Examples of the the word, civic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( civic ), is the 4968 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Crisis in 2003 when years of economic decline, a diminishing tax-base, and, civic , mismanagement left the city deep in debt and teetering on the edge of
  2. Rights Movement marked a sea-change in American social, political,economic and, civic ,life. It brought with it boycotts, sit-ins,demonstrations, court battles
  3. Not to" lose sight of its own values, its historically unique stability of, civic ,life under the rule of law—a hard-won stability which grants independence and
  4. Way),and the Job Corps. Capp's studio provided special artwork for various, civic ,groups and non-profit organizations as well. Dog patch characters were used in
  5. Washington, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, which required men to put, civic ,duty ahead of their personal desires. Men had a civic duty to be prepared and
  6. The Puritan virtues and political values he had grown up with, and through his, civic ,work and publishing, he succeeded in passing these values into the American
  7. Is Downtown Berkeley, the city's traditional commercial core; home of the, civic ,center, the city's only public high school, the busiest BART station in
  8. Recognises pro-British members of assimilated minorities as British in a, civic ,sense, and welcomes their contribution to our fight for fair play for, and the
  9. Republicanism in terms of rejecting monarchy and aristocracy, while emphasizing, civic ,virtue on the part of the citizens. Role of women contributed to the
  10. Archons. A chorus could regard his personal expenditure on the Chorus as a, civic ,duty and a public honor, but Aristophanes showed in The Knights that wealthy
  11. Prompted worldwide media coverage and intense public debate; forged enduring, civic , economic and religious alliances; and disrupted and realigned the nation's
  12. Year, the Council elects one of their number as Mayor to serve as the town's, civic ,leader and to chair council meetings Situation and origin of the name Bodmin
  13. Regardless of whether they had actually been granted them by the Senate. The, civic ,crown, which later Emperors took to actually wearing, consular insignia, and
  14. Could pause or skip days with confused citizens inscribing dates by both the, civic ,calendar and ton the oi, by the moon. The lack of any universal calendar for
  15. And featuring six salaried actors, it is the newest as well as the smallest, civic ,theater in Germany. Besides regular plays, it also offers four theater clubs
  16. To be the most memorable of their career. Upon their arrival in Melbourne,a, civic ,reception was held at the Melbourne Town Hall and ABBA appeared on the balcony
  17. Day Committee. Berkeley is strongly identified with the rapid social changes, civic ,unrest, and political upheaval that characterized the late 1960s. In that
  18. Were finally abolished (having become increasingly irrelevant). However,the, civic ,traditions of many boroughs were continued by the grant of a charter to their
  19. By erecting road barriers in Cascade Heights, countering the efforts of, civic ,and business leaders to foster Atlanta as the" city too busy to hate. "
  20. Is celebrated every year on the last Friday in April; in Nebraska, it is a, civic ,holiday. Each state celebrates its own state holiday. The customary observance
  21. S engagement with politics or to other evangelicals who have tried to avoid, civic ,involvement, he answered," The gospel is for individuals. The main message we
  22. Favored buildings that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor and enhanced, civic ,pride. Between 1886 and 1917,Carnegie reformed both library philanthropy and
  23. Civil War: The Battle of Yorktown begins. *1874 – Birkenau Park, the first, civic ,public park, is opened in Birkenau. *1879 – Chile declares war on Bolivia and
  24. And the railway station are located. Grand Bayonne is the commercial and, civic ,hub, with small pedestrianized streets packed with shops, plus the cathedral
  25. Heritage Register or classified by the National Trust of Australia. Notable, civic ,buildings include the Town Hall (1870–72),the former Post Office (1864)
  26. But Aristophanes showed in The Knights that wealthy citizens could regard, civic ,responsibilities as punishment imposed on them by demagogues and populists like
  27. Between AD 600 and 700 that established new monumental standards for, civic ,architecture and greatly increased the resident population. " Tswana
  28. 1962–1972) (located adjacent to the Arch of Victory). Commercial and, civic ,buildings The legacy of the wealth generated during Ballarat's gold boom is
  29. In downtown Ankara, Turkey,109.7-meter (360 ft) tall * The dome enclosing a, civic ,center in Stockholm, Sweden,85.3-meter (280 ft) high. * The world's largest
  30. Comprises mutual exchanges of sports and cultural clubs, schools and other, civic ,institutions. On the occasion of the Reichsstädter Age, from 11 until 13
  31. Ballarat – Main Street and Bakery Hill has retained stands of commercial and, civic ,buildings of state and national heritage significance. The CBD area is bounded
  32. Is now a part of Canadian constitutional law, Tony O'Donahue, a Canadian, civic ,politician, took issue with the provisions that exclude Roman Catholics from
  33. Grew up in Ames * Charles W." Chuck" Durham, civil engineer; philanthropist;, civic ,leader; and former CEO and Chairman Emeritus of HDR, Inc.; raised in Ames *
  34. S age because of this requirement; the emperor is known to have altered the, civic ,records at Ajaccio concerning himself, and it is possible that he was born in
  35. Suit in setting up their own radio stations, and included: schools, clubs and, civic ,groups. When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularized, each
  36. Of the ancient city has survived into the present day. Much of the royal and, civic ,quarters sank beneath the harbor due to earthquake subsidence, and the rest has
  37. Grounds of a larger Italian villa or palazzo. Such buildings were used to host, civic ,town functions – including dancing, music listening and gambling. There are
  38. Of Ancestral Puebloan People. These population complexes hosted cultural and, civic ,events and infrastructure that supported a vast outlying region hundreds of
  39. Court and the Ulm Social Welfare Court are in charge of Allen. Allen had a, civic ,hospital, which resided in the Bürgerspital building until 1873,then in a
  40. Theorist, politician,postmaster, scientist,musician, inventor,satirist, civic ,activist, statesman,and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the
  41. 2006 to place its new credit-card division in Atlanta, and city, state and, civic ,leaders harbor long-term hopes of having the city serve as the home of the
  42. About homosexuality, and states that" Being a public gay is to my view a, civic ,responsibility. It's important to show that the width of the gay world cannot
  43. Two thirds of the recusant's goods, and went on to deprive him of almost every, civic ,right. The Catholic Encyclopaedia make the point that the oath and the
  44. Quickly set up congregations for themselves, as well as schools, community and, civic ,associations, to have space away from white control or oversight. While the
  45. Palacios the Alvarado; the presidential residence). Between the federal and, civic ,buildings on the Monumental Axis is the city's cathedral, considered by many
  46. Geodesic domes, which have been used as parts of military radar stations, civic ,buildings, environmental protest camps and exhibition attractions. An
  47. Sutter's Mill in 1848 which sparked the California Gold Rush. A movement for, civic ,engagement targeting universal access to health care in the US state of Oregon
  48. Survive only if the people were virtuous. All his life he explored the role of, civic ,and personal virtue, as expressed in Poor Richard's aphorisms. Franklin felt
  49. Of dogma and doctrine and his stress on the God of ethics and morality and, civic ,virtue, made him the“ prophet of tolerance. ” While he was living in London in
  50. Which required men to put civic duty ahead of their personal desires. Men had a, civic ,duty to be prepared and willing to fight for the rights and liberties of their

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