Examples of the the word, custody , in a Sentence Context

The word ( custody ), is the 4978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. British law requires diazepam (but not midazolam) to be stored in safe, custody , Safe custody requirements ensures that pharmacists and doctors holding stock
  2. Land in Brittany, then a semi-independent duchy, where they were taken into the, custody ,of Francis II, Duke of Brittany. Henry's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, was a
  3. Rape allegation In 1994,Charles and a friend were arrested and remanded in, custody ,for several months on a rape charge. In February 1995,both Charles and his
  4. Bin Laden's identity. The body was recovered by the US military and was in its, custody ,until, according to one US official, his body was buried at sea according to
  5. To use reasonable force to cause the officer to leave.; Assault on a prison, custody ,officer: This offense is created by section 90 (1) of the Criminal Justice
  6. Certain circumstances, more general laws, such as laws about assault or child, custody , may sometimes be interpreted as applying to situations involving circumcision.
  7. In Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Arrested in Pakistan in March 2002,he has been in US, custody ,for more than eight years, four-and-a-half of them spent incommunicado in
  8. Combatant" targeted by the government, who is not in the government's, custody , The target is a person taking part in an armed conflict or terrorism, whether
  9. Is, it will not make it appear inconsistent),thereby making secure" chain of, custody ," of ballots important. Arizona State University (ASU or Arizona State) is a
  10. Members of this group work- or safety certificates, adoption possibilities, custody ,or other social rights or privileges. The Swiss psychoanalyst Fritz
  11. Of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (c.53).; Assault on a secure training center, custody ,officer: This offense is created by section 13 (1) of the Criminal Justice
  12. Dan Heyday),also made appearances, mostly to torment Carla with a new, custody ,battle or legal scam that grew out of their divorce. Carla's eight children
  13. The children may travel easily between their parents' homes. They will share, custody ,of the two minor children. Schwarzenegger came under fire after the initial
  14. August 2004,before the Supreme Court had given its ruling, the father, who had, custody ,of the boy, had him circumcised. In October 2006 a judge in Chicago granted an
  15. Gay and lesbian families the right to legal equality, including adoption, child, custody , and joint property rights. As other states, including Vermont and
  16. Describes the practice of Flirty Fishing as follows: In his judgment of a child, custody ,court case in England in 1994,after extensive research of COG publications and
  17. Law requires diazepam (but not midazolam) to be stored in safe custody . Safe, custody ,requirements ensures that pharmacists and doctors holding stock of diazepam
  18. From her husband; could not own her own property, sue for divorce, or control, custody ,of her children. If she attempted to live apart from him, her husband had the
  19. Former Yugoslavia (ICT),and inability to take general Ante Motoring into, custody ,for questioning by the Court. Refugee returns accelerated since 1999,reached a
  20. Likewise been turbulent. After a 2003 oxycodone overdose, Love temporarily lost, custody ,of the 13-year-old,who went to live with Kurt Cobain's mother, Wendy O'Connor
  21. High ranking al-Qaeda members, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, who has been in, custody ,less time than Abu Zubaydah. In 2009,the U. S. Government recharged two of the
  22. Of the Fooleries Palace – Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken into, custody ,as his Swiss Guards are massacred by the Parisian mob. *1793 – The Muse Du
  23. Have promulgated court-ordered arbitration; family law (particularly child, custody ,) is the most prominent example. Judicial arbitration is often merely advisory
  24. Had been repeatedly used as pressure tactics against former partners in, custody ,cases, the Appeals Court of Hamm ruled in February 2006 that sexual
  25. Largely because no neutral port could be found, the ships remained in British, custody ,in Scala Flow, Scotland. The Treaty of Versailles specified that the ships
  26. Later a daughter, Hélene. They split in 1966 and never married. Christina kept, custody ,of the children as Andersson was then at the peak of his Hep Stars' success.
  27. It, but insisted it was alleged in court. The trial concluded with full, custody ,being awarded to Love's mother. Soon after, Carroll remarried, eventually
  28. For treason. The leader, Danilo Ilia, was hanged. The remaining assassins in, custody ,were not yet twenty years old at the time of the assassination and so were
  29. Neighboring countries, refused his cooperation. Subsequently, the British took, custody ,of Karl and removed him and his family to the Portuguese island of Madeira
  30. Saudi Arabian citizen, sentenced to death in Jordan and currently held in U. S., custody ,in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Arrested in Pakistan in March 2002,he has been in US
  31. Of Diego Lopes de Sequeira considering him unfit for governance, he was sent in, custody ,in an old ship to St. Angelo Fort in Bangalore. There he remained under what he
  32. His courtroom and killed during in an effort to free George Jackson from police, custody , *1974 – Philippe Petite performs a high wire act between the twin towers of the
  33. Claim the CIA was growing uncomfortable keeping Abu Zubaydah in indefinite, custody , Less than 18 months later Abu Zubaydah and the other high value detainees who
  34. St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, a reformatory and orphanage, and signed, custody ,over to the Catholic missionaries who ran the school (the site of St. Mary's
  35. Arab lands. The last Abbasid Caliph at Cairo, al-Mutawakkil III, was taken into, custody ,and was transported to Istanbul, where he surrendered the Caliphate to Selim I.
  36. The civil sanction for contempt (which is typically incarceration in the, custody ,of the sheriff or similar court officer) is limited in its imposition for so
  37. Surrendered to police in the nearby Carthage, Illinois,and while in state, custody , he and his brother Drum Smith, who was second in line to the church
  38. Ranch. Eventually 533 women and children will be removed and taken into state, custody , Births *1151 – Igor Svyatoslavich, Kievan Ru's' prince (d. 1202) *1529 –
  39. 2007,when the couple reached a global settlement and agreed to share joint, custody ,of their children. Spears's aunt Sandra Bridges Covington, with whom she had
  40. Without Parliamentary aid. In the Pacification of Berwick, Charles regained, custody ,of his Scottish fortresses, and secured the dissolution of the Covenants '
  41. Was like a bad kid running around with ADD. " Spears lost physical, custody ,of her children to Underline on October 1,2007. The reasons of the court
  42. Who went to live with Kurt Cobain's mother, Wendy O'Connor. Love regained, custody ,of Frances in January 2005. In December 2009,it was reported that Love had "
  43. Would be in his best interests to escape—perhaps abroad, to France, or to the, custody ,of Colonel Robert Hammond, Parliamentary Governor of the Isle of Wight. He
  44. At an emergency court hearing, and Underline was given sole physical and legal, custody ,of the children. On January 31, 2008,Spears was committed to the psychiatric
  45. Of a non-practicing Muslim father and non-practicing Christian mother with, custody , The reasoning included evidence that circumcision carried some medical risk;
  46. Abu Zubaydah and the other high value detainees who had been in secret CIA, custody ,were transferred to Guantánamo Bay. After his transfer the CIA denied access to
  47. In January 2005. In December 2009,it was reported that Love had" lost ", custody ,of Frances again, though her spokesperson Keith Fink told the media:" Courtney
  48. Of guards and Henry Stafford,2nd Duke of Buckingham, took Edward V into, custody ,and arrested several prominent members of the Woodpile family. After bringing
  49. The island received its own postage stamps after being put under Australian, custody , It had a large philatelic and postal independence, managed first by the
  50. Conservatorship and Circus On January 3,2008,Spears refused to relinquish, custody ,of her sons to Federline's representatives. She was hospitalized at

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