Examples of the the word, er , in a Sentence Context

The word ( er ), is the 4964 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A IAU SEM í him. GEF OSS í dag Braun port daylight: Ok for GEF u OSS syn, er ,oral, sem v er y for geom am h er vi OSS height Mist er : Land OSS age í phrasing
  2. Like first and second declension adjectives. Comparatives and sup er latives of –, er ,adjectives (in the third and first and second declensions) that
  3. Founded Frankish Duchy of Gastonia. The city was plund er ed by the troops of ABD, er ,Rahman in 732,aft er he had defeated Duke Eludes in the Battle of the Riv er
  4. With various suspension signs, not only p er iods. For example, sequences like ‹, er ,› w er e replaced with, as in for mast er and for exac er bate. While this may seem
  5. Enjoyed more success with two novels: O. T. (1836) and Only a Fiddl er . Leg, er ,en Standing Aft er a visit to Sweden in 1837,And er sen became inspired by
  6. Visit to the island of Funen that And er sen first wrote the text of his poem Leg, er ,en Standing (I am a Scandinavian). Ten years lat er , And er sen visited Britain
  7. Howev er , most third declension adjectives with one ending simply add an –, er ,to their bases. Adv er bs' comparative and sup er lative forms Adv er bs '
  8. Gend er s. Like third and second declension – r nouns, the masculine ends in an –, er , The feminine ends in an – RIS, and the neut er ends in an – re. With that
  9. Linda h er at Reba til inn er FIMU kenning, er or ættum er EF Lenora, er ,refit; en out at Finnish í fornskálda v er sa, á datum v er y at nu onto. “ The
  10. Jmp h er ; skipped if OK move 0,0; swap bytes. Systm. Pchar; print second JMP, er ,; skipped if OK is PMS; point to next charact er JMP do char; go around again
  11. Cath er ine Dy row DT'enemy.: Dy jig day relight.: DT'signed Dy row Jean, er ,y halloo, : MYR t'awns IAU.: Cur Lewin non array Jim as gag Leia, : as law
  12. Vowel followed by such a vocalized is not consid er ed a diphthong: Bar 'bear ', er ,'he ', wir 'we ', Tor 'gate ', kurz 'short ', Wört er 'words '. In most
  13. S Czech Republic) gen er ally named a be er aft er their town with the suffix ", er , " Be er s produced in the town of Wilson (today's Plan),for example, w er e
  14. Í dag Braun port daylight: Ok for GEF u OSS syn er oral, sem v er y for geom am, er ,vi OSS height Mist er : Land OSS age í phrasing, heldr Las v OSS FRA all ill.
  15. U-Z and the five word symbols form nine digraphs (ch, gh, sh,TH, wh, ed, er , of, and ow) and the lett er w. Lett er s and numb er s widths" 60px "
  16. Delivra was for ACLU idle.: For doing i IR Kongungdum, u pure, u glory. Amen.: Fa, er ,var BS ERT í Henrik, v er ði AFN ITT hæilagt: Til some like ITT,værði Vila
  17. For OSS Ike UT i phrasing, men feels OSS FRA DET Vonda.: For rivet, er ,diet, og Malta OG æra i all æve. Amen. Mod er n Norwegian (Bokmål): Fad er var
  18. Synda.: Law oakum Nikki í phrasing, men feels oakum FRA TI ill.: TI at Pitt, er ,rigid, valdið OG earn um ald er OG altar ævir.: Amen. A Shetland" quick "
  19. Edda):" SA er e inn star AR, er Keillor h er Álfheimr. Car bigg er folk at, er ,Ljósálfar data, en Dökkálfar BUA nitric í Jorge, ok er a are Oliv er am sum ok
  20. Lancashire's dialect and accent: The' lad stroke 'lass on 'jib a burst, er ,on TH' checks.; Mod er n Scots: The laddie straight the lassie about the chin an
  21. An acceptable license but cautions against more extreme constructions: Linda, er ,at Reba til inn er FIMU kenning, er or ættum er EF Lenora er refit; en
  22. Declension R nouns Some masculine nouns of the second declension end in an –, er ,or an – IR in the nominative singular. For such nouns, the genitive singular
  23. Vus, : lye us ye i mutation, / min deliv er us for OLT it. Amen.: Favor or, er ,i Chim er a. / Raleigh vary Nam it.: La Conundrum din comma. / Lav ill din V er a
  24. And it is Freja's hall" ) of the civil national anthem of Denmark, D er , er ,et indigo land, written by 19th century Danish poet Adam Gottlieb Oehlenschläg er
  25. Schwa),giving rise to a new class of falling diphthongs. Furth er more,the, er ,sound of fur or butt er , is realized in AME as a monophthongize r-colored vowel (
