. Technology based wireless networking (CBN) The main goal of CBN is to, optimize ,the system performance of the flexible wireless network. ** Codebook design for
  20. And center fuselage) tanks and a fuel tank in the horizontal stabilizer, to, optimize , the aircraft's center of gravity during cruise flight. The fuel management
  21. Logic to produce the same data. This program is similar to those used to, optimize ,a programmable logic array. No known computer program can produce optimal logic
  22. Deep recursion, can be used as a benchmark of a compiler's ability to, optimize ,recursion. The first use of Ackermann's function in this way was by Angle
  23. To produce a faceted jewel where the specific angles between the facets would, optimize ,the diamond luster, that is dispersion of white light, whereas the number and
  24. And potential security exploits prevented. It will also be possible to, optimize ,the JVM by skipping unnecessary safety checks, if the application being run is
  25. Of the Compare (use of Transfers also allowed the FREQUENCY statement to, optimize ,Ifs, which could not be done using the Compare). Also, the Compare considered
  26. Effects provides for referential transparency, which makes it easier to verify, optimize , and parallelize programs, and easier to write automated tools to perform those
  27. Help plan future experiments. In engineering applications, the goal is often to, optimize ,a process or product, rather than to subject a scientific hypothesis to test of
  28. Perspective ”. And Paul and Bat. It posits that: # designers attempt to, optimize ,a design candidate for known constraints and objectives, # the design process
  29. Server, which incorporates sophisticated techniques to minimize CDR loops and, optimize ,the relative orientation of the light and heavy chains, as well as homology
  30. Pure functions have several useful properties, many of which can be used to, optimize ,the code: * If the result of a pure expression is not used, it can be removed
  31. To run DOS programs. This included an extensive set of configuration options to, optimize ,the performance and capabilities given to each DOS program. Any real mode
  32. Height at one-half the recommended turn-in height for rotational grazing to, optimize ,plant health. The growth habit of some forage species, such as alfalfa, does
  33. Access than ROMs could provide. User-programmable WCS allowed the user to, optimize ,the machine for specific purposes. Some CPU designs compile the instruction set
  34. The Scheme language standard requires implementations to recognize and, optimize ,tail recursion. Tail recursion optimization can be implemented by transforming
  35. Compilers, file compilers and block compilers. Standard declarations to, optimize ,compilation (such as function inclining or type specialization) are proposed
  36. Features. ) Some changes can be made to the compression without re-encoding: *, optimize ,the compression (to reduce size without change to the decoded image) *
  37. The racing setup or car setup is the set of adjustments made to the vehicle to, optimize ,its behavior (performance, handling,reliability, etc.). Adjustments can
  38. Minimize strict repulsion, the 90° torsion angle of the syn conformer would, optimize ,mixing between the filled p-type orbital of the oxygen (one of the lone pairs
  39. Site-Lighting Performance (DSP),which allows users to quantify, and thus, optimize , the performance of existing and planned lighting designs and applications to
  40. On a per-module or per-function basis which type safety level is wanted, using, optimize , declarations. Common Lisp includes CLOSE, an object system that supports
  41. Will be the rules for the game of government, and that will be most likely to, optimize ,a balance of the utilities of justice, liberty,and security. An example is the
  42. Pet projects. When Speer sought the appointment of Hank as a labor czar to, optimize ,the use of German labor, Hitler,under the influence of Martin Bormann, instead
  43. Between 360 °C (680 °F) and 750 °C (1,380 °F). These temperatures, optimize ,the production of coal tars richer in lighter hydrocarbons than normal coal tar
  44. Industry characterized by factors such as; the need to converge and, optimize ,the operating networks and the extraordinary expansion of digital traffic (i.
  45. Important impact on the selectivity of the distillation and allows a chemist to, optimize ,a process such that fewer extremes of pressure and temperature are required and
  46. Mixture, as well as how catalysts and reaction conditions can be engineered to, optimize ,the reaction rate. The fact that how fast reactions occur can often be
  47. For RISC architectures, such as SPARC or POWER, as well as x86 and x86-64, optimize , Instruction scheduling to exploit the CPU pipeline efficiently. Number of
  48. If assembly language is being used - otherwise, the compiler will generally, optimize ,the above code. Since each computation is dependent on another in these
  49. As an individual and as a member of various groups, and seeking to somehow, optimize ,among all of these interests. For example, it may be meaningful to speak of an
  50. Data look in the conceptual and external levels, but in ways that attempt to, optimize ,(the best possible) these levels' reconstruction when needed by users and

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