  26. OG age law ú OSS í phrasing,":" held fresh OSS FRA ill. ":" AVI a ITT, er ,rigid, mátturinn OG drain ": a alight. ": Amen. " Mod er n Norwegian (honors
  27. Am er icanized. " He chose s ov er c in words like defense, he changed the re to, er ,in words like cent er , and he dropped one of the Ls in travel er . At first, he
  28. Skip if nonz er o (don't load result) JMP done. Systm. Pchar; print first JMP, er ,; skipped if OK move 0,0; swap bytes. Systm. Pchar; print second JMP h er ; skipped
  29. Up now on track ... Rath er close to Peel Island ... Tramping like mad ..., er ,... Full pow er ... Tramping like hell h er e ... I can't see much and the wat er
  30. Trust (trust),window (vintage),wing (væ (i)NGC) * V er bs – are (, er , displacing OE" find" ) blend (Blanca),call (Karla),cast (pasta)
  31. S Tristan from 1210 in a catalog of Tristan's accomplishments:::: :ouch sang, er ,WOL he price::: :Shantung UND spathe wise, ::: :reflect UND stampede::::: (
  32. Elves are black er than pitch. " (Sorry, Gylfaginning 17,Prose Edda):" SA, er ,and star AR, er Keillor h er Álfheimr. Car bigg er folk at, er Ljósálfar data
  33. To next charact er JMP do char; go around again done:. Systm; normal exit. Rtn, er ,:. Systm; er ror exit. Ertn halt PMS:. +1; point er to first charact er of string;
  34. Then pitch. " (Sorry, Gylfaginning 17,Prose Edda):" SA er e inn star AR, er ,Keillor h er Álfheimr. Car bigg er folk at, er Ljósálfar data, en Dökkálfar BUA
  35. More extreme constructions: Linda h er at Reba til inn er FIMU kenning, er ,or ættum er EF Lenora er refit; en out at Finnish í fornskálda v er sa, á datum
  36. Og Malta OG æra i all æve. Amen. Mod er n Norwegian (Bokmål): Fad er var, du some, er ,i Himml er !: La diet Navy være helping.: La diet like Somme.: La din vile Skye:
  37. Burg). In spoken G er man, howev er ,it is commonly vocalized aft er a vowel (, er ,being pronounced rath er like — Burg). In some varieties, the r is pronounced
  38. Second declensions) that have masculine nominative singular forms ending in –, er ,have diff er ent forms. If the feminine and neut er forms drop the E, use that for
  39. Cath er ine Dy you DT'enemy;: Di jig day Deadweight;: DT'signed Dy you Jean, er ,y Tallied: MYR t'awns IAU;: Cur Lewin non Array Jim as gag Leia;: As law Lewin
  40. Synd er e.: Led OSS Ike inn i bristles, men feels OSS Frey DET one.: For rivet, er ,diet, og marten OG æren i eight. Amen. Fa er oese: Fair var, tú sum ERT í
  41. Sorry, Gylfaginning 17,Prose Edda):" SA er e inn star AR, er Keillor, er ,Álfheimr. Car bigg er folk at, er Ljósálfar data, en Dökkálfar BUA nitric í
  42. Dýrðin ": a alight. ": Amen. " Mod er n Norwegian (honors): Fad er var, du some, er ,i Himml er !: Lat name diet Belfast.: Lat rivet diet coma.: Lat Eileen din
  43. Ging ICH einkaufen. —" On Friday I went shopping. "; Lines Takes create, er ,English AUF. —" One day he finally showed up. ") This convention is almost
  44. p. xxxiv). The t er m is c er tainly applied to non-metaphorical phrases in: At, er ,kenning at Karla flank arrest ...“ It is a kenning to call battle ‘
  45. The Medit er ranean Sea, An UQAT all Hams District * East er n-most point – Maria, er ,Rama at the point wh er e the bord er with Egypt ent er s the Medit er ranean Sea, Al
  46. In which it is spoken. Additionally, ambiguous endings exist, such as ..., er ,(- er ),e.g. Hair (feminine),Eng. Celebration, party,Arbit er (
  47. Constructions: Linda h er at Reba til inn er FIMU kenning, er or ættum, er ,EF Lenora er refit; en out at Finnish í fornskálda v er sa, á datum v er y at nu
  48. Some first and second declension adjectives' masculine form end in an –, er , As with second declension nouns – r nouns, some adjectives retain the e
  49. Arbeitsplatz plant, mit fragil er Freud AUF an Mail, das seine Frau him, wie, er ,coffee, b er eits aufgetischt hate, endlich EU House an. A lit er al translation
  50. Bare affixes or roots: EK! (get going! ), from the effective prefix; um (um, er ,), from the indefinite/undefined suffix; few! (shit! ), from FEI (to

